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Generic Collections


Package generic_collections provides generic versions of common collection types. You will find each collection in its own sub-package. The code is based on ideas from other go packages and .NET generic collections.

Collections are optionally thread-safe (see Thread Safety), and optionally use concurrency in some methods (see Concurrency).

Elements of any type may be stored in these collections. Most basic types are supported out the box, whilst custom types will require the developer to provide functions to support the implementation.

Supported Types

The following types are supported directly by this library without a requirement to provide custom functions for hashing (required for HashSet) and comparer (required for all collections).

  • Numeric types - all classes of integer and float.
  • Pointers - Out of the box, the pointers themselves (i.e. the memory address) are compared by value. If you want to compare/hash on what is being pointed to, then you must provide implementations for these operations.
  • string
  • bool
  • time.Time
  • Any type directly castable to one of the above, e.g. time.Duration which is in effect int64.

Anything else e.g. structs require implementation of these functions, or the collection will panic.

Collection Hierarchy

  • Collection
    • Lists
      • SList - A singly linked list
      • DList - A doubly linked list.
    • Stacks
      • Stack - A slice-backed LIFO stack.
    • Queues
      • Queue - A slice-backed FIFO queue.
      • RingBuffer - A slice-backed circular buffer
    • Sets
      • HashSet - An unordered collection of unique items. Implemented as a hash table.
      • OrderedSet - An ordered collection of unique items. Implemented as a red-black tree.

Thread Safety

You have the option of whether or not a collection supports thread safety by way of a constructor option. Thread safety is not enabled by default. Enabling thread safety engages a sync.RWMutex taking the appropriate lock for the type of operation. Some overhead is incurred if thread safety is enabled. . Use the WithThreadSafe() constructor option to enable. See Benchmarks.

stk := stack.New[int](WithThreadSafe[int]())


In a few places within the sub-packages, concurrency may be enabled to improve performance of some operations. Concurrency is not enabled by default. This is currently limited in scope and may be expanded in future versions. Use the WithConcurrent() constructor option to enable. See benchmarks to see where this applies.

Concurrency features only kick in on large collections (currently > 64K elements). For small collections, using concurrency would slow things down due to the overhead involved in managing goroutines.

stk := stack.New[int](WithConcurrent[int]())

Error Handling

Contrary to the more common pattern of returning an error interface as a second argument, I took the decision to panic in case of errors. Common errors include reading from an empty collection, and modifying an underlying collection while an iteration is in progress. If user code is well behaved, then you should be able to avoid these. All collections can be tested for being empty, and many have "Try" versions of methods that return an additional bool on some operations that would panic.


All collections are iterable via a common Iterator interface that yields Element[T] interface permitting interaction with the values stored in the collections. Collections may be iterated forwards (start to end), reverse (end to start), or forwards with a filter (TakeWhile()) It has the following interface:

type Iterator[T any] interface {
	Start() Element[T]
	Next() Element[T]

An iteration can be performed as follows

ll := slist.New[int]()
// add values, then...
iter := ll.Iterator()

for e := iter.Start() ; e != nil; e = iter.Next() {
    // do something with e.Value() or e.ValuePtr()

Collections must not be modified during iteration. Modification of the collection will cause iterators to panic on the next call to Start() or Next().


Iteration yields Element[T] permitting access to the value stored in the collection at that point. It has the following methods:

type Element[T any] interface {
	Value() T
	ValuePtr() *T

Note that attempting to modify an item in a collection that implements Set[T] via ValuePtr() will panic as changing a value breaks the implementation of a set.


Some function signatures are provided for you to create your own logic to support various collection operations


This function allows the developer to supply a custom compare function to a collection for a type that is not one of the supported types.

A compare function should return < 0 if a < b, 0 if a == b else > 0 and looks like this, e.g. for a collection typed on int

func myComparer(int a, int b) int {
    return a - b


For many of the Enumerable methods, a predicate function must be given as an argument. A value is selected when the predicate function returns true. For instance, to filter all even numbers from a collection of int it might look like this

func filterEvens(int value) bool {
    return value % 2 == 0


For collections that use a hash table to store values (currently only HashSet), a function to compute a hash value for types not supported by default (as per ComparerFunc) must be provided.

The hash algorithms for the supported types are exported as function variables by the hashset sub-package so can be used to construct hashes for struct types.


