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Merged regions

firegloves edited this page Jul 20, 2022 · 1 revision


MemPOI comes with a preset of default data formatting styles for

  • header cells
  • integer data types cells
  • floating-point data types cells
  • date data types cells
  • datetime data types cells

The default styles are automatically applied. You can inspect them looking at the end of MempoiReportStyler class If you want to reset the default styles you need to use an empty CellStyle when you use MempoiBuilder, for example:

MemPOI memPOI = MempoiBuilder.aMemPOI()
                    .addMempoiSheet(new MempoiSheet(prepStmt))
                    .withIntegerCellStyle(workbook.createCellStyle())     // no default style for integer fields

This is an example setting a custom CellStyle for header's cells:

CellStyle headerCellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();

MemPOI memPOI = MempoiBuilder.aMemPOI()
                    .addMempoiSheet(new MempoiSheet(prepStmt))

MemPOI comes with a set of templates ready to use. You can use them as follows:

MemPOI memPOI = MempoiBuilder.aMemPOI()
                    .addMempoiSheet(new MempoiSheet(prepStmt))
                    .withStyleTemplate(new ForestStyleTemplate())

Actually you can:

  • provide different styles for different sheets
  • granularly override bundled styles' cell styles
// SummerStyleTemplate for dogsSheet
MempoiSheet dogsSheet = new MempoiSheet(conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id, creation_date, dateTime, timeStamp AS STAMPONE, name, valid, usefulChar, decimalOne, bitTwo, doublone, floattone, interao, mediano, attempato, interuccio FROM " + TestConstants.TABLE_EXPORT_TEST), "Dogs");
dogsSheet.setStyleTemplate(new SummerStyleTemplate());

// Customized ForestStyleTemplate for catsSheet
CellStyle floatingPointCellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();

MempoiSheet catsheet = MempoiSheetBuilder.aMempoiSheet()
                                            .withStyleTemplate(new ForestStyleTemplate())
                                            .withFloatingPointCellStyle(floatingPointCellStyle)           // overrides ForestStyleTemplate's floating-point cell style
List<MempoiSheet> sheetList = Arrays.asList(dogsSheet, catsheet);

MemPOI memPOI = MempoiBuilder.aMemPOI()
                    //    .setStyleTemplate(new PanegiriconStyleTemplate())     <----- it has no effects because for each sheet a template is specified
                    .withMempoiSubFooter(new NumberSumSubFooter())

List of available templates:

Name Image

Numeric cell styles

Numeric data types (and the corresponding cell styles) are now split between integer and floating-point data types. This means that from version 1.3.0 database integer data types will be exported without numbers after comma. You can still specify a custom cell style or explicitly use one of the available ones. For example in order use pre v1.3.0 integer cell style you can do something like this:

MemPOI memPOI = MempoiBuilder.aMemPOI()
                    .addMempoiSheet(new MempoiSheet(prepStmt))
                    .withIntegerCellStyle(new StandardStyleTemplate().getFloatingPointCellStyle())     // no default style for integer fields