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Recover from errors

Emanuele Gissi edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 1 revision

ℹ️ Updated to qgis2fds 1.0

This wiki page describes managed error conditions and how to fix them.

You can interrupt the processing at any time by clicking on the Cancel button. While qgis2fds is waiting for server response or performing complex calculations, cancelling the operation may take some seconds.

If you encounter unmanaged error conditions, please, file an issue in the issue tracker.

Error: File/Texture not writable to filepath, cannot proceed.

When exporting, qgis2fds attempts to write several files in the user provided filepath. If the filepath does not exist or the user has not sufficient privileges to write to that location, the processing is stopped.

To fix the error, double check that you have write permission to the filepath.

Error: Project CRS is not usable, cannot proceed.

Every project in QGIS also has an associated Coordinate Reference System (CRS). The project CRS determines how data is projected from its underlying raw coordinates to the flat map rendered within your QGIS map canvas.

When qgis2fds detects an invalid or non-existent project CRS, the processing is stopped.

To fix the error, set a valid project CRS through the CRS tab in the Project > Properties dialog. The project CRS is also shown in the lower-right of the QGIS status bar. If unsure, set your project CRS to WGS84 - EPSG:4326.

See the specific QGIS documentation for further info.

Error: DEM/Landuse/Texture layer CRS is not usable, cannot proceed.

Whenever a layer is loaded, QGIS attempts to automatically determine the correct CRS for that layer, in order to correctly project data into the map canvas.

When qgis2fds detects an invalid or non-existent layer CRS, the processing is stopped.

To fix the error, set a valid layer CRS through the CRS tab in the layer properties dialog. If unsure about the right CRS, ask the provider of the data source what CRS was used for data encoding.

See the specific QGIS documentation for further info.

Error: [QGIS bug] UTM and WGS84 Origin identical, cannot proceed.

This seems to be a QGIS bug, and it is currently under investigation.

This error condition rarely appears when updating the qgis2fds plugin to a new version. It often disappears by deleting Python plugin cached files, and restarting QGIS.

Error: Too few sampling points, cannot proceed.

This error condition is risen by qgis2fds when too few DEM sampling points are available. The sampling point grid spans the terrain extent. Its resolution is a multiple of the DEM layer resolution, by the DEM layer sampling factor.

To fix the error, check that:

  • your terrain extent is large enough compared to the DEM layer resolution,
  • the DEM layer sampling factor is set to 1.

Error: Terrain extent is larger than available DEM data.

When the requested terrain extent is larger than available DEM data the process is not stopped, the elevation of the terrain outside of the available DEM data is set to 0.

To fix the error, either reduce the terrain extent or make DEM data available for the whole area of interest.

Error: Render timed out, no texture saved.

If the texture layer source (eg. OpenStreetMap or Google Maps tile servers) is slow or unavailable the processing may time out, while attempting to render and save the texture image.

To fix the error, verify that the texture image source is available.