The default action if an instance of this function is not passed to the collection constructor is that when making copies of collection elements, they will be copied by value. If the element type is a pointer, or a struct containing pointers this may not be what you want.

Should you need to deep-copy elements, supply an implementation of this function to the collection's constructor.

The function should return a new instance of the type which is a deep copy of the instance passed as an argument.


Enumerable defines a set of methods for enumerating a collection in various ways. All collections are enumerable.

type Enumerable[T any] interface {
	Any(predicate PredicateFunc[T]) bool
	All(predicate PredicateFunc[T]) bool
    Find(predicate functions.PredicateFunc[T]) Element[T]
    FindAll(predicate functions.PredicateFunc[T]) []Element[T]
    Min() T
    Max() T
	Map(func(T) T) Collection[T]
	Select(PredicateFunc[T]) Collection[T]
    SelectDeep(functions.PredicateFunc[T]) Collection[T]


In the following tables, the data in the columns have the following meanings

  • Elements - Number of elements stored in collection.
  • Operation
    • Add/Push/Enqueue - Starting with an empty collection, add the given number of elements one at a time to what is logically the end of the collection. ns/op is the time to add all the elements.
    • Remove/Pop/Dequeue - Starting with a full collection, items are all removed one at a time. ns/op is the time to remove all the elements.
    • Sort - For collections that support sorting, take a collection collection containing the given number of elements. ns/op is the time to sort the collection.
    • Contains - Collection is filled with given number of elements. Source element slice is shuffled and the values it contains are looked up in the collection ns/op is the average time to lookup any single element in the collection.
    • Min, Max - Collection is filled with given number of elements. Min and Max are then taken b.N times.
  • TS (ThreadSafe)
    • ✔️ - Thread safety enabled. Lock is acquired/released on entry/exit of collection method under test.
    • ❌ - Thread safety not enabled.
    • Empty - Locking is negligible compared to total run time of the method so not benchmarked.
  • PS (Pre-sized)
    • ✔️ - Backing store initialized to given number of elements
    • ❌ - Backing store not pre-initialized meaning that it has to grow periodically.
    • Empty - Collection does not support a backing store that can be pre-sized.
  • CC (Concurrent)
    • ✔️ - Concurrent algorithm enabled.
    • ❌ - Concurrent algorithm not enabled.
    • Empty - No concurrency option on this algorithm.

Benchmarks are run on collections of int

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7800X

CPU Specification

  • Lists

    Collection Operation Elements TS PS CC ns/op B/op allocs/op
    DList Add 100 5,162 3,200 100
    DList Add 1,000 40,489 32,000 1,000
    DList Add 10,000 377,561 320,000 10,000
    DList Add 100,000 5,236,563 3,200,022 100,000
    DList Add 100 ✔️ 6,947 3,200 100
    DList Add 1,000 ✔️ 72,904 32,000 1,000
    DList Add 10,000 ✔️ 613,653 320,000 10,000
    DList Add 100,000 ✔️ 7,706,782 3,200,038 100,000
    DList Remove 100 1,456 0 0
    DList Remove 1,000 12,370 0 0
    DList Remove 10,000 127,025 0 0
    DList Remove 100,000 1,736,280 1 0
    DList Remove 100 ✔️ 4,059 0 0
    DList Remove 1,000 ✔️ 37,468 0 0
    DList Remove 10,000 ✔️ 363,614 0 0
    DList Remove 100,000 ✔️ 3,959,233 1 0
    DList Sort 100 5,612 0 0
    DList Sort 1,000 101,728 0 0
    DList Sort 10,000 1,612,152 0 0
    DList Sort 100,000 30,913,500 0 0
    DList Min 100 354.1 0 0
    DList Min 1,000 3,336 0 0
    DList Min 10,000 32,851 0 0
    DList Min 100,000 330,851 0 0
    DList Max 100 353.1 0 0
    DList Max 1,000 3,395 0 0
    DList Max 10,000 33,297 0 0
    DList Max 100,000 332,389 0 0
    DList Contains 100 160.3 0 0
    DList Contains 1,000 1,421 0 0
    DList Contains 10,000 14,289 0 0
    DList Contains 100,000 142,327 0 0
    SList Add 100 4,252 2,400 100
    SList Add 1,000 39,132 24,000 1,000
    SList Add 10,000 314,291 240,000 10,000
    SList Add 100,000 3,662,899 2,400,011 100,000
    SList Add 100 ✔️ 8,217 2,400 100
    SList Add 1,000 ✔️ 54,659 24,000 1,000
    SList Add 10,000 ✔️ 552,099 240,000 10,000
    SList Add 100,000 ✔️ 5,989,855 2,400,000 100,000
    SList Remove 100 1,185 0 0
    SList Remove 1,000 12,092 0 0
    SList Remove 10,000 104,223 0 0
    SList Remove 100,000 1,033,820 0 0
    SList Remove 100 ✔️ 3,688 0 0
    SList Remove 1,000 ✔️ 34,738 0 0
    SList Remove 10,000 ✔️ 350,273 0 0
    SList Remove 100,000 ✔️ 3,309,956 0 0
    SList Sort 100 5,121 0 0
    SList Sort 1,000 93,342 0 0
    SList Sort 10,000 1,461,912 0 0
    SList Sort 100,000 25,846,042 0 0
    SList Min 100 346.0 0 0
    SList Min 1,000 3,280 0 0
    SList Min 10,000 32,769 0 0
    SList Min 100,000 328,320 0 0
    SList Max 100 348.2 0 0
    SList Max 1,000 3,341 0 0
    SList Max 10,000 33,216 0 0
    SList Max 100,000 331,937 0 0
    SList Contains 100 168.1 0 0
    SList Contains 1,000 1,525 0 0
    SList Contains 10,000 15,196 0 0
    SList Contains 100,000 154,434 0 0
  • Queues

