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magdignomad committed Jun 2, 2020
2 parents 2723c88 + 8ea583e commit 90c8cd8
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Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ For some special cases we need you to transmit data within the field `ftReceiptC
| `UserId` | `string` | optional | Send via `ftReceiptCaseData` in JSON format. To send, pls. add the key value pair `UserId` e.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "UserId":192, ... }"`. If not sent, the ft will automatically generate a User-ID (hash) deducted from `cbUser` | 1.3 |
| `ReceiptNote` | `string` | optional | Additional information on the receipt header. Can be sent via `ftReceiptCaseData` in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair `ReceiptNote` e.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ReceiptNote":"123, ich bin dabei!", ... }"` | 1.3|
| `ReceiptName` | `string` | Mandatory if your request mapps to the DSFinV-K BON_TYPE "AVSonstige" (see `ftReceiptCase`), otherwise optional | Can be sent via `ftReceiptCaseData` in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair `ReceiptName` e.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ReceiptName":"Sonstige Sonderwurst", ... }"` | 1.3|
| `ActionStartMoment` | ISO 8601 and RFC3339 date | Mandatory if the action (DE: Vorgang) starts within another system. Otherwise the receipt request of an action must be connected in a way that ft can find the start of the action. | The action start can be within this cashpoint or outside of this cashpoint. If outside (e.g. by another system or another cashpoint) than it has to be provided via `ftReceiptCaseData` in JSON format by adding the key value pair `ActionStartMoment`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ActionStartMoment":"2020-09-27T17:00:01", ... }"`. If not provided, ft tries to find the action start by following the `cbPreviousReceiptReference` path into the past until no more previous receipt references exist. ft will than fill this field with the value from `ftReceiptMoment` of the oldest receipt found in that chain. You can find examples for connecting the requests [here](../examples/ | 1.3 |
| `VoidingReceipt` | `0 or 1` | Mandatory if your receipt is a reverse receipt that voids another, previous receipt (DE: Nachträgliche Vorgangs-Stornierungen). | The signs for the charge items and pay items must be reversed comparing to the receipt to be voided. Please reference the receipt to be voided via `cbPreviousReceiptReference` and set the field `VoidingReceipt` to the value ´1´ within `ftReceiptCaseData`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "VoidingReceipt":1, ... }"`. | 1.3 |

If you need to provide a **reference** to another systems or another cashpoints, you can add it via the field `ftReceiptCaseData` by providing it's data as shown below:
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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ This chapter lists the data fields that are mandatory and must be provided by th
| `BON_NAME` | Single recordings | The `BON_NAME` is used to further subdivide the items contained in the transaction category (`BON_TYP`). The `BON_NAME` must be filled if `BON_TYP` is `AVSonstige`.|
| `TERMINAL_ID` | Single recordings | ID of the terminal that was used to record this receipt. |
| `BON_STORNO` | Single recordings | Mandatory for the subsequent cancellation of an receipt. |
| `BON_START` | Single recordings | Mandatory if the action (DE: Vorgang) starts within another system. Otherwise the receipt request of an action must be connected in a way that ft can find the start of the action.|
| `BEDIENER_NAME` | Single recordings | User name |
| `AGENTUR_ID` | Single recordings | ID of the agency, only mandatory if agency business (DE: Agenturgeschäft) |
| `KUNDE_NAME` | Single recordings | Full name of the beneficiary customer. Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146 |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,8 +165,8 @@ Each subitem as described in the table below:
| `BON_NAME` | Additional description related to the `BON_TYP` | String (60) | Mandatory if `BON_TYPE` is "AVSonstige", otherwise optional, can be sent via `ftReceiptCaseData` in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair `ReceiptName ` e.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ReceiptName":"Sonstige Sonderwurst", ... }"` |
| `TERMINAL_ID` | Mandatory, ID of the terminal that was used to record this receipt | String (50) | `cbTerminalID` |
| `BON_STORNO` | Cancellation indicator | 0 or 1 | Mandatory if your receipt is a reverse receipt that voids another, previous receipt (DE: Nachträgliche Vorgangs-Stornierungen). The signs for the charge items and pay items must be reversed comparing to the receipt to be voided. Please reference the receipt to be voided via `cbPreviousReceiptReference` and set the field `VoidingReceipt` to the value ´1´ within `ftReceiptCaseData`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "VoidingReceipt":1, ... }"`. Ft will then set the `BON_STORNO` flag in the DSFinV-K export and will also add a corresponding reference in the file "**Bon_Referenzen (references.csv)**" (see below). See also this [discussion](|
| `BON_START` | Time of the action start | ISO 8601 and RFC3339 date | The action start can be within this cashpoint or outside of this cashpoint. If outside (e.g. by another system or another cashpoint) than it has to be provided in via `ftReceiptCaseData` in JSON format by adding the key value pair `ActionStartMoment`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ActionStartMoment":"2020-09-27T17:00:01", ... }"`. If not provided, ft tries to find the action start by following the `cbPreviousReceiptReference` path into the past until no more previous receipt references exist. ft will than fill this field with the value from `ftReceiptMoment` of the oldest receipt found in that chain. |
| `BON_ENDE` | Time of the action end | String | `ftReceiptMoment` |
| `BON_START` | Time of the action start | ISO 8601 and RFC3339 date | Automatically filled by ft |
| `BON_ENDE` | Time of the action end | ISO 8601 and RFC3339 date | Automatically filled by ft. |
| `BEDIENER_ID` | User-ID | String (50) | Optional. To send, pls. add the key value pair `UserId` e.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "UserId":192, ... }"`. If not sent, the ft will automatically generate a User-ID (hash) deducted from `cbUser` |
| `BEDIENER_NAME` | User name | String (50) | Mandatory, please send via `cbUser` |
| `UMS_BRUTTO` | Gross total turnover | Decimal (2) | Automatically filled by ft |
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