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Fission Blog

A React-based blogging engine powered by Fission's Webnative SDK.


Dependencies (via Nix) either by using nix-direnv or running:


Development server:

npm start


npm test

Cypress test:

npm run cypress-test


in cypress.json:

    "chromeWebSecurity": false

This chromeWebSecurity part is because of this cross origin situation

Interestingly the identity used in the cypress tests persists between runs of the tests. I would recommend manually clicking through the sign in process the first time the tests run, with a fake email address

Following the webnative instructions for file paths

How do other people read my blog posts?

It saves things to ipfs as is, how do you determine where, if anywhere, this is visible on the web?

You have a public URL path of

Sharing this path would be one thing to have in the editor -- maybe like "View published blog" or something?

And, in the future, the blog editor might "publish" to an app, so it could also be -- which you can of course add a custom domain to.

How to configure the domain name?