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REnhanced_Extras Modpack

Some extra mods that didn't make the cut into my vanilla-friendly QoL modpack.

Better explanation

For the most part this modpack follows mostly the same guidelines as my main modpack, just less strictly:

  • Overall vanilla flavored experience with some sprinkles :)
  • Must maintain vanilla compatibility both when hosting and as a client
  • Balance changes should be avoided or at most, imperceptible*
  • Performance over resource usage
  • No deprecated mods!
  • Nothing should be too jarring to anyone coming from the unmodded base game
  • Nothing "chocolate", nothing should feel modded. It should be conceivable that all of the mods could be added to the base game.

Basically, mods that borderline fit those requirements but teeter closer to not.

What's inlcuded

These are all mods mention in the main modpack's README because they didn't quite make it into that modpack for one reason or another.

A cheating mod menu that can serve as a helpful utility and is very useful for testing, but also by nature is a cheat which can be frowned upon by some (to each their own I suppose).

While I do use this in my day-to-day and subjectively in my opinion it makes item distribution more fair, it does objectively affect balance in a meaningful way (4 reds on your team instead of 1 on Stage 4 can be pretty impactful).

Plays the song Caramelldansen and adds rainbow post processing effects during teleporter events. The only utility it has is indirectly reminding you to stay inside the teleporter circle by muffling the music when you're outside of it. Also volume preferences will differ from setup to setup and it needs to be adjusted in the config which is a bit obtrusive.

Even though you could argue being able to visually see how many items each player has does serve a purpose, if we're being realistic this mod is much more "for fun" and not really a utility.

Prevents 3D printers, shrines, etc. from being locked when the teleporter event starts. Originally I saw this as a quality of life improvement. However since there's zero drawback, it really just means you can accomplish more within the same time period, which very obviously does affect balance.

Spawns a portal once mythrix has been defeated, allowing you to leave Commencement and continue your run. This again is something I saw as a QoL improvement at first, but thinking about it now, it lets you access all of the interactables Commencement has to offer.

Known Issues

None currently, if you run into anything please contact me on Discord either by DMs (Fin#1337) or by @mentioning me in the Risk Of Rain 2 Modding Discord server. Alternatively you can open an Issue on GitHub but you'll definitely get a slower response.


  • * Balance tweaks that do exist should be imperceptible without a direct 1:1 comparison (you'd fail a blind test) Nothing should have a substantial effect on game balance, but this companion modpack might slightly effect balance, likely more in your favor than not.

psst, if you read this far you should like the modpack on Thunderstore, it really would mean a lot to me ♥