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ML Kit Showcase App with Material Design

This app demonstrates how to build an end-to-end user experience with Google ML Kit APIs that aligns with the new Material for ML design guidelines.

The goal is to make it as easy as possible to integrate ML Kit into your app with an experience that has been user tested:

  • Visual search using the Object Detection & Tracking API - a complete workflow from object detection to product search using a live camera.


Steps to run the app

  1. Clone "showcase app" repo: git clone
  2. Go to the mlkit-material-ios/ShowcaseApp directory, which contains the Podfile, and install the pod dependencies by running the following command:pod install.
  3. Open the generated ShowcaseApp.xcworkspace file.
  4. If you haven't already, create a Firebase project in the Firebase console, if you don't already have one.
  5. Add a new iOS app into your Firebase project with a new bundle ID similar to com.myfirstshowcaseapp.
  6. Download the GoogleService-Info.plist from the newly added app and add it to the ShowcaseApp project in Xcode. Remember to check Copy items if needed and select Create folder references.
  7. Select the project in the left navigtion panel of Xcode and uncheck Automatically manage signing option in the General tab, and choose your own provisioning file.
  8. Build and run the app on a physical device (the simulator isn't recommended, as the app needs to use the camera on the device).

How to use the app

This app demonstrates live product search using the camera:

  • Open the app and point the camera at an object of interest. The app draws a bounding box around the object it detects.
  • By focusing on the object, the app triggers a product search to the server and displays the relevant results in the UI.

Note: the search data is mocked, since a real search backend has not been set up for this repository. However, it should be easy to configure your own search service (e.g. Product Search) by replacing the return values for APIKey, productSearchURL, and acceptType in Models/FIRProductSearchRequest.m.


© Google, 2019. Licensed under the Apache-2 license.