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Triggered by ReactorScram on pull_request #11892

Triggered by ReactorScram on pull_request

Triggered by ReactorScram on pull_request #11892

Triggered via pull request May 24, 2024 22:46
Status Failure
Total duration 13m 38s
Artifacts 26


on: pull_request
kotlin  /  static-analysis
kotlin / static-analysis
kotlin  /  build
3m 53s
kotlin / build
elixir  /  unit-test
2m 8s
elixir / unit-test
elixir  /  type-check
elixir / type-check
elixir  /  static-analysis
elixir / static-analysis
elixir  /  migrations-and-seed-test
1m 53s
elixir / migrations-and-seed-test
static-analysis  /  pr-lint
static-analysis / pr-lint
static-analysis  /  version-check
static-analysis / version-check
static-analysis  /  link-check
static-analysis / link-check
static-analysis  /  global-linter
static-analysis / global-linter
terraform  /  plan-deploy
1m 43s
terraform / plan-deploy
Matrix: codeql / analyze
Matrix: elixir / acceptance-test
Matrix: kotlin / ui-test
Matrix: rust / gui-smoke-test
Matrix: rust / headless-client
Matrix: rust / static-analysis
Matrix: rust / test
Matrix: swift / build
Matrix: tauri / build-gui
Matrix: build-artifacts / control-plane
Matrix: build-artifacts / data-plane
Matrix: build-base-perf-artifacts / control-plane
Matrix: build-base-perf-artifacts / data-plane
Matrix: build-head-perf-artifacts / control-plane
Matrix: build-head-perf-artifacts / data-plane
Matrix: build-artifacts / merge-docker-artifacts
Matrix: build-base-perf-artifacts / merge-docker-artifacts
Matrix: build-head-perf-artifacts / merge-docker-artifacts
Matrix: compatibility-tests / integration-tests
Matrix: integration-tests / integration-tests
Matrix: snownet-tests
Matrix: perf-tests
Fit to window
Zoom out
Zoom in