    Collection Operation Elements TS PS CC ns/op B/op allocs/op
    Queue Enqueue 100 2,227 1,792 3
    Queue Enqueue 1,000 15,661 16,128 6
    Queue Enqueue 10,000 168,893 261,888 10
    Queue Enqueue 100,000 1,630,451 2,096,901 13
    Queue Enqueue 100 ✔️ 661.9 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 1,000 ✔️ 8,476 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 10,000 ✔️ 121,440 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 100,000 ✔️ 1,248,483 2 0
    Queue Enqueue 100 ✔️ 4,003 1,792 3
    Queue Enqueue 1,000 ✔️ 45,827 16,128 6
    Queue Enqueue 10,000 ✔️ 367,966 261,888 10
    Queue Enqueue 100,000 ✔️ 3,742,788 2,096,899 13
    Queue Enqueue 100 ✔️ ✔️ 2,564 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 1,000 ✔️ ✔️ 36,120 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 10,000 ✔️ ✔️ 321,078 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 100,000 ✔️ ✔️ 3,303,376 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 100 638.3 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 1,000 13,667 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 10,000 129,131 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 100,000 1,258,166 1 0
    Queue Dequeue 100 ✔️ 2,435 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 1,000 ✔️ 33,463 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 10,000 ✔️ 324,595 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 100,000 ✔️ 3,283,561 0 0
    Queue Sort 100 4,867 928 2
    Queue Sort 1,000 88,174 8,224 2
    Queue Sort 10,000 1,333,856 81,952 2
    Queue Sort 100,000 16,674,301 802,849 2
    Queue Min 100 960.2 0 0
    Queue Min 1,000 3,300 0 0
    Queue Min 10,000 33,681 0 0
    Queue Min 100,000 337,106 0 0
    Queue Min 100,000 ✔️ 107,563 1,893 35
    Queue Max 100 954.1 0 0
    Queue Max 1,000 3,376 0 0
    Queue Max 10,000 32,882 0 0
    Queue Max 100,000 329,761 0 0
    Queue Max 100,000 ✔️ 107,083 1,881 35
    Queue Contains 100 595.5 0 0
    Queue Contains 1,000 5,750 0 0
    Queue Contains 10,000 58,685 0 0
    Queue Contains 100,000 585,437 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 100 790.1 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 1,000 18,859 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 10,000 138,050 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 100,000 1,368,396 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 100 ✔️ 3,292 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 1,000 ✔️ 36,771 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 10,000 ✔️ 341,061 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 100,000 ✔️ 3,539,813 2 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 100 609.1 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 1,000 3,954 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 10,000 36,054 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 100,000 366,657 1 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 100 ✔️ 2,786 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 1,000 ✔️ 28,678 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 10,000 ✔️ 290,307 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 100,000 ✔️ 2,791,561 1 0
    RingBuffer Sort 100 10,418 928 2
    RingBuffer Sort 1,000 113,191 8,224 2
    RingBuffer Sort 10,000 1,444,259 81,952 2
    RingBuffer Sort 100,000 17,667,739 802,849 2
    RingBuffer Min 100 943.2 0 0
    RingBuffer Min 1,000 9,339 0 0
    RingBuffer Min 10,000 95,596 0 0
    RingBuffer Min 100,000 953,840 0 0
    RingBuffer Max 100 938.7 0 0
    RingBuffer Max 1,000 9,404 0 0
    RingBuffer Max 10,000 94,722 0 0
    RingBuffer Max 100,000 945,439 0 0
    RingBuffer Contains 100 598.5 0 0
    RingBuffer Contains 1,000 5,884 0 0
    RingBuffer Contains 10,000 58,109 0 0
    RingBuffer Contains 100,000 589,616 0 0
  • Sets

