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File metadata and controls

261 lines (183 loc) · 6.75 KB

commercial phones

There are 2 commercial phones in the room. Both run some Android. Each is controlled through a dedicated MAC called macphone1 or macphone2, here's how to manage these.

from faraday

Using ssh you can gain a command-line access to the phone; this will let you turn the phone on or off, but not much more:

mylaptop $ ssh

At that point the macphone2 command (for example) is an alias for logging in through ssh in the mac controlling phone 2:

inria_r2lab.tutorial@faraday:~$ macphone2
Last login: Wed Oct  5 15:28:08 2016 from faraday4

macphone2:~ tester$ help
#################### Native bash help
<snip bash help>
#################### R2lab: tools for managing R2lab phone from macphone
refresh 	retrieve latest git repo, and source it in this shell
		start an app from its package name
phone-wifi-on   turn on wifi (tested on nexus 5)
phone-wifi-off  turn off wifi (tested on nexus 5)
phone-on	turn off airplane mode
phone-off       turn off airplane mode - does not touch wifi settings
phone-status    shows wheter airplane mode is on or off
phone-reboot    reboot phone with abd reboot

macphone2:~ tester$ phone-off
Turning OFF phone : turning on airplane mode
Broadcasting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE (has extras) }
Broadcast completed: result=0

visual access using Screen sharing or VNC

This method gives you a screen sharing, so you can access many more features.

From the public Internet, use e.g. target -> tester/tester++

You can in particular:

  • use Vysor to display the phone UI and use it as if you had it in your hand,
  • open a terminal, and also do things like help or phone-status, just like above.

All-in-one demo

a nepi-ng script

We have a script that sets up the experiment background completely in one run. At this point, it does:

  • optionnally, with the --load option:
    • load adequate images on selected nodes (including accessories, like scrambler)
    • turn off the other nodes
    • turn off (put in airline mode) all phones
  • and then
    • setup and start a core-network on one node,
    • setup and start an radio-access-network (e-nodeB) on one node,
    • start the phone, and pop up the 'speedtest' app
  • at that point the 5G setup is complete and you can do what your experiment is about
    • tweak the various pieces of the infrastructures, if needed
    • deal with the phone manually, run youtube or skype or chrome, etc..
  • at this time the script is prompting you for an experiment name; once you enter one, it