28 errors and 5 warnings
Validation Failed: {"resource":"Release","code":"invalid","field":"target_commitish"} { name: 'HttpError', id: '9230739178', status: 422, response: { url: '', status: 422, headers: { 'access-control-allow-origin': '*', 'access-control-expose-headers': 'ETag, Link, Location, Retry-After, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Used, X-RateLimit-Resource, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval, X-GitHub-Media-Type, X-GitHub-SSO, X-GitHub-Request-Id, Deprecation, Sunset', connection: 'close', 'content-length': '195', 'content-security-policy': "default-src 'none'", 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', date: 'Fri, 24 May 2024 22:46:53 GMT', 'referrer-policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin', server: '', 'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload', vary: 'Accept-Encoding, Accept, X-Requested-With', 'x-accepted-github-permissions': 'contents=write', 'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff', 'x-frame-options': 'deny', 'x-github-api-version-selected': '2022-11-28', 'x-github-media-type': 'github.v3; format=json', 'x-github-request-id': '2740:27F1C:A562E7:A6A079:665118DD', 'x-ratelimit-limit': '15000', 'x-ratelimit-remaining': '14981', 'x-ratelimit-reset': '1716594406', 'x-ratelimit-resource': 'core', 'x-ratelimit-used': '19', 'x-xss-protection': '0' }, data: { message: 'Validation Failed', errors: [ { resource: 'Release', code: 'invalid', field: 'target_commitish' } ], documentation_url: '' } }, request: { method: 'PATCH', url: '', headers: { accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 'user-agent': 'probot/12.2.5 octokit-core.js/3.5.1 Node.js/20.8.1 (linux; x64)', authorization: 'token [REDACTED]', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' }, body: '{"body":"- build: update Nix dependencies @thomaseizinger (#5108)\\n- feat(website): Integrate Mixpanel with HubSpot form submissions and fix CTAs @AndrewDryga (#5094)\\n\\n## 🐛 Bug Fixes\\n\\n- fix(apple): Fix menu display and activation @jamilbk (#5090)\\n\\n## 🧰 Maintenance\\n\\n- chore(infra): Add CNAME for `` pointing to `` @jamilbk (#5117)\\n- test(connlib): ensure effective DNS servers match @thomaseizinger (#5107)\\n- test(connlib): ensure ICMP replies make it back to the client @thomaseizinger (#5104)\\n- chore(infra): Don\'t collide root TXT @jamilbk (#5113)\\n- chore(infra): Add Oneleet domain verification @jamilbk (#5112)\\n- test(connlib): implement PR feedback @thomaseizinger (#5101)\\n- test(connlib): ensure components don\'t have the same IP @thomaseizinger (#5109)\\n- chore(connlib): make `GatewayState::encapsulate` pure @thomaseizinger (#5103)\\n- test(connlib): simulate IO in state machine tests @thomaseizinger (#4728)\\n- chore(website): Add Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads trackers to the website @AndrewDryga (#5097)\\n- chore: Add google search domain verification for @jamilbk (#5096)\\n- chore(firezone-tunnel/android): revert regression from #4788 @ReactorScram (#5087)\\n- refactor(elixir): remove telemetry id generation (#5084) @jamilbk (#5095)\\n- refactor(apple): Remove unused vars in AppDelegate @jamilbk (#5089)\\n- chore: bump version to 1.0.5 for linux/windows @jamilbk (#5093)\\n- refactor(apple): Decode all expected JSON fields from onUpdateResources @jamilbk (#5088)\\n\\n## 📝 Documentation\\n\\n- docs(connlib): add more inline docs to connlib\'s state @thomaseizinger (#5105)\\n- docs: add note for compose v2 @jamilbk (#5110)\\n- docs(client): update Linux and Windows Client docs @ReactorScra
HttpError: Validation Failed: {"resource":"Release","code":"invalid","field":"target_commitish"} at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:8462:21 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async Job.doExecute (/home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:30793:18) { name: 'AggregateError', event: { id: '9230739178', name: 'pull_request', payload: { action: 'synchronize', after: 'f1a934283085625a8e71caae334ffa9a6023bd8e', before: '0ebfcbe7339d5ce3757a5474efbe55c06196e0d7', number: 5111, organization: { avatar_url: '', description: 'Open-source secure remote access', events_url: '', hooks_url: '', id: 87211124, issues_url: '', login: 'firezone', members_url: '{/member}', node_id: 'MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjg3MjExMTI0', public_members_url: '{/member}', repos_url: '', url: '' }, pull_request: { _links: { comments: { href: '' }, commits: { href: '' }, html: { href: '' }, issue: { href: '' }, review_comment: { href: '{/number}' }, review_comments: { href: '' }, self: { href: '' }, statuses: { href: '' } }, active_lock_reason: null, additions: 566, assignee: { avatar_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', gravatar_id: '', html_url: '', id: 13400041, login: 'ReactorScram', node_id: 'MDQ6VXNlcjEzNDAwMDQx', organizations_url: '', received_events_url: '', repos_url: '', site_admin: false, starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', type: 'User', url: '' }, assignees: [ { avatar_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}'
integration-tests / direct-download-roaming-network
Process completed with exit code 1.
integration-tests / relayed-dns
Process completed with exit code 143.
integration-tests / direct-dns
Process completed with exit code 143.
integration-tests / direct-browser-relay-restart
Process completed with exit code 1.
integration-tests / relayed-browser-relay-restart
Process completed with exit code 1.
integration-tests / direct-curl-api-down
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / dns-failsafe
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / direct-dns-api-down
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / relayed-dns-relay-restart
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / direct-curl-api-relay-down
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / direct-dns-relay-down
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / relayed-curl-api-restart
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / direct-curl-api-restart
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / relayed-curl-api-down
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / relay-graceful-shutdown
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / relayed-curl-relay-restart
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / relayed-dns-api-down
Process completed with exit code 28.
integration-tests / systemd/dns-systemd-resolved
Process completed with exit code 28.
Process completed with exit code 1.
Process completed with exit code 1.
Process completed with exit code 1.
Process completed with exit code 1.
Process completed with exit code 1.
Process completed with exit code 1.
Process completed with exit code 1.
Process completed with exit code 1.
kotlin / static-analysis
This job uses deprecated functionality from the 'gradle/wrapper-validation-action' action. Consult the logs for more details.
kotlin / static-analysis
This job uses deprecated functionality from the 'gradle/gradle-build-action' action. Consult the Job Summary for more details.
elixir / acceptance-test-1
No files were found with the provided path: elixir/apps/web/screenshots. No artifacts will be uploaded.
kotlin / build
This job uses deprecated functionality from the 'gradle/gradle-build-action' action. Consult the Job Summary for more details.
swift / build-macosx
Cache save failed.


Produced during runtime
Name Size
Android app bundle
26.8 MB
debug-client-afabf17c22dee2cf75570f99ba58eaeb18bb64b2-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
debug-gateway-afabf17c22dee2cf75570f99ba58eaeb18bb64b2-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
debug-http-test-server-afabf17c22dee2cf75570f99ba58eaeb18bb64b2-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
debug-relay-afabf17c22dee2cf75570f99ba58eaeb18bb64b2-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
debug-snownet-tests-afabf17c22dee2cf75570f99ba58eaeb18bb64b2-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
1.76 KB
1.57 KB
1.59 KB
1.99 KB
7.23 MB
12 MB
4.47 MB
4.03 MB
7.74 MB
6.89 MB
perf-client-6818f395dd2c615b1213c982decfa36889e3ce1e-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
perf-client-afabf17c22dee2cf75570f99ba58eaeb18bb64b2-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
perf-gateway-6818f395dd2c615b1213c982decfa36889e3ce1e-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
perf-gateway-afabf17c22dee2cf75570f99ba58eaeb18bb64b2-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
perf-relay-6818f395dd2c615b1213c982decfa36889e3ce1e-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
perf-relay-afabf17c22dee2cf75570f99ba58eaeb18bb64b2-digest-x86_64 Expired
244 Bytes
1.75 KB
1.52 KB
1.62 KB
2.03 KB