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Simplified Summarize
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Derek Ogle committed Aug 22, 2016
1 parent 7665e56 commit 37f319e
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: FSA
Title: Simple Fisheries Stock Assessment Methods
Version: 0.8.9
Date: 2016-7-16
Date: 2016-8-21
Description: A variety of simple fish stock assessment methods.
Detailed vignettes are available on the fishR website <>.
Authors@R: person("Derek","Ogle",email="",role=c("aut","cre"))
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# FSA 0.8.9 ongoing
* `ageComparison()`: Modified. Removed an internal call to `fact2num()` because of changes to `Summarize()` below. Should not impact user experience.
* `diags()`: Added.
* `gompertzFuns()`: Modified. Fixed some spacing around the message when `msg=TRUE`.
* `logisticFuns()`: Modified. Fixed some spacing around the message when `msg=TRUE`.
* `Summarize()`: Modified. Removed all `exclude=` arguments within calls to `table()` to address issues that will be created with forthcoming R v3.4.0 (per notice from CRAN). Added more examples and tests.
* `Summarize()`: Modified. Removed all uses where the main variable was a factor (this functionality was largely unneeded and unused, was inelegant and difficult to maintain). Removed pass-through to `summary`. Removed warnings about the RHS variables being converted to factors. Columns for "levels" of the RHS variables are now returned in their original model (i.e., if the variable was numeric in the original data.frame it is now numeric in the data.frame returned from this function) -- this should reduce need for using `fact2num()` when using the results of this function for variables that were originally numeric. Added more examples and tests for the numeric data.

# FSA 0.8.8 18-Jul-16
* `growthFunShow()`: Modified. Added Pauly et al. (1992) seasonal cessation function. Added `case=` for use with Schnute model.
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205 changes: 50 additions & 155 deletions R/Summarize.R
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@@ -1,98 +1,69 @@
#' @title Summary statistics for a numeric or factor variable.
#' @title Summary statistics for a numeric variable.
#' @description Summary statistics for a single numeric or factor variable, possibly separated by the levels of a factor variable. This function is very similar to \code{\link[base]{summary}} for a numeric variables and \code{\link[base]{table}} for factor variables.
#' @description Summary statistics for a single numeric variable, possibly separated by the levels of a factor variable or variables. This function is very similar to \code{\link[base]{summary}} for a numeric variable.
#' @details This function is primarily used with formulas. Five general types of formulae may be used (where \code{quant} and \code{factor} generically represent quantitative/numeric and factor variables, respectively)
#' @details This function is primarily used with formulas of the following types (where \code{quant} and \code{factor} generically represent quantitative/numeric and factor variables, respectively):
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Formula \tab Description of Summary \cr
#' \code{~quant} \tab Numerical summaries (see below) of \code{quant}.\cr
#' \code{~factor} \tab One-way frequency or percentage (see below) table of \code{factor}.\cr
#' \code{quant~factor} \tab Summaries of \code{quant} separated by levels in \code{factor}.\cr
#' \code{quant~factor1*factor2} \tab Summaries of \code{quant} separated by the combined levels in \code{factor1} and \code{factor2}.\cr
#' \code{factor1~factor2} \tab Two-way frequency or percentage table with levels of \code{factor2} as rows and \code{factor1} as columns.\cr
#' }
#' Numerical summaries include all results from \code{\link[base]{summary}} (min, Q1, mean, median, Q3, and max) and the sample size, valid sample size (sample size minus number of \code{NA}s), and standard deviation (i.e., \code{sd}). \code{NA} values are removed from the calculations with \code{na.rm=TRUE} (the DEFAULT). The number of digits in the returned results are controlled with \code{digits=}.
#' Factor variables may be summarized as a frequency (if \code{percent="none"}) or percentages table (the DEFAULT). For a single factor variable, the percentages table is returned if \code{percent="total"}. For two factor variables, the percentage table may be returned as a row-, column-, or table-percent table with \code{percent="row"} (the DEFAULT), \code{percent="column"}, and \code{percent="total"}, respectively. The number of digits in the returned table are controlled with \code{percdigs=}. A marginal total, either for all margins if \code{percent="none"} or the appropriate margin otherwise, is added to the table if \code{addtotal=TRUE}. The results for a factor are NOT meant to replace \code{\link[base]{table}} or \code{\link[stats]{xtabs}}. This functionality is provided to make this function more complete.
#' @note Students often need to examine basic statistics of a quantitative variable separated for different levels of a categorical variable. These results may be obtained with \code{\link[base]{tapply}}, \code{\link[base]{by}}, or \code{\link[stats]{aggregate}} (or with functions in other packages), but the use of these functions is not obvious to newbie students or return results in a format that is not obvious to newbie students. Thus, the formula method to \code{Summarize} allows newbie students to use a common notation (i.e., formula) to easily compute summary statistics for a quantitative variable separated by the levels of a factor.
