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Releases: firebase/firebase-admin-go

Firebase Admin Go SDK v3.5.0

04 Dec 21:22
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  • Dropped support for Go 1.8 and earlier.

Cloud Messaging

  • messaging.AndroidNotification type now supports specifying a channel_id when sending messages to Android O devices. Thanks chemidy for the contribution.
  • messaging.ApsAlert type now supports specifying a subtitle. Thanks chemidy for the contribution.
  • messaging.WebpushNotification type now supports specifying additional FCM options. Thanks chemidy for the contribution.
  • Improved error handling by requesting a more verbose error response from the FCM backend service.

Realtime Database

  • Fixed how the SDK handles special characters in node names.

Firebase Admin Go SDK v3.4.0

14 Sep 17:29
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Firebase Database

  • firebase.App provides a new DatabaseWithURL() function that can be used to initialize clients that connect to different database instances in the same Firebase project.

Firebase Admin Go SDK v3.3.0

09 Aug 20:05
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  • Fixed a regression introduced in the 3.2.0 release, where VerifyIDToken() cannot be used in Google App Engine.

Cloud Messaging

Firebase Admin Go SDK v3.2.0

17 Jul 20:32
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  • The Admin SDK can now read the Firebase/Google Cloud Platform project ID from both GCLOUD_PROJECT and GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variables.


  • The Admin SDK can now create custom tokens without being initialized with service account credentials.
  • The SDK now provides a ServiceAccountId
    option specifier, which can be used to set just the client email of a service account.
  • When deployed in an environment managed by Google (e.g. Google App Engine), the SDK can auto discover a service account ID without any explicit configuration.
  • The Admin SDK now uses a regular unauthorized HTTP client to fetch public keys when verifying ID tokens. Developers who use VerifyIDToken() function are highly recommended to upgrade to this version, so this change will take effect. The underlying Google API that issues public keys will soon stop responding to authorized HTTP requests.

Firebase Admin Go SDK v3.1.0

12 Jun 21:51
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  • The iid package now provides a set of new functions for checking various error conditions such as iid.IsInvalidArgument(), iid.IsNotFound(), etc.


  • A new ImportUsers() function for importing users to Firebase Auth in bulk.
  • UpdateUser() and DeleteUser() functions now correctly return a UserNotFound error when called with a non-existing user ID.

Firebase Admin Go SDK v3.0.0

08 May 17:29
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  • CustomToken(), CustomTokenWithClaims() and VerifyIDToken()
    functions now take a Context as the first argument.

Firebase Admin Go SDK v2.7.0

17 Apr 20:37
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  • The auth and messaging packages now provide a set of new functions for checking various error conditions (e.g. auth.IsIDTokenRevoked(), messaging.IsInvalidArgument() etc).

Cloud Messaging

  • Added the MutableContent field to the messaging.Aps type. This can be used to set the mutable-content property when sending FCM messages to APNs targets.
  • Added support for specifying arbitrary key-value fields in the Aps type.
  • Improved error handling in the messaging API. The returned errors now contain additional details.

Firebase Admin Go SDK v2.6.1

15 Mar 20:35
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Version support

  • [added] Added support for Go 1.6.



  • [changed] Improved the error message returned by GetUser(),
    GetUserByEmail() and GetUserByPhoneNumber() APIs in auth package.

Firebase Admin Go SDK v2.6.0

28 Feb 21:45
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  • A new db package that facilitates basic data manipulation operations (create, read, update and delete), conditional updates (transactions) and advanced queries. Currently, this API does not support realtime event listeners.
  • Updated all packages to import the standard context package available in golang1.7 and above.

Firebase Admin Go SDK v2.5.0

14 Feb 21:51
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Firebase Cloud Messaging

  • A new messaging package for sending messaging messages and managing topic subscriptions.
  • A new Send() function for sending messaging messages.
  • A new SubscribeToTopic() function for subscribing a list of device registration tokens to a messaging topic.
  • A new UnubscribeFromTopic() function for unsubscribing a list of device registration tokens from a messaging topic.

Firebase Auth