    Collection Operation Elements TS PS CC ns/op B/op allocs/op
    HashSet Add 100 8,841 9,964 107
    HashSet Add 1,000 153,902 180,734 1,028
    HashSet Add 10,000 1,518,866 1,432,842 10,209
    HashSet Add 100,000 17,702,102 12,233,593 103,929
    HashSet Add 100 ✔️ 6,414 2,113 101
    HashSet Add 1,000 ✔️ 80,157 16,000 1,000
    HashSet Add 10,000 ✔️ 842,747 160,004 10,000
    HashSet Add 100,000 ✔️ 11,545,505 2,076,248 101,653
    HashSet Add 100 ✔️ 19,281 9,965 107
    HashSet Add 1,000 ✔️ 175,249 180,701 1,028
    HashSet Add 10,000 ✔️ 1,678,002 1,432,757 10,209
    HashSet Add 100,000 ✔️ 19,997,582 12,236,830 103,940
    HashSet Add 100 ✔️ ✔️ 12,774 2,113 101
    HashSet Add 1,000 ✔️ ✔️ 98,353 16,000 1,000
    HashSet Add 10,000 ✔️ ✔️ 1,100,168 160,000 10,000
    HashSet Add 100,000 ✔️ ✔️ 13,549,729 2,077,883 101,659
    HashSet Remove 100 6,100 0 0
    HashSet Remove 1,000 52,680 0 0
    HashSet Remove 10,000 525,006 0 0
    HashSet Remove 100,000 7,590,020 0 0
    HashSet Remove 100 ✔️ 7,676 0 0
    HashSet Remove 1,000 ✔️ 77,053 0 0
    HashSet Remove 10,000 ✔️ 832,967 0 0
    HashSet Remove 100,000 ✔️ 9,916,081 0 0
    HashSet Min 100 1,378 0 0
    HashSet Min 1,000 14,594 0 0
    HashSet Min 10,000 136,113 0 0
    HashSet Min 100,000 1,925,612 0 0
    HashSet Max 100 1,392 0 0
    HashSet Max 1,000 14,448 0 0
    HashSet Max 10,000 135,533 0 0
    HashSet Max 100,000 1,915,966 0 0
    HashSet Contains 100 27.39 0 0
    HashSet Contains 1,000 37.85 0 0
    HashSet Contains 10,000 44.72 0 0
    HashSet Contains 100,000 78.73 0 0
    OrderedSet Add 100 5,782 4,800 100
    OrderedSet Add 1,000 139,177 48,000 1,000
    OrderedSet Add 10,000 1,777,309 480,001 10,000
    OrderedSet Add 100,000 27,412,678 4,800,011 100,000
    OrderedSet Add 100 ✔️ 17,031 4,800 100
    OrderedSet Add 1,000 ✔️ 132,474 48,000 1,000
    OrderedSet Add 10,000 ✔️ 1,897,430 480,001 10,000
    OrderedSet Add 100,000 ✔️ 29,175,012 4,800,014 100,000
    OrderedSet Remove 100 6,572 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 1,000 98,252 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 10,000 1,371,899 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 100,000 22,635,769 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 100 ✔️ 5,266 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 1,000 ✔️ 101,616 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 10,000 ✔️ 1,364,635 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 100,000 ✔️ 23,862,490 0 0
    OrderedSet Min 100 6.216 0 0
    OrderedSet Min 1,000 6.660 0 0
    OrderedSet Min 10,000 9.111 0 0
    OrderedSet Min 100,000 11.13 0 0
    OrderedSet Max 100 4.560 0 0
    OrderedSet Max 1,000 5.843 0 0
    OrderedSet Max 10,000 6.875 0 0
    OrderedSet Max 100,000 8.876 0 0
    OrderedSet Contains 100 33.14 0 0
    OrderedSet Contains 1,000 75.97 0 0
    OrderedSet Contains 10,000 111.6 0 0
    OrderedSet Contains 100,000 197.8 0 0
  • Stacks

