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add agency handling to dsfinv-k
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christian-rogobete committed Mar 25, 2020
1 parent 3edac51 commit e6834aa
Showing 1 changed file with 20 additions and 19 deletions.
39 changes: 20 additions & 19 deletions doc/appendix-de-kassensichv/reference-tables/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -387,15 +387,14 @@ You can send those subitems to the ft middleware via `ftChargeItemCaseData` in J
| `Z_KASSE_ID` | ID of the (closing) cashpoint | String | `ftCashBoxIdentification` |
| `Z_ERSTELLUNG` | Date of the cashpoint closing | String | `cbReceiptMoment` |
| `Z_NR` | Nr. of the cashpoint closing | Integer | automatically filled by ft |
| `BON_ID` | Action-ID | String | `ftReceiptIdentification` |
| `BON_NR` | Receipt number | Integer | `ftReceiptIdentification` |
| `Z_NR` | Nr. of the cashpoint closing | Integer | automatically created and filled by ft |
| `BON_NR` | Receipt number | Long | `ftReceiptIdentification` (tbd: ftReceiptIdentification is a string, but number/long is needed) |
| `BON_TYP` | Receipt type / action type| String | `ftReceiptCase` |
| `BON_NAME` | Action-ID | String | mandatory if action type (`BON_TYPE`) is `AVSonstige`, otherwise optional, can be sent via `ftReceiptCaseData` in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair `ReceiptName ` e.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ReceiptName":"Sonstige Sonderwurst", ... }"` |
| `BON_NAME` | Additional description related to the `BON_TYP` | String | mandatory if `BON_TYPE` is "AVSonstige", otherwise optional, can be sent via `ftReceiptCaseData` in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair `ReceiptName ` e.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ReceiptName":"Sonstige Sonderwurst", ... }"` |
| `TERMINAL_ID` | ID of the terminal that was used to record this receipt | String | `cbTerminalID` |
| `BON_STORNO` | Cancellation indicator | String | not used |
| `BON_START` | Time of the action start | String | automatically filled by ft |
| `BON_ENDE` | Time of the action end | String | automatically filled by ft |
| `BON_START` | Time of the action start | String | automatically filled by ft (tbd: how to find the start) |
| `BON_ENDE` | Time of the action end | String | `cbReceiptMoment` |
| `BEDIENER_ID` | User-ID | String | send via `cbUser` in JSON format by adding the key value pair `UserId` e.g. `"cbUser":"{ "UserId":"19292", "UserName":"Peter Lux"}"`|
| `BEDIENER_NAME` | User name | String | send via `cbUser` in JSON format by adding the key value pair `UserName` e.g. `"cbUser":"{ "UserId":"19292", "UserName":"Peter Lux"}"`|
| `UMS_BRUTTO` | Gross total turnover | Decimal (2) | automatically filled by ft |
Expand All @@ -407,7 +406,7 @@ You can send those subitems to the ft middleware via `ftChargeItemCaseData` in J
| `KUNDE_ORT` | City of the beneficiary customer | String | if known, send via `cbCustomer` in JSON format by adding the key value pair `CustomerCity` e.g. `"cbCustomer":"{..., "CustomerCity":"München", ...}"` |
| `KUNDE_LAND` | Country of the beneficiary customer | String | if known, send via `cbCustomer` in JSON format by adding the key value pair `CustomerCountry` e.g. `"cbCustomer":"{..., "CustomerCountry":"DE", ...}"` |
| `KUNDE_USTID` | VAT-ID of the beneficiary customer | String | if known, send via `cbCustomer` in JSON format by adding the key value pair `CustomerVATId` e.g. `"cbCustomer":"{..., "CustomerVATId":"DE123456789", ...}"` |
| `BON_NOTIZ` | Additional information on the receipt header | String | tbd |
| `BON_NOTIZ` | Additional information on the receipt header | String | can be sent via `ftReceiptCaseData` in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair `ReceiptNote ` e.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ReceiptNote":"123, ich bin dabei!", ... }"` |

