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A simple hapi plugin that automates switching to an Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) version of your view.


npm install hapi-amp


Register the plugin as you normally would, along with hapi's vision plugin and your preferred view engine:

// index.js
await server.register(require('vision'));
await server.register(require('hapi-amp'));
  engines: { html: require('vision-nunjucks') },
  path: `/views`

If you use the Rapptor server framework then you can accomplish the same thing with a configuration file:

# default.yaml
  path: '/views'
    njk: 'vision-nunjucks'

For each view that you want to provide an AMP version for, just make a corresponding file with -amp at the end of the file name:

  • /views/homepage.html
  • /views/homepage-amp.html
  • /views/profile.html
  • /views/profile-amp.html

Then you can just render your views like you normally would:

return h.view('pages/homepage');

The plugin will detect any time a request contains an ?amp=1 query parameter and switch to the -amp version of the view if so. If unable to locate an -amp version of your view, it will just fall back to the original view.

Further Features

When rendering an AMP page, hapi-amp will also add the following to your view context:

  • __isAMP: true , indicating this is an amp page.
  • __AMPOriginal: <url>, so that your view will still have access to the original request.url.href before the plugin modifies it internally.