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This is an A* pathfinding algorithm for navigating Minecraft's terrain. It works by getting the floor/ceiling height in the current node, then comparing it to the floor/ceiling height in the next node to see if the player can fit through a gap. Right now it can only move in cardinal directions (North, East, South, West)


npm install mineflayer-pathfinder-lite


class Vec3 = { x, y, z } //
class PrismarineEntity;  //
const { Radius3D, Radius2D, Avoid } = require("mineflayer-pathfinder-lite").goals

// path ends within a radius of a 3D coordinate (Vec3)
const goal1 = new Radius3D(destination, radius)

// path ends within a radius of a 2D coordinate
const goal2 = new Radius2D(x, z, radius)

// path ends when "distance" blocks away from the position
const goal3 = new Avoid(position, distance)
const { Block, Entity, Position } = require("mineflayer-pathfinder-lite").hazards

// applies a cost multiplier of 1 + weight based on avoid blocks (key/value -> block name, boolean)
const hazard1 = new Block(bot, weight?, offset?, avoid?)
  .weight(number) // multiplier for a node's heuristic (1 + weight)
  .offset(Vec3)   // where to check relative to the node (default: block under node)
  .avoid(object)  // string -> boolean key/value object containing names of blocks to avoid
// applies a cost multiplier of 1 + weight based on entities within a radius
const hazard2 = new Entity(weight?, radius?, entities?)
  .weight(number) // multiplier for a node's heuristic (1 + weight)
  .radius(number) // distance from an entity which weight will be applied
  .entities(PrismarineEntity[]) // entities to avoid
// applies a cost multiplier of 1 + weight based on coordinates within a radius
const hazard3 = new Position(weight?, radius?, coordinates?)
  .weight(number) // multiplier for a node's heuristic (1 + weight)
  .radius(number) // distance from a coordinate which weight will be applied
  .coordinates(Vec3[]) // coordinates to avoid
// the closest path from A to B
const path = new bot.pathfinder.Path(goal, ...hazards?)
  .avoid(object)   // string -> boolean key/value object containing names of blocks to avoid
  .depth(number)   // how deep in blocks the pathfinder can descend nodes (default: 4 blocks)
  .blocks(number)  // limit of how many blocks to check for adjacent nodes (destination not reached)
  .timeout(number) // limit of how long in ms before returning the path (destination not reached)
// path will return as Vec3[] array


const { Radius3D, Radius2D, Direction } = require("mineflayer-pathfinder-lite").goals
const pathfinder = require("mineflayer-pathfinder-lite").plugin
const mineflayer = require("mineflayer")

const bot = mineflayer.createBot()


bot.once("spawn", function init() {
  const entity = bot.nearestEntity(entity => entity.type === "player")
  if (entity === null) {"No player found")
  } else {
    const goal = new Radius3D(entity.position, 3)
    // all of the setters are optional
    const path = new bot.pathfinder.Path(goal)
      .avoid({ lava: true, water: true })