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Firestore: Optimize local cache sync when resuming a query that had d…
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milaGGL committed Jun 20, 2023
1 parent 671c879 commit 3f5972f
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Showing 84 changed files with 4,507 additions and 422 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Firestore/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
# Unreleased
- [feature] Implemented an optimization in the local cache synchronization logic
that reduces the number of billed document reads when documents were deleted
on the server while the client was not actively listening to the query
(e.g. while the client was offline). (#INSERT_PR_NUMBER_HERE)

# 10.11.0
- [feature] Expose MultiDb API for public preview. (#10465)
- [fixed] Fixed a compilation warning related to integer casting. (#11332)
Expand Down
410 changes: 407 additions & 3 deletions Firestore/Example/Firestore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

214 changes: 126 additions & 88 deletions Firestore/Example/Tests/Integration/API/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1192,7 +1192,10 @@ - (void)testOrderByEquality {
matchesResult:@[ @"doc6", @"doc3" ]];

- (void)testResumingAQueryShouldUseExistenceFilterToDetectDeletes {
- (void)testResumingAQueryShouldUseBloomFilterToAvoidFullRequery {
using firebase::firestore::testutil::CaptureExistenceFilterMismatches;
using firebase::firestore::util::TestingHooks;

// Set this test to stop when the first failure occurs because some test assertion failures make
// the rest of the test not applicable or will even crash.
[self setContinueAfterFailure:NO];
Expand All @@ -1204,100 +1207,135 @@ - (void)testResumingAQueryShouldUseExistenceFilterToDetectDeletes {
[testDocs setValue:@{@"key" : @42} forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"doc%@", @(1000 + i)]];

// Create 100 documents in a new collection.
FIRCollectionReference *collRef = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:testDocs];

// Run a query to populate the local cache with the 100 documents and a resume token.
FIRQuerySnapshot *querySnapshot1 = [self readDocumentSetForRef:collRef
XCTAssertEqual(querySnapshot1.count, 100, @"querySnapshot1.count has an unexpected value");
NSArray<FIRDocumentReference *> *createdDocuments =

// Delete 50 of the 100 documents. Do this in a transaction, rather than
// [FIRDocumentReference deleteDocument], to avoid affecting the local cache.
NSSet<NSString *> *deletedDocumentIds;
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *deletedDocumentIdsAccumulator = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"DeleteTransaction"];
runTransactionWithBlock:^id _Nullable(FIRTransaction *transaction, NSError **) {
for (decltype(createdDocuments.count) i = 0; i < createdDocuments.count; i += 2) {
FIRDocumentReference *documentToDelete = createdDocuments[i];
[transaction deleteDocument:documentToDelete];
[deletedDocumentIdsAccumulator addObject:documentToDelete.documentID];
return @"document deletion successful";
completion:^(id, NSError *) {
[expectation fulfill];
[self awaitExpectation:expectation];
deletedDocumentIds = [NSSet setWithArray:deletedDocumentIdsAccumulator];
XCTAssertEqual(deletedDocumentIds.count, 50u, @"deletedDocumentIds has the wrong size");

// Wait for 10 seconds, during which Watch will stop tracking the query and will send an existence
// filter rather than "delete" events when the query is resumed.
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:10.0f];

// Resume the query and save the resulting snapshot for verification.
// Use some internal testing hooks to "capture" the existence filter mismatches to verify them.
FIRQuerySnapshot *querySnapshot2;
existence_filter_mismatches =
firebase::firestore::testutil::CaptureExistenceFilterMismatches([&] {
querySnapshot2 = [self readDocumentSetForRef:collRef source:FIRFirestoreSourceDefault];

// Verify that the snapshot from the resumed query contains the expected documents; that is,
// that it contains the 50 documents that were _not_ deleted.
// TODO(b/270731363): Remove the "if" condition below once the Firestore Emulator is fixed to
// send an existence filter. At the time of writing, the Firestore emulator fails to send an
// existence filter, resulting in the client including the deleted documents in the snapshot
// of the resumed query.
if (!([FSTIntegrationTestCase isRunningAgainstEmulator] && querySnapshot2.count == 100)) {
NSSet<NSString *> *actualDocumentIds =
[NSSet setWithArray:FIRQuerySnapshotGetIDs(querySnapshot2)];
NSSet<NSString *> *expectedDocumentIds;
// Each iteration of the "while" loop below runs a single iteration of the test. The test will
// be run multiple times only if a bloom filter false positive occurs.
int attemptNumber = 0;
while (true) {

// Create 100 documents in a new collection.
FIRCollectionReference *collRef = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:testDocs];