    Collection Operation Elements TS PS CC ns/op B/op allocs/op
    Stack Push 100 1,122 2,016 3
    Stack Push 1,000 6,525 18,656 6
    Stack Push 10,000 50,456 299,239 10
    Stack Push 100,000 751,467 2,363,622 13
    Stack Push 100 ✔️ 586.5 0 0
    Stack Push 1,000 ✔️ 3,763 0 0
    Stack Push 10,000 ✔️ 43,139 0 0
    Stack Push 100,000 ✔️ 388,153 3 0
    Stack Push 100 ✔️ 3,068 2,016 3
    Stack Push 1,000 ✔️ 19,165 18,656 6
    Stack Push 10,000 ✔️ 323,252 299,233 10
    Stack Push 100,000 ✔️ 3,271,576 2,363,618 13
    Stack Push 100 ✔️ ✔️ 3,276 0 0
    Stack Push 1,000 ✔️ ✔️ 34,538 0 0
    Stack Push 10,000 ✔️ ✔️ 274,057 0 0
    Stack Push 100,000 ✔️ ✔️ 2,857,594 0 0
    Stack Pop 100 720.5 0 0
    Stack Pop 1,000 3,349 0 0
    Stack Pop 10,000 36,320 1 0
    Stack Pop 100,000 342,374 2 0
    Stack Pop 100 ✔️ 3,014 0 0
    Stack Pop 1,000 ✔️ 22,547 0 0
    Stack Pop 10,000 ✔️ 276,337 0 0
    Stack Pop 100,000 ✔️ 2,669,541 1 0
    Stack Sort 100 4,634 32 1
    Stack Sort 1,000 107,059 32 1
    Stack Sort 10,000 1,295,618 32 1
    Stack Sort 100,000 16,371,947 33 1
    Stack Min 100 371.1 0 0
    Stack Min 1,000 3,618 0 0
    Stack Min 10,000 36,231 0 0
    Stack Min 100,000 357,545 0 0
    Stack Min 100,000 ✔️ 108,811 1,882 35
    Stack Max 100 379.1 0 0
    Stack Max 1,000 3,639 0 0
    Stack Max 10,000 35,200 0 0
    Stack Max 100,000 354,018 0 0
    Stack Max 100,000 ✔️ 109,385 1,882 35
    Stack Contains 100 156.6 0 0
    Stack Contains 1,000 1,363 0 0
    Stack Contains 10,000 14,037 0 0
    Stack Contains 100,000 139,171 0 0
    Stack Contains 100,000 ✔️ 100,202 1,600 29
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H

