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⚠️ Important ⚠️ This repository is not actively maintained so feel free to fork it and improve it. I've not been using Firebase for years - so I'm not motivated to continue maintaining libraries around it.

Firebase Toolbelt

Display Firebase dynamic paginated lists in your React applications

Implementing paginated lists when dealing with dynamic content using Firebase can be troublesome. This simple HOC will make dealing with this a breeze for most cases. You can choose to order the list by priority, value or child. The only required setup is that the value used for ordering the list must be a number.

Table of Contents


Getting Started

Composing with connect or other HOCs


Required Data Structure

Next Steps

Getting started

First of all, install the package dependency from npm.

yarn add firebase-react-paginated

You can then create your component using any of our props.

// ./components/MyComponent

import React from 'react'
import MyListItem from './MyListItem';

const MyComponent = ({
}) => (

    {(isLoading) ? (
      <p>loading list page…</p>
     ) : (
        { => (
          <li key={}>
            <MyListItem itemId={} />
    <button disabled={!hasPrevPage} onClick={onPrevPage}>
      show previous page
    <button disabled={!hasNextPage} onClick={onNextPage}>
      show next page


export default MyComponent;

Then create your container using withFirebasePagination.

// ./containers/MyComponent

import React from 'react'
import firebase from 'firebase';
import withFirebasePagination from 'firebase-react-paginated';
import MyComponent from '../components/MyComponent';

firebase.config(/* your firebase config */);

export default withFirebasePagination(firebase)({
  path: 'listItems',
  orderBy: '.value',
  length: 20

Composing with connect or other HOCs

You can compose your component as you would with connect or any other HOC from recompose for instance.

import { compose } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { withFirebasePagination } from 'firebase-react-paginated';
import { fetchItem } from './redux/actions';


export default compose(
  connect(null, { fetchItem }),
    path: 'list',
    onNewItem: ({ fetchItem }) => (itemId) => fetchItem(itemId)



*firebase - must be a valid firebase object or a valid firebase reference.

*options - an object as specified below

*WrappedComponent - the component that will receive the list props


prop value description
path string the path to your firebase list. e.g. list. required
length number the number of items per page. defaults to 10.
orderBy string the prop that will be used for ordering the list. must hold numbered values. defaults to .value. e.g. .value or .priority or propName
onNewItem function a function that is called whenever a new item is added to the list (only once per item id). e.g. (props) => (item) => {...}
onNewPage function a function that is called whenever a new page is rendered (even when calling 'the same page' twice as pages may have changed). e.g. (props) => (pageItems) => {...}

Passed Props

prop value description
isLoading boolean is true when a new page is loading.
hasNextPage boolean is true when the next page has items.
hasPrevPage boolean is true when the previous page has items.
onNextPage function will render the next page when called. takes no arguments.
onPrevPage function will render the previous page when called. takes no arguments.

Next Steps

  • create tests using jest