// Run a query to populate the local cache with the 100 documents and a resume token.
FIRQuerySnapshot *querySnapshot1 = [self readDocumentSetForRef:collRef
XCTAssertEqual(querySnapshot1.count, 100, @"querySnapshot1.count has an unexpected value");
NSArray<FIRDocumentReference *> *createdDocuments =

// Delete 50 of the 100 documents. Do this in a transaction, rather than
// [FIRDocumentReference deleteDocument], to avoid affecting the local cache.
NSSet<NSString *> *deletedDocumentIds;
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *expectedDocumentIdsAccumulator = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (FIRDocumentReference *documentRef in createdDocuments) {
if (![deletedDocumentIds containsObject:documentRef.documentID]) {
[expectedDocumentIdsAccumulator addObject:documentRef.documentID];
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *deletedDocumentIdsAccumulator = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"DeleteTransaction"];
runTransactionWithBlock:^id _Nullable(FIRTransaction *transaction, NSError **) {
for (decltype(createdDocuments.count) i = 0; i < createdDocuments.count; i += 2) {
FIRDocumentReference *documentToDelete = createdDocuments[i];
[transaction deleteDocument:documentToDelete];
[deletedDocumentIdsAccumulator addObject:documentToDelete.documentID];
return @"document deletion successful";
completion:^(id, NSError *) {
[expectation fulfill];
[self awaitExpectation:expectation];
deletedDocumentIds = [NSSet setWithArray:deletedDocumentIdsAccumulator];
XCTAssertEqual(deletedDocumentIds.count, 50u, @"deletedDocumentIds has the wrong size");

// Wait for 10 seconds, during which Watch will stop tracking the query and will send an
// existence filter rather than "delete" events when the query is resumed.
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:10.0f];

// Resume the query and save the resulting snapshot for verification.
// Use some internal testing hooks to "capture" the existence filter mismatches to verify that
// Watch sent a bloom filter, and it was used to avert a full requery.
FIRQuerySnapshot *querySnapshot2;
std::vector<TestingHooks::ExistenceFilterMismatchInfo> existence_filter_mismatches =
CaptureExistenceFilterMismatches([&] {
querySnapshot2 = [self readDocumentSetForRef:collRef source:FIRFirestoreSourceDefault];

// Verify that the snapshot from the resumed query contains the expected documents; that is,
// that it contains the 50 documents that were _not_ deleted.
// TODO(b/270731363): Remove the "if" condition below once the Firestore Emulator is fixed to
// send an existence filter. At the time of writing, the Firestore emulator fails to send an
// existence filter, resulting in the client including the deleted documents in the snapshot
// of the resumed query.
if (!([FSTIntegrationTestCase isRunningAgainstEmulator] && querySnapshot2.count == 100)) {
NSSet<NSString *> *actualDocumentIds =
[NSSet setWithArray:FIRQuerySnapshotGetIDs(querySnapshot2)];
NSSet<NSString *> *expectedDocumentIds;
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *expectedDocumentIdsAccumulator = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (FIRDocumentReference *documentRef in createdDocuments) {
if (![deletedDocumentIds containsObject:documentRef.documentID]) {
[expectedDocumentIdsAccumulator addObject:documentRef.documentID];
expectedDocumentIds = [NSSet setWithArray:expectedDocumentIdsAccumulator];
if (![actualDocumentIds isEqualToSet:expectedDocumentIds]) {
NSArray<NSString *> *unexpectedDocumentIds =
SortedStringsNotIn(actualDocumentIds, expectedDocumentIds);
NSArray<NSString *> *missingDocumentIds =
SortedStringsNotIn(expectedDocumentIds, actualDocumentIds);
XCTFail(@"querySnapshot2 contained %lu documents (expected %lu): "
@"%lu unexpected and %lu missing; "
@"unexpected documents: %@; missing documents: %@",
(unsigned long)actualDocumentIds.count, (unsigned long)expectedDocumentIds.count,
(unsigned long)unexpectedDocumentIds.count, (unsigned long)missingDocumentIds.count,
[unexpectedDocumentIds componentsJoinedByString:@", "],
[missingDocumentIds componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
expectedDocumentIds = [NSSet setWithArray:expectedDocumentIdsAccumulator];
if (![actualDocumentIds isEqualToSet:expectedDocumentIds]) {
NSArray<NSString *> *unexpectedDocumentIds =
SortedStringsNotIn(actualDocumentIds, expectedDocumentIds);
NSArray<NSString *> *missingDocumentIds =
SortedStringsNotIn(expectedDocumentIds, actualDocumentIds);
XCTFail(@"querySnapshot2 contained %lu documents (expected %lu): "
@"%lu unexpected and %lu missing; "
@"unexpected documents: %@; missing documents: %@",
(unsigned long)actualDocumentIds.count, (unsigned long)expectedDocumentIds.count,
(unsigned long)unexpectedDocumentIds.count, (unsigned long)missingDocumentIds.count,
[unexpectedDocumentIds componentsJoinedByString:@", "],
[missingDocumentIds componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);