CPU Specification

  • Lists

    Collection Operation Elements TS PS CC ns/op B/op allocs/op
    DList Add 100 2,988 3,200 100
    DList Add 1,000 26,507 32,000 1,000
    DList Add 10,000 243,373 320,000 10,000
    DList Add 100,000 3,558,804 3,200,034 100,000
    DList Add 100 ✔️ 6,702 3,200 100
    DList Add 1,000 ✔️ 51,964 32,000 1,000
    DList Add 10,000 ✔️ 540,395 320,000 10,000
    DList Add 100,000 ✔️ 6,676,934 3,200,027 100,000
    DList Remove 100 866.4 0 0
    DList Remove 1,000 11,226 0 0
    DList Remove 10,000 107,712 0 0
    DList Remove 100,000 988,447 1 0
    DList Remove 100 ✔️ 3,527 0 0
    DList Remove 1,000 ✔️ 30,529 0 0
    DList Remove 10,000 ✔️ 322,074 1 0
    DList Remove 100,000 ✔️ 2,764,714 0 0
    DList Sort 100 4,165 0 0
    DList Sort 1,000 71,783 0 0
    DList Sort 10,000 1,325,536 0 0
    DList Sort 100,000 21,481,198 0 0
    DList Min 100 142.2 0 0
    DList Min 1,000 1,224 0 0
    DList Min 10,000 14,411 0 0
    DList Min 100,000 128,253 0 0
    DList Max 100 141.4 0 0
    DList Max 1,000 1,288 0 0
    DList Max 10,000 13,221 0 0
    DList Max 100,000 130,500 0 0
    DList Contains 100 74.73 0 0
    DList Contains 1,000 682.6 0 0
    DList Contains 10,000 7,257 0 0
    DList Contains 100,000 75,901 0 0
    SList Add 100 3,204 2,400 100
    SList Add 1,000 29,243 24,000 1,000
    SList Add 10,000 245,878 240,000 10,000
    SList Add 100,000 2,632,169 2,400,007 100,000
    SList Add 100 ✔️ 6,467 2,400 100
    SList Add 1,000 ✔️ 42,146 24,000 1,000
    SList Add 10,000 ✔️ 410,458 240,000 10,000
    SList Add 100,000 ✔️ 4,451,332 2,400,007 100,000
    SList Remove 100 1,003 0 0
    SList Remove 1,000 9,262 0 0
    SList Remove 10,000 82,960 0 0
    SList Remove 100,000 444,766 0 0
    SList Remove 100 ✔️ 3,390 0 0
    SList Remove 1,000 ✔️ 29,534 0 0
    SList Remove 10,000 ✔️ 258,203 0 0
    SList Remove 100,000 ✔️ 2,518,566 0 0
    SList Sort 100 3,844 0 0
    SList Sort 1,000 60,946 0 0
    SList Sort 10,000 1,115,609 0 0
    SList Sort 100,000 19,240,269 0 0
    SList Min 100 145.1 0 0
    SList Min 1,000 1,359 0 0
    SList Min 10,000 13,594 0 0
    SList Min 100,000 134,319 0 0
    SList Max 100 151.6 0 0
    SList Max 1,000 1,394 0 0
    SList Max 10,000 13,703 0 0
    SList Max 100,000 131,296 0 0
    SList Contains 100 75.89 0 0
    SList Contains 1,000 676.4 0 0
    SList Contains 10,000 6,859 0 0
    SList Contains 100,000 69,234 0 0
  • Queues