#' @aliases Summarize Summarize.default Summarize.formula
#' @param object A vector of numeric or factor data.
#' @param digits A numeric that indicates the number of decimals to round the numeric summaries.
#' @param addtotal A logical that indicates whether totals should be added to tables (\code{=TRUE}, default) or not. See details.
#' @param percent A string that indicates the type of percents to compute for tables from factor variables. See details.
#' @param percdigs A numeric that indicates the number of decimals to round the percentage summaries.
#' @param object A vector of numeric data.
#' @param digits A single numeric that indicates the number of decimals to round the numeric summaries.
#' @param na.rm A logical that indicates whether numeric missing values (\code{NA}) should be removed (\code{=TRUE}, default) or not.
#' @param exclude A string that contains the level that should be excluded from a factor variable.
#' @param data An optional data frame that contains the variables in \code{formula}.
#' @param data A data.frame that contains the variables in \code{formula}.
#' @param \dots Not implemented.
#' @return A named vector or data frame (when a quantitative variable is separted by one or two factor variables) of summary statistics for numeric data and a matrix of frequencies and, possibly, percentages for factor variables.
#' @return A named vector or data frame (when a quantitative variable is separted by one or two factor variables) of summary statistics for numeric data.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{}
#' @seealso See \code{\link[base]{summary}}, \code{\link[base]{table}}, and \code{\link[stats]{xtabs}} for related one dimensional functionality. See \code{\link[base]{tapply}}, \code{\link[doBy]{summaryBy}} in \pkg{doBy}, \code{\link[psych]{describe}} in \pkg{psych}, \code{\link[prettyR]{describe}} in \pkg{prettyR}, and \code{\link[fBasics]{basicStats}} in \pkg{fBasics} for similar \dQuote{by} functionality.
#' @seealso See \code{\link[base]{summary}} for related one dimensional functionality. See \code{\link[base]{tapply}}, \code{\link[doBy]{summaryBy}} in \pkg{doBy}, \code{\link[psych]{describe}} in \pkg{psych}, \code{\link[prettyR]{describe}} in \pkg{prettyR}, and \code{\link[fBasics]{basicStats}} in \pkg{fBasics} for similar \dQuote{by} functionality.
#' @keywords misc
#' @examples
#' ## Create a numeric vector (with missing values)
#' ## Create a data.frame of "data"
#' n <- 102
#' y <- c(0,0,NA,NA,NA,runif(n-5))
#' ## Create a factor vector (with missing values)
#' g1 <- factor(sample(c("A","B","C","NA"),n,replace=TRUE))
#' ## Create a factor vector with unknowns
#' g2 <- factor(sample(c("male","female","UNKNOWN"),n,replace=TRUE))
#' # Put into a data.frame (with some extra variables)
#' d <- data.frame(dy=y,dg1=g1,dg2=g2,
#' dw=sample(1:3,n,replace=TRUE),
#' dv=sample(1:3,n,replace=TRUE))
#' d <- data.frame(y=c(0,0,NA,NA,NA,runif(n-5)),
#' w=sample(7:9,n,replace=TRUE),
#' v=sample(1:3,n,replace=TRUE),
#' g1=factor(sample(c("A","B","C",NA),n,replace=TRUE)),
#' g2=factor(sample(c("male","female","UNKNOWN"),n,replace=TRUE)),
#' g3=sample(c("a","b","c","d"),n,replace=TRUE),
#' stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' # typical output of summary() for a numeric variable
#' summary(y)
#' summary(d$y)
#' # this function
#' Summarize(y,digits=3)
#' Summarize(~dy,data=d,digits=3)
#' Summarize(dy~1,data=d,digits=3)
#' ## Factor vector (excluding "NA"s in second call)
#' Summarize(~dg1,data=d)
#' Summarize(~dg1,data=d,exclude="NA")
#' ## Factor vector with UNKNOWNs
#' Summarize(~dg2,data=d)
#' Summarize(~dg2,data=d,exclude="UNKNOWN")
#' Summarize(d$y,digits=3)
#' Summarize(~y,data=d,digits=3)
#' Summarize(y~1,data=d,digits=3)
#' ## Numeric vector by levels of a factor variable
#' Summarize(dy~dg1,data=d,digits=3)
#' Summarize(dy~dg1,data=d,digits=3,exclude="NA")
#' Summarize(dy~dg2,data=d,digits=3)
#' Summarize(dy~dg2,data=d,digits=3,exclude="UNKNOWN")
#' Summarize(y~g1,data=d,digits=3)
#' Summarize(y~g2,data=d,digits=3)
#' Summarize(y~g2,data=d,digits=3,exclude="UNKNOWN")
#' ## Numeric vector by levels of two factor variables
#' Summarize(dy~dg1+dg2,data=d,digits=3)
#' Summarize(dy~dg1+dg2,data=d,digits=3,exclude="NA")