// Skip the verification of the existence filter mismatch when testing against the Firestore
// emulator because the Firestore emulator fails to to send an existence filter at all.
// TODO(b/270731363): Enable the verification of the existence filter mismatch once the
// Firestore emulator is fixed to send an existence filter.
if ([FSTIntegrationTestCase isRunningAgainstEmulator]) {

// Skip the verification of the existence filter mismatch when testing against the Firestore
// emulator because the Firestore emulator fails to to send an existence filter at all.
// TODO(b/270731363): Enable the verification of the existence filter mismatch once the Firestore
// emulator is fixed to send an existence filter.
if ([FSTIntegrationTestCase isRunningAgainstEmulator]) {
// Verify that Watch sent an existence filter with the correct counts when the query was
// resumed.
XCTAssertEqual(existence_filter_mismatches.size(), size_t{1},
@"Watch should have sent exactly 1 existence filter");
const TestingHooks::ExistenceFilterMismatchInfo &existenceFilterMismatchInfo =
XCTAssertEqual(existenceFilterMismatchInfo.local_cache_count, 100);
XCTAssertEqual(existenceFilterMismatchInfo.existence_filter_count, 50);

// Verify that Watch sent a valid bloom filter.
const absl::optional<TestingHooks::BloomFilterInfo> &bloom_filter =
"Watch should have included a bloom filter in the existence filter");
XCTAssertGreaterThan(bloom_filter->hash_count, 0);
XCTAssertGreaterThan(bloom_filter->bitmap_length, 0);
XCTAssertGreaterThan(bloom_filter->padding, 0);
XCTAssertLessThan(bloom_filter->padding, 8);

// Verify that the bloom filter was successfully used to avert a full requery. If a false
// positive occurred then retry the entire test. Although statistically rare, false positives
// are expected to happen occasionally. When a false positive _does_ happen, just retry the test
// with a different set of documents. If that retry _also_ experiences a false positive, then
// fail the test because that is so improbable that something must have gone wrong.
if (attemptNumber == 1 && !bloom_filter->applied) {

@"The bloom filter should have been successfully applied with attemptNumber=%@",

// Verify that Watch sent an existence filter with the correct counts when the query was resumed.
XCTAssertEqual(static_cast<int>(existence_filter_mismatches.size()), 1);
firebase::firestore::util::TestingHooks::ExistenceFilterMismatchInfo &info =
XCTAssertEqual(info.local_cache_count, 100);
XCTAssertEqual(info.existence_filter_count, 50);
// Break out of the test loop now that the test passes.

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Firestore/Example/Tests/SpecTests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,11 @@ void WatchQuery(const TargetData& query) override {
// Snapshot version is ignored on the wire
TargetData sentTargetData =
query.WithResumeToken(query.resume_token(), SnapshotVersion::None());

if (query.expected_count().has_value()) {
sentTargetData = sentTargetData.WithExpectedCount(query.expected_count().value());

active_targets_[query.target_id()] = sentTargetData;
Expand Down
61 changes: 56 additions & 5 deletions Firestore/Example/Tests/SpecTests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include "Firestore/core/src/model/types.h"
#include "Firestore/core/src/nanopb/message.h"
#include "Firestore/core/src/nanopb/nanopb_util.h"
#include "Firestore/core/src/remote/bloom_filter.h"
#include "Firestore/core/src/remote/existence_filter.h"
#include "Firestore/core/src/remote/serializer.h"
#include "Firestore/core/src/remote/watch_change.h"
Expand All @@ -71,6 +72,7 @@
#include "Firestore/core/src/util/to_string.h"
#include "Firestore/core/test/unit/testutil/testutil.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"

namespace objc = firebase::firestore::objc;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,6 +100,8 @@
using firebase::firestore::nanopb::ByteString;
using firebase::firestore::nanopb::MakeByteString;
using firebase::firestore::nanopb::Message;
using firebase::firestore::remote::BloomFilter;
using firebase::firestore::remote::BloomFilterParameters;
using firebase::firestore::remote::DocumentWatchChange;
using firebase::firestore::remote::ExistenceFilter;
using firebase::firestore::remote::ExistenceFilterWatchChange;
Expand All @@ -115,6 +119,7 @@
using firebase::firestore::util::MakeStringPtr;
using firebase::firestore::util::Path;
using firebase::firestore::util::Status;
using firebase::firestore::util::StatusOr;
using firebase::firestore::util::TimerId;
using firebase::firestore::util::ToString;
using firebase::firestore::util::WrapCompare;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,13 +332,36 @@ - (SnapshotVersion)parseVersion:(NSNumber *_Nullable)version {
return Version(version.longLongValue);