    Collection Operation Elements TS PS CC ns/op B/op allocs/op
    Queue Enqueue 100 1,447 1,792 3
    Queue Enqueue 1,000 9,382 16,128 6
    Queue Enqueue 10,000 86,595 261,889 10
    Queue Enqueue 100,000 805,183 2,096,904 13
    Queue Enqueue 100 ✔️ 687.1 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 1,000 ✔️ 5,328 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 10,000 ✔️ 56,027 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 100,000 ✔️ 556,338 1 0
    Queue Enqueue 100 ✔️ 3,599 1,792 3
    Queue Enqueue 1,000 ✔️ 31,312 16,128 6
    Queue Enqueue 10,000 ✔️ 283,523 261,888 10
    Queue Enqueue 100,000 ✔️ 2,672,735 2,096,897 13
    Queue Enqueue 100 ✔️ ✔️ 2,985 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 1,000 ✔️ ✔️ 28,162 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 10,000 ✔️ ✔️ 233,762 0 0
    Queue Enqueue 100,000 ✔️ ✔️ 2,338,408 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 100 688.3 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 1,000 5,216 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 10,000 57,024 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 100,000 472,703 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 100 ✔️ 2,709 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 1,000 ✔️ 26,728 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 10,000 ✔️ 237,120 0 0
    Queue Dequeue 100,000 ✔️ 2,201,107 0 0
    Queue Sort 100 5,050 928 2
    Queue Sort 1,000 73,676 8,224 2
    Queue Sort 10,000 948,724 81,952 2
    Queue Sort 100,000 11,564,077 802,848 2
    Queue Min 100 222.1 0 0
    Queue Min 1,000 1,160 0 0
    Queue Min 10,000 12,438 0 0
    Queue Min 100,000 128,021 0 0
    Queue Min 100,000 ✔️ 64,953 3,036 52
    Queue Max 100 223.1 0 0
    Queue Max 1,000 1,250 0 0
    Queue Max 10,000 11,444 0 0
    Queue Max 100,000 113,885 0 0
    Queue Max 100,000 ✔️ 60,476 3,034 52
    Queue Contains 100 238.6 0 0
    Queue Contains 1,000 2,336 0 0
    Queue Contains 10,000 23,404 0 0
    Queue Contains 100,000 236,049 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 100 800.2 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 1,000 6,197 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 10,000 57,253 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 100,000 554,793 1 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 100 ✔️ 3,140 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 1,000 ✔️ 25,130 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 10,000 ✔️ 239,471 0 0
    RingBuffer Enqueue 100,000 ✔️ 2,340,666 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 100 472.7 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 1,000 3,147 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 10,000 32,156 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 100,000 276,973 3 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 100 ✔️ 2,860 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 1,000 ✔️ 25,374 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 10,000 ✔️ 221,808 0 0
    RingBuffer Dequeue 100,000 ✔️ 2,314,409 1 0
    RingBuffer Sort 100 5,245 928 2
    RingBuffer Sort 1,000 67,790 8,224 2
    RingBuffer Sort 10,000 921,211 81,952 2
    RingBuffer Sort 100,000 12,147,900 802,848 2
    RingBuffer Min 100 227.5 0 0
    RingBuffer Min 1,000 2,249 0 0
    RingBuffer Min 10,000 22,563 0 0
    RingBuffer Min 100,000 224,869 0 0
    RingBuffer Max 100 229.2 0 0
    RingBuffer Max 1,000 2,262 0 0
    RingBuffer Max 10,000 22,853 0 0
    RingBuffer Max 100,000 226,723 0 0
    RingBuffer Contains 100 249.9 0 0
    RingBuffer Contains 1,000 2,392 0 0
    RingBuffer Contains 10,000 23,815 0 0
    RingBuffer Contains 100,000 243,623 0 0
  • Sets

    Collection Operation Elements TS PS CC ns/op B/op allocs/op
    HashSet Add 100 10,294 9,963 107
    HashSet Add 1,000 107,654 180,694 1,028
    HashSet Add 10,000 1,170,594 1,432,765 10,209
    HashSet Add 100,000 11,240,331 12,234,374 103,932
    HashSet Add 100 ✔️ 9,209 2,113 101
    HashSet Add 1,000 ✔️ 66,145 16,000 1,000
    HashSet Add 10,000 ✔️ 688,392 160,003 10,000
    HashSet Add 100,000 ✔️ 7,238,287 2,078,747 101,662
    HashSet Add 100 ✔️ 14,157 9,965 107
    HashSet Add 1,000 ✔️ 133,932 180,693 1,028
    HashSet Add 10,000 ✔️ 1,225,502 1,433,053 10,210
    HashSet Add 100,000 ✔️ 11,446,165 12,236,271 103,938
    HashSet Add 100 ✔️ ✔️ 11,180 2,114 101
    HashSet Add 1,000 ✔️ ✔️ 71,554 16,000 1,000
    HashSet Add 10,000 ✔️ ✔️ 755,077 160,001 10,000
    HashSet Add 100,000 ✔️ ✔️ 8,826,382 2,078,576 101,661
    HashSet Remove 100 6,245 0 0
    HashSet Remove 1,000 47,646 0 0
    HashSet Remove 10,000 410,425 0 0
    HashSet Remove 100,000 4,901,910 0 0
    HashSet Remove 100 ✔️ 7,600 0 0
    HashSet Remove 1,000 ✔️ 58,179 0 0
    HashSet Remove 10,000 ✔️ 468,389 0 0
    HashSet Remove 100,000 ✔️ 6,180,152 0 0
    HashSet Min 100 738.1 0 0
    HashSet Min 1,000 9,053 0 0
    HashSet Min 10,000 85,572 0 0
    HashSet Min 100,000 821,231 0 0
    HashSet Max 100 741.4 0 0
    HashSet Max 1,000 9,181 0 0
    HashSet Max 10,000 86,746 0 0
    HashSet Max 100,000 830,899 0 0
    HashSet Contains 100 9.696 0 0
    HashSet Contains 1,000 15.71 0 0
    HashSet Contains 10,000 31.41 0 0
    HashSet Contains 100,000 37.66 0 0
    OrderedSet Add 100 7,095 4,800 100
    OrderedSet Add 1,000 104,035 48,000 1,000
    OrderedSet Add 10,000 1,293,838 480,004 10,000
    OrderedSet Add 100,000 19,638,457 4,800,034 100,000
    OrderedSet Add 100 ✔️ 10,053 4,800 100
    OrderedSet Add 1,000 ✔️ 108,203 48,000 1,000
    OrderedSet Add 10,000 ✔️ 1,414,259 480,003 10,000
    OrderedSet Add 100,000 ✔️ 21,027,762 4,800,031 100,000
    OrderedSet Remove 100 3,186 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 1,000 71,386 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 10,000 1,015,825 4 0
    OrderedSet Remove 100,000 16,077,759 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 100 ✔️ 5,102 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 1,000 ✔️ 81,914 0 0
    OrderedSet Remove 10,000 ✔️ 1,126,826 8 0
    OrderedSet Remove 100,000 ✔️ 17,350,911 0 0
    OrderedSet Min 100 2.071 0 0
    OrderedSet Min 1,000 2.428 0 0
    OrderedSet Min 10,000 3.484 0 0
    OrderedSet Min 100,000 4.856 0 0
    OrderedSet Max 100 2.239 0 0
    OrderedSet Max 1,000 3.639 0 0
    OrderedSet Max 10,000 5.302 0 0
    OrderedSet Max 100,000 4.986 0 0
    OrderedSet Contains 100 11.33 0 0
    OrderedSet Contains 1,000 46.42 0 0
    OrderedSet Contains 10,000 81.52 0 0
    OrderedSet Contains 100,000 180.9 0 0
  • Stacks