#' Summarize(dy~dg1+dg2,data=d,digits=3,exclude="UNKNOWN")
#' Summarize(dy~dg1+dg2,data=d,digits=3,exclude=c("NA","UNKNOWN"))
#' Summarize(y~g1+g2,data=d,digits=3)
#' Summarize(y~g1+g2,data=d,digits=3,exclude="UNKNOWN")
#' ## What happens if RHS of formula is not a factor
#' Summarize(dy~dw,data=d,digits=3)
#' Summarize(y~dw*dv,data=d,digits=3)
#' ## Summarize factor variable by a factor variable
#' Summarize(dg1~dg2,data=d)
#' Summarize(dg1~dg2,data=d,exclude="NA")
#' Summarize(dg1~dg2,data=d,exclude=c("NA","UNKNOWN"))
#' Summarize(dg1~dg2,data=d,percent="none")
#' Summarize(dg1~dg2,data=d,percent="column")
#' Summarize(dg1~dg2,data=d,percent="total")
#' Summarize(y~w,data=d,digits=3)
#' ## Summarizing all variables in a data frame
#' lapply(as.list(d),Summarize,digits=4)
#' ## Summarizing multiple variables in a data.frame (must reduce to numerics)
#' lapply(as.list(d[,1:3]),Summarize,digits=4)
#' @rdname Summarize
#' @export
Expand All @@ -103,9 +74,7 @@ Summarize <- function(object, ...) {
#' @rdname Summarize
#' @export
Summarize.default <- function(object,digits=getOption("digits"),
na.rm=TRUE,exclude=NULL,...) {
percent <- match.arg(percent)
## Do some checking on object type
if ( stop("'Summarize' does not work with a data.frame.",call.=FALSE)
if (is.matrix(object)) {
Expand All @@ -117,39 +86,27 @@ Summarize.default <- function(object,digits=getOption("digits"),
## Start processing
if (is.numeric(object)) {
# quantitative data
} else if (is.factor(object)) {
# Categorical data
} else summary(object) # A pass-through to the original summary function
if (!is.numeric(object)) stop("'Summarize' only works with a numeric variable",call.=FALSE)
else iSummarizeQ1(object,digits,na.rm)

#' @rdname Summarize
#' @export
Summarize.formula <- function(object,data=NULL,digits=getOption("digits"),
addtotal=TRUE,na.rm=TRUE,exclude=NULL,...) {
percent <- match.arg(percent)
na.rm=TRUE,exclude=NULL,...) {
## Handle the formula
tmp <- iHndlFormula(object,data,expNumR=1)
## Start Processing
if (tmp$vnum==1) {
## Only one variable ... send first column of model.frame
## to summarize.default
} else {
## More than one variable
if (!tmp$metExpNumR) stop("Must have one variable on LHS of formula with more than one variable",call.=FALSE)
if (tmp$Rclass %in% c("numeric","integer")) {
## Quantitative response
} else {
## Categorical response
} else stop("'Summarize' only works with a numeric variable on LHS.",call.=FALSE)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,39 +134,12 @@ iSummarizeQ1 <- function(object,digits,na.rm) {

## Internal function for vector of categorical data
iSummarizeC1 <- function(object,addtotal,percent,percdigs,exclude) {
# exclude values if asked to
if (!is.null(exclude)) object <- droplevels(object[object!=exclude])
# Summary table
res <- table(object)
# Add percents to table if asked for
if (percent!="none") {
# Add percents, forms a 2-col matrix
res <- cbind(res,round(prop.table(res)*100,percdigs))
colnames(res) <- c("freq","perc")
# Adds a valid percent column if any of the rownames are NA
if (any(rownames(res)=="NA")) {
# reorders rownames so that "NA" is last
rn <- rownames(res)
rn1 <- c(rn[rn!="NA"],"NA")
res <- res[rn1,]
vp <- c(round(prop.table(table(object,exclude="NA"))*100,percdigs),0)
res <- cbind(res,vp)
colnames(res) <- c("freq","perc","validPerc")
# Adds a total of each column to table
if (addtotal) res <- stats::addmargins(res,margin=1,FUN=list(Total=sum),quiet=TRUE)

## Internal function for formula with quantitative response
iSummarizeQf <- function(tmp,digits,na.rm,exclude) {
## Set defaults for whether variables should be unfactored or not
unfactor1 <- unfactor2 <- FALSE
## Exclude values from factor variables if asked to
if (!is.null(exclude)) {
for (i in 1:length(exclude)) {
Expand All @@ -219,29 +149,15 @@ iSummarizeQf <- function(tmp,digits,na.rm,exclude) {
## Get the response variable
nv <- tmp$mf[,tmp$Rpos]
## Make sure LHS is simple enough
if (tmp$Enum>2) stop("With a quantitative response (LHS), the RHS\n must contain only one or two factors.",call.=FALSE)
## Handle the explanatory variables
if (tmp$Enum>2) stop("With a quantitative response (LHS), the RHS\n may contain only one or two factors.",call.=FALSE)