- (absl::optional<BloomFilterParameters>)parseBloomFilterParameter:
(NSDictionary *_Nullable)bloomFilterProto {
if (bloomFilterProto == nil) {
return absl::nullopt;
NSDictionary *bitsData = bloomFilterProto[@"bits"];

// Decode base64 string into uint8_t vector. If bitmap is not specified in proto, use default
// empty string.
NSString *bitmapEncoded = bitsData[@"bitmap"];
std::string bitmapDecoded;
absl::Base64Unescape([bitmapEncoded cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding], &bitmapDecoded);
ByteString bitmap(bitmapDecoded);

// If not specified in proto, default padding and hashCount to 0.
int32_t padding = [bitsData[@"padding"] intValue];
int32_t hashCount = [bloomFilterProto[@"hashCount"] intValue];
return BloomFilterParameters{std::move(bitmap), padding, hashCount};

- (QueryPurpose)parseQueryPurpose:(NSString *)value {
if ([value isEqualToString:@"TargetPurposeListen"]) {
return QueryPurpose::Listen;
if ([value isEqualToString:@"TargetPurposeExistenceFilterMismatch"]) {
return QueryPurpose::ExistenceFilterMismatch;
if ([value isEqualToString:@"TargetPurposeExistenceFilterMismatchBloom"]) {
return QueryPurpose::ExistenceFilterMismatchBloom;
if ([value isEqualToString:@"TargetPurposeLimboResolution"]) {
return QueryPurpose::LimboResolution;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,8 +512,11 @@ - (void)doWatchFilter:(NSDictionary *)watchFilter {
NSArray<NSNumber *> *targets = watchFilter[@"targetIds"];
HARD_ASSERT(targets.count == 1, "ExistenceFilters currently support exactly one target only.");

ExistenceFilter filter{static_cast<int>(keys.count)};
ExistenceFilterWatchChange change{filter, targets[0].intValue};
absl::optional<BloomFilterParameters> bloomFilterParameters =
[self parseBloomFilterParameter:watchFilter[@"bloomFilter"]];

ExistenceFilter filter{static_cast<int>(keys.count), std::move(bloomFilterParameters)};
ExistenceFilterWatchChange change{std::move(filter), targets[0].intValue};
[self.driver receiveWatchChange:change snapshotVersion:SnapshotVersion::None()];

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -702,8 +733,18 @@ - (void)validateEvent:(FSTQueryEvent *)actual matches:(NSDictionary *)expected {

XCTAssertEqual(actual.viewSnapshot.value().document_changes().size(), expectedChanges.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i != expectedChanges.size(); ++i) {
XCTAssertTrue((actual.viewSnapshot.value().document_changes()[i] == expectedChanges[i]));

auto comparator = [](const DocumentViewChange &lhs, const DocumentViewChange &rhs) {
return lhs.document()->key() < rhs.document()->key();

std::vector<DocumentViewChange> expectedChangesSorted = expectedChanges;
std::sort(expectedChangesSorted.begin(), expectedChangesSorted.end(), comparator);
std::vector<DocumentViewChange> actualChangesSorted =
std::sort(actualChangesSorted.begin(), actualChangesSorted.end(), comparator);
for (size_t i = 0; i != expectedChangesSorted.size(); ++i) {
XCTAssertTrue((actualChangesSorted[i] == expectedChangesSorted[i]));

BOOL expectedHasPendingWrites =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -806,6 +847,10 @@ - (void)validateExpectedState:(nullable NSDictionary *)expectedState {
target_data = target_data.WithResumeToken(
ByteString(), [self parseVersion:queryData[@"readTime"]]);

if ([queryData objectForKey:@"expectedCount"] != nil) {
target_data = target_data.WithExpectedCount([queryData[@"expectedCount"] intValue]);
expectedActiveTargets[targetID] = std::move(queries);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -924,7 +969,13 @@ - (void)validateActiveTargets {
XCTAssertEqual(actual.target_id(), targetData.target_id());
XCTAssertEqual(actual.snapshot_version(), targetData.snapshot_version());
XCTAssertEqual(actual.resume_token(), targetData.resume_token());

if (targetData.expected_count().has_value()) {
if (!actual.expected_count().has_value()) {
XCTFail(@"Actual target data doesn't have an expected_count.");
} else {
XCTAssertEqual(actual.expected_count().value(), targetData.expected_count().value());

Expand Down

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