    Collection Operation Elements TS PS CC ns/op B/op allocs/op
    Stack Push 100 1,281 2,016 3
    Stack Push 1,000 6,305 18,656 6
    Stack Push 10,000 76,407 299,232 10
    Stack Push 100,000 582,318 2,363,629 13
    Stack Push 100 ✔️ 494.4 0 0
    Stack Push 1,000 ✔️ 3,266 0 0
    Stack Push 10,000 ✔️ 29,567 0 0
    Stack Push 100,000 ✔️ 277,348 2 0
    Stack Push 100 ✔️ 3,637 2,016 3
    Stack Push 1,000 ✔️ 26,152 18,656 6
    Stack Push 10,000 ✔️ 264,761 299,232 10
    Stack Push 100,000 ✔️ 2,559,970 2,363,617 13
    Stack Push 100 ✔️ ✔️ 2,672 0 0
    Stack Push 1,000 ✔️ ✔️ 25,598 0 0
    Stack Push 10,000 ✔️ ✔️ 230,666 0 0
    Stack Push 100,000 ✔️ ✔️ 2,219,721 0 0
    Stack Pop 100 408.0 0 0
    Stack Pop 1,000 2,888 0 0
    Stack Pop 10,000 29,767 0 0
    Stack Pop 100,000 265,711 6 0
    Stack Pop 100 ✔️ 2,639 0 0
    Stack Pop 1,000 ✔️ 24,835 0 0
    Stack Pop 10,000 ✔️ 224,791 0 0
    Stack Pop 100,000 ✔️ 2,188,625 3 0
    Stack Sort 100 4,914 32 1
    Stack Sort 1,000 66,146 32 1
    Stack Sort 10,000 910,777 32 1
    Stack Sort 100,000 11,592,799 32 1
    Stack Min 100 145.6 0 0
    Stack Min 1,000 1,273 0 0
    Stack Min 10,000 11,584 0 0
    Stack Min 100,000 114,872 0 0
    Stack Min 100,000 ✔️ 61,672 3,036 52
    Stack Max 100 149.2 0 0
    Stack Max 1,000 1,269 0 0
    Stack Max 10,000 11,410 0 0
    Stack Max 100,000 114,919 0 0
    Stack Max 100,000 ✔️ 59,504 3,034 52
    Stack Contains 100 57.69 0 0
    Stack Contains 1,000 468.5 0 0
    Stack Contains 10,000 4,514 0 0
    Stack Contains 100,000 45,569 0 0
    Stack Contains 100,000 ✔️ 55,627 2,496 45


A package of collection types using Go generics





