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Laravel client for laravel client for crypto-payment gateway API

MIT License laravel client

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>>> PHP Client <<<

Tested on php 8.0, 8.1, 8.2. Should be also good with php 8.3. Tested on laravel 9, 10.

Use composer2 for package installation.


1. Add next env variables to your .env file

#set true if you are using Laravel Backpack

2. Install the client

composer req fintreen/laravel-client

3. Publish config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

4. Migrate

php artisan migrate

Laravel BackPack + Settings integration

If you are using Laravel BackPack and Settings add-on you can use FINTREEN_USE_BAKCPACK=true at your .env. It will add fintreen_token and fintreen_email setting from the FINTREEN_TOKEN and FINTREEN_EMAIL to database, and default client initialization (without params) will use them. But if no setting were found (db records are empty) even if you are using FINTREEN_USE_BAKCPACK flag, it will fallback to configuration values from .env. Otherwise you can use own params on initClient method.


0. General usage

You can use all methods from php-client with getClient() method. Example:

$fintreen = new FintreenModel();
$this->data['fintreenCurrencies'] = $fintreen->getClient()->getCurrenciesList();
$this->data['statusesList'] = $fintreen->getClient()->getOrderStatusList();
$this->data['calculation'] = $fintreen->getClient()->calculate($amount, $cryptoCodes);


$fintreen->getClient()->createTransaction($amount, $cryptoCode)

/* you can also use:
checkTransaction(), getTransactionsList() and sendRequest() methods, just like in the php client with getClient() method. 

/* Alternatively you can use createTransaction and getCurrenciesList without getClient*/

$fintreen->getCurrenciesList(); // This has cache wrapper with TTL of 10 minutes by default
// but you can use raw no cache method via client  $fintreen->getClient()->getCurrenciesList();

[$linkToRedirect, $createdTransaction] = $fintreen->createTransaction($amount, $cryptoCode);

1. Client initialization

As far as this is just a laravel wrapper, you can initialize the client with no params. This will load config from config/fintreen.php file which should be published (installation point 3) which takes env variables.

Bit still you can init client with own params.

$fintreen = new FintreenModel();
$fintreen->initClient($token, $email, $isTest);

2. Calculation

You can use existing route to calculate with {{route('fintreen.calculate')}} which goes to /fintreen/calculate by default. The POST params you need to set are currency (CryptoCode) and amount (Fiat in EUR).

Exaple of using this with jQuery

$request = $.ajax({
    url: "{{route('fintreen.calculate')}}",
    method: 'POST',
    data: {
        amount: amount,
        currency: currency,
    beforeSend: function() {
    success: function(response) {
        // Handle success response
        if(response.status === 1) {
            $('#approx-to-pay').css('color', 'green').html(response.message);
        } else {
            $('#approx-to-pay').css('color', 'red').html(response.message);
    error: function(error) {
        // Handle error response
        $('#request-response').css('color', 'red').text('Error calculation!');

But for sure its better to use custom route. Take a look on calculateAction in ./vendor/fintreen/laravel-client/src/app/Http/Controllers/FintreenController.php

use Fintreen\Laravel\app\Models\Fintreen\FintreenModel;


$fintreen = new FintreenModel();
$calcData = $fintreen->getClient()->calculate($amount, $cryptoCodes);

Note that in custom variant you can set parameters for initClient and use comma-separated crypto codes calculate method.

3. Create transaction

[$linkToRedirect, $createdTransaction] = $fintreen->createTransaction($amount, $cryptoCode);
return redirect($linkToRedirect); // Redirect user to gateway link

Example with validation in real project:

use Fintreen\Laravel\app\Exceptions\FintreenApiException;
use Fintreen\Laravel\app\Models\Fintreen\FintreenModel;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

// .........

$fintreen = new FintreenModel();
$this->data['fintreenCurrencies'] = $fintreen->getCurrenciesList();

if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
    $error = false;
    $token = $request->post('g-recaptcha-response');
    $cryptoCode = $request->post('crypto-code');
    $amount = (float)$request->post('amount');
    $captchaValidaion = $this->validateRecaptcha($token, 'submit');
    if (!$captchaValidaion) {
        $error = true;
        $this->data['validationErrors'][] = 'Google recaaptcha check failed';
    if (!$amount) {
        $error = true;
        $this->data['validationErrors'][] = 'Minimum amount is ' . FintreenModel::MIN_EURO_AMOUNT_DEFAULT;
    if (isset($this->data['fintreenCurrencies']['crypto'])) {
        $exists = false;
        foreach ($this->data['fintreenCurrencies']['crypto'] as $fintreenCryptoCurrency) {
            if ($fintreenCryptoCurrency['code'] == $cryptoCode) {
                if ( $fintreenCryptoCurrency['min_eur_api'] > $amount) {
                    $error = true;
                    $this->data['validationErrors'][] = 'Minimum amount is ' . $fintreenCryptoCurrency['min_eur_api'];
                $exists = true;

