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Additional descriptions of phrases returned with the ft.signature to conform with French law requirements.
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Boulard-Fontaine committed Jun 3, 2020
1 parent d200765 commit 8df720c
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 3 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ For France (FR) the country code is `0x4652`. Thus, the value for an unknown ftR
| `0x4652000000000005` | Daily Receipt / Grand Total Ticket / Grand Total Invoice: Daily<br />Sign: Yes<br />Chain and national numbering: G<br />Details:<br />- Adds daily counter to month-counter an then resets daily counter<br />- keeps shift counter | |
| `0x4652000000000006` | Monthly Receipt / Grand Total Ticket / Grand Total Invoice: Month<br />Sign: Yes<br />Chain and national numbering: G<br />Details:<br />- Adds daily counter to month-counter an then resets daily counter<br />- Adds monthly counter to yearly counter and then resets monthly counter<br />- keeps shift counter | |
| `0x4652000000000007` | Yearly Receipt / Grand Total Ticket / Grand Total Invoice: Year<br />Sign: Yes<br />Chain and national numbering: G<br />Details:<br />- Adds daily counter to month-counter an then resets daily counter<br />- Adds monthly counter to yearly counter and then resets monthly counter<br />- Resets yearly counter<br />- keeps shift counter | |
| `0x4652000000000008` | Bill<br />List of ChargeItems to be payed. Used to inform customers about their open ChargeItems. payitemtype `0x4652000000000011` is used<br />Sign: Yes<br />Chain and national numbering: B<br />Details: GT counters are not raised. If bill and payment prove are created, this does not replace a ticket creation. A ticket or an invoice have to be issued to raise turnover and raise the GT counters as well<br />#B02 | |
| `0x4652000000000008` | Bill<br />List of ChargeItems to be payed. Used to inform customers about their open ChargeItems. payitemtype `0x4652000000000011` is used<br />Sign: Yes<br />Chain and national numbering: B<br />Details: GT counters are not raised. When the bill is used, the phrase "document provisoire" is returned with the fiskaltrust signature and must be printed on the bill. Every time the bill is reprinted, an upcounting number denoting how may times the bill has been printed is returned and must be printed on the bill and is then recorded in the journal. If bill and payment prove are created, this does not replace a ticket creation. A ticket or an invoice has to be issued to raise turnover and raise the GT counters as well<br />#B02 | |
| `0x4652000000000009` | Delivery Note<br />Sign: no<br />Chain and national numbering: no | |
| `0x465200000000000A` | Cash Deposit<br />Same handling as payment prove<br />Chain and national numbering: P | |
| `0x465200000000000B` | Pay out<br />Same handling as payment prove<br />Chain and national numbering: P | |
Expand All @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ For France (FR) the country code is `0x4652`. Thus, the value for an unknown ftR
| `0x4652000000000013` | Protocol / Accounting / Audit<br />Has to be signed<br />Sign: Yes<br />Chain and national numbering: L<br />#L02<br />Details: Can be used by the POS system to log custom data. | |
| `0x4652000000000014` | Protocol / Custom<br />Does not need to be signed<br />Sign: No<br />Chain and national numbering: No<br />#<br />Details: Can be used by the POS system to log custom data. | |
| `0x4652000000000015` | Archive<br />Has to be Signed<br />Sign: Yes<br />Chain and national numbering: A<br />Details: Will trigger automatically a daily closing. | |
| `0x4652000000000016` | Copy<br />Has to be Signed<br />Sign: Yes<br />Chain and national numbering: C<br />Details: in a request the cbPreviousReceiptReference is mandatory. It contains the receiptnumber of the cash register which was handed out as a copy. | |
| `0x4652000000000016` | Copy<br />Has to be Signed<br />Sign: Yes<br />Chain and national numbering: C<br />Details: in a request the cbPreviousReceiptReference is mandatory. It contains the receiptnumber of the cash register which was handed out as a copy. When a copy of a reciept is requested, the phrase "duplicata" is returned with the fiskaltrust signature and must be printed on the receipt. Every time the receipt is reprinted, an upcounting number denoting how may times the receipt has been printed is returned and must be printed on the receipt and is then recorded in the journal. | |

<span id="_Toc527986685" class="anchor"></span>*Table 33. Type of Receipt: ftReceiptCase (FR – BOI-TVA-DECL 30-10-30)*

Expand All @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Diverse business transactions according to the French law and regulations can re
| **Value** | **Description** | **Version** |
| `0x0000000000010000` | "out of service"<br />The transferred receipt contains data which has been created during an outage of the connection between the POS System and the fiskaltrust.Middleware. The original receipts are avaiable in handwritten or digital format and are now transferred and subsequently consolidated and signed via zero receipt. This can be necessary for example after a power or server outage. | 1.2 |
| `0x0000000000020000` | "training receipt"<br />All requests issued with this flag are chained and signed in a separate chain. For national numbering "X" is used.<br />GT counters are not raised. | 1.2 |
| `0x0000000000020000` | "training receipt"<br />All requests issued with this flag are chained and signed in a separate chain. The phrase "mode école" is printed on any artifact that is printed while the flag is being used. For national numbering "X" is used.<br />GT counters are not raised. | 1.2 |
| `0x0000000000040000` | "reverse receipt" or "voided receipt"<br />Common behaviour | |
| `0x0000800000000000` | "receipt request"<br />Common behaviour | |

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