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Rico Neitzel edited this page Apr 26, 2017 · 3 revisions


Please create the desired websites and store views as well as install any language packs before running MageSetup.

Copy all files from the src/ folder to your magento directory in order to install the MageSetup module. After you have installed the module, you should clear the cache and log off from admin panel. When you log on again, you should see the following hint:

MageSetup has been installed. Click here to set up your pages, blocks, emails and tax settings.

If you don't see that hint, please check that the configuration setting System -> Configuration -> Developer -> Template Settings -> Allow Symlinks is enabled.

On the linked page, you can make the desired settings and then click "Run MageSetup" on the top or bottom right. The adjustments will be made.


Please see the FAQ page

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