        if (!$exists) {
            $error = true;
            $this->data['validationErrors'][] = 'Crypto code validation error';
    } else {
        $error = true;
        $this->data['validationErrors'][] = 'Crypto code validation error';

    if ($error === false) {
        try {
            [$linkToRedirect, $createdTransaction] = $fintreen->createTransaction($amount, $cryptoCode);
            return redirect($linkToRedirect);
        } catch (FintreenApiException $e) {
            Log::channel('fintreen_deposit')->debug($e->getMessage(), ['context' => $e]);
            $this->data['validationErrors'][] = 'Something went wrong';
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            Log::channel('fintreen_deposit')->debug($e->getMessage(), ['context' => $e]);
            $this->data['validationErrors'][] = 'Something went wrong';

4. Transaction list and check

4.1 Transactions list

List transactions are just like with php client.

The params to filter can be found here

use Fintreen\Laravel\app\Models\Fintreen\FintreenModel;

$fintreenModel = new FintreenModel();

$filters = [];
$fintreenModel->getClient()->getTransactionsList($filters); // returns array

// Or use raw 
$fintreenModel->getClient()->sendRequest('transactions', 'GET', $filters); // returns json string

4.2 Transaction check

To check if transactions are paid you can use console command fintreen:transactions:check

fintreen:transactions:check {$localId?} {--limit=}

It run the check mehod on FintreenModel.

Also you can call this method from instance with callback.

use Fintreen\Laravel\app\Models\Fintreen\FintreenModel;


$fintreenModel = new FintreenModel();

$modelItem = $fintreenModel->find(1); // Use local id here
$modelItem->initClient(); // 

// ! Or use callable 

// Callback usage in the application
$modelItem->check(function ($successfullTransaction) {
    // Code to deposit amount to user balance

!! Note, that callback fires only if transaction is successful.

5. How to handle transaction paid event (deposit balance in your app if transaction is successful)

This is most dangerous one. Please be careful and avoid double checking and depositing balances.

The check method on FintreenModel can get callback. In case that transaction is paid it will:

  1. update status in table
  2. then dispatch event FintreenTransactionIsSuccess
  3. if callback is set it will fire the callback.

There are 2 ways - use custom check with callable as described above and events subscribtion.

Callback method:

$fintreenModel->check(function ($successfullTransaction) use ($someData) {
    // Code to deposit amount to user balance

!! Note, that callback fires only if transaction is successful.

Event method:

When transaction is successful FintreenTransactionIsSuccess event is triggered.

use Fintreen\Laravel\app\Events\FintreenTransactionIsSuccess;

Event::listen(FintreenTransactionIsSuccess::class, function ($event) {
    // Handle the event, e.g., update user balance

To create it read

php artisan make:listener FintreenTransactionIsSuccessListener

Example of listiner


namespace App\Listeners;

use Fintreen\Laravel\app\Events\FintreenTransactionIsSuccess;

class FintreenTransactionIsSuccessListener

     * Create the event listener.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Handle the event.
     * @param  object  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(FintreenTransactionIsSuccess $event)
        $a = 1;

Dont forget to register it at your App\Providers\EventServiceProvider

FintreenTransactionIsSuccess::class => [

!! Note, that event dispatches only if transaction is successful.

6. Using webhook

6.1 Using exsting webhook

You can set existing webhook to retrive data when transaction is checked. By default it uses /fintreen/webhook but you still need to set it on your settings in at Update webhook section AND ignore CSFR in this POST request the middleware. To do that please edit your VerifyCsrfToken at App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken

    protected $except = [

If you are using existing webhook, by default it will run check method on FintreenModel to handle transaction there. This method will mark transaction as successful and dispatch FintreenTransactionIsSuccess event.

6.2 Using custom webhook

Example how to retrieve data by custom webhook.

  1. create route
  2. check its working with POST request without Csrf
  3. set it in your account settings at Update webhook section
  4. get the data

In your routes/web.php

Route::post('/your/fintreen/webhook/path', [YourController::class,'yourWebHookAction' ])

6.3 Webhook format

Format is json:


To retrieve webhook data to check transaction you can use:

$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
$dataSent = json_decode($input);

/// OR
$transacitonId = $request->post('transaction_id');

7. Good practices and Exception handling

It would be good to use own logging channel for this library. Add to config/logging.php new channel

'fintreen_deposit' => [
    'driver' => 'single',
    'path' => storage_path('logs/fintreen_deposit.log'),
    'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),

There are two types of exception for now

FintreenClientException - when client is not properly initialized

FintreenApiException - when request fails


Laravel client for API crypto-payment gateway







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