##### File: Bonkopf_USt (transactions_vat.csv)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,30 +552,32 @@ The master data module is divided into the following files:

##### File: Stamm_Agenturen (pa.csv)

In case of an agency business, the agency master data has to be sent within each affected receipt request to the ft middleware. To send, add the key value pair `AgencyData` to `"ftReceiptCaseData`. `AgencyData` accepts JSON an input having multiple key values described in the table below. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "AgencyData":"{ "Name":"Metzger Edelweiß", "Street":"Am Berg 12", ... }, ... }"`.

| **Fieldname** | **Description** | **Format** | **ft.input** |
| `Z_KASSE_ID` | ID of the (closing) cashpoint | String | `ftCashBoxIdentification` |
| `Z_ERSTELLUNG` | Date of the cashpoint closing | String | `cbReceiptMoment` |
| `Z_NR` | Nr. of the cashpoint closing | Integer | automatically filled by ft |
| `AGENTUR_ID` | ID of the agency | Integer | |
| `AGENTUR_NAME` | Name of the client | String | |
| `AGENTUR_STRASSE` | Street | String | |
| `AGENTUR_PLZ` | Zip | String | |
| `AGENTUR_ORT` | City | String | |
| `AGENTUR_LAND` | Country | String | |
| `AGENTUR_STNR` | Street| String | |
| `AGENTUR_USTID` | VAT ID| String | |
| `AGENTUR_ID` | ID of the agency | automatically filled by ft | |
| `AGENTUR_NAME` | Name of the client | String | To send, add the key value pair `Name` to `AgencyData`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "AgencyData":"{ "Name":"Metzger Edelweiß", "Street":"Am Berg 12", ... }, ... }"`|
| `AGENTUR_STRASSE` | Street | String | To send, add the key value pair `Street` to `AgencyData`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "AgencyData":"{ "Name":"Metzger Edelweiß", "Street":"Am Berg 12", ... }, ... }"` |
| `AGENTUR_PLZ` | Zip | String | To send, add the key value pair `Zip` to `AgencyData`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "AgencyData":"{ ..., "Zip":"82467", ... }, ... }"` |
| `AGENTUR_ORT` | City | String | To send, add the key value pair `City` to `AgencyData`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "AgencyData":"{ ..., "City":"Garmisch-Partenkirchen", ... }, ... }"` |
| `AGENTUR_LAND` | Country code | String | To send, add the key value pair `Country` to `AgencyData`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "AgencyData":"{ ..., "Country":"DE", ... }, ... }"` |
| `AGENTUR_STNR` | Street| String | To send, add the key value pair `TaxNr` to `AgencyData`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "AgencyData":"{ ..., "TaxNr":"123333211", ... }, ... }"` |
| `AGENTUR_USTID` | VAT ID| String | To send, add the key value pair `VATId` to `AgencyData`. E.g. `"ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "AgencyData":"{ ..., "VATId":"DE918291823", ... }, ... }"` |

##### File: Stamm_USt (vat.csv)

| **Fieldname** | **Description** | **Format** | **ft.input** |
| `Z_KASSE_ID` | ID of the (closing) cashpoint | String | `ftCashBoxIdentification` |
| `Z_ERSTELLUNG` | Date of the cashpoint closing | String | `cbReceiptMoment` |
| `Z_NR` | Nr. of the cashpoint closing | Integer | |
| `UST_SCHLUESSEL` | ID of the VAT rate| Integer | |
| `UST_SATZ` | Percentage | Decimal (2) | |
| `UST_BESCHR` | Description| String | |
| `Z_NR` | Nr. of the cashpoint closing | Integer | automatically filled by ft |
| `UST_SCHLUESSEL` | ID of the VAT rate| Integer | automatically filled by ft |
| `UST_SATZ` | Percentage | Decimal (2) | automatically filled by ft |
| `UST_BESCHR` | Description| String | automatically filled by ft |

##### File: Stamm_TSE (tse.csv)

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