## Get results for quant variable by each level of interaction variable.
if (tmp$Enum==1) { ## Only one explanatory variable
rv <- tmp$mf[,tmp$Enames]
if (tmp$Eclass!="factor") {
warning("RHS variable was converted to a factor.",call.=FALSE)
rv <- factor(rv)
# Get results for quant variable by each level of a single factor variable
intres <- tapply(nv,rv,Summarize,na.rm=na.rm)
} else { ## Two explanatory variables
rv <- tmp$mf[,tmp$Enames[1]]
if (tmp$Eclass[1]!="factor") {
warning("First RHS variable was converted to a factor.",call.=FALSE)
rv <- factor(rv)
cv <- tmp$mf[,tmp$Enames[2]]
if (tmp$Eclass[2]!="factor") {
warning("Second RHS variable was converted to a factor.",call.=FALSE)
cv <- factor(cv)
iv <- interaction(rv,cv,sep=":")
# Get results for quant variable by each level of interaction variable.
intres <- tapply(nv,iv,Summarize,na.rm=na.rm)
# Put together as a matrix
Expand All @@ -253,45 +169,24 @@ iSummarizeQf <- function(tmp,digits,na.rm,exclude) {
# remove attribute names on the level labels
attr(lvl.lbls,"dimnames") <- NULL
# put together as a data.frame
res <- data.frame(lvl.lbls,res)
if (tmp$Enum==1) { ## Only one explanatory variable
if (tmp$Eclass!="factor") mode(lvl.lbls) <- tmp$Eclass
else lvl.lbls <- as.factor(lvl.lbls)
res <- data.frame(lvl.lbls,res,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} else {
lvl.lbls1 <- lvl.lbls[,1]
lvl.lbls2 <- lvl.lbls[,2]
if (tmp$Eclass[1]!="factor") mode(lvl.lbls1) <- tmp$Eclass[1]
else lvl.lbls1 <- as.factor(lvl.lbls1)
if (tmp$Eclass[2]!="factor") mode(lvl.lbls2) <- tmp$Eclass[2]
else lvl.lbls2 <- as.factor(lvl.lbls2)
res <- data.frame(lvl.lbls1,lvl.lbls2,res,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# make sure colnames of new data.frame make sense
# should be names of explanatory variables and the colnames
# from the tapply result
names(res) <- c(tmp$Enames,res.names)
# eliminate row names
rownames(res) <- NULL

## Internal function for formula with categorical response
iSummarizeCf <- function(tmp,percent,percdigs,addtotal,exclude) {
## Exclude values if asked to
if (!is.null(exclude)) {
for (i in 1:length(exclude)) tmp$mf <- droplevels(tmp$mf[apply(tmp$mf!=exclude[i],1,all),])
## Get response variable
rv <- tmp$mf[,tmp$Rpos]
## Check RHS has only one variable
if (tmp$Enum>1) stop("With a categorical response (LHS), the RHS\n must contain only one factor.",call.=FALSE)
## Get explanatory variable, make sure it is a factor
ev <- tmp$mf[,tmp$Enames[1]]
if (tmp$Eclass!="factor") {
warning("RHS variable was converted to a factor.\n",call.=FALSE)
ev <- as.factor(ev)
res <- table(ev,rv,dnn=list(tmp$Enames,tmp$Rname))
if (percent!="none") {
if (percent=="total") mrgn=NULL
else mrgn <- c(1,2)[which(percent==c("row","column"))]
res <- prop.table(res,margin=mrgn)*100
if (addtotal) {
if(percent %in% c("total","none")) mrgn <- 1:2
else mrgn <- c(2,1)[which(percent==c("row","column"))]
res <- stats::addmargins(res,margin=mrgn,FUN=list(Total=sum),quiet=TRUE)
if (percent!="none") res <- round(res,digits=percdigs)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/ageComparisons.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ summary.ageBias <- function(object,
iAgeBiasDF <- function(tmp,cname,diff,min.n.CI,sig.level) {
# Ages of cdata strux
x <- fact2num(tmp[,1])
x <-tmp[,1]
# Is it appropriate to compute a CI
canCI <- tmp$n>=min.n.CI & tmp$sd>0
# Fill SEs, p-values calcs, and CIs with NA (will leave NA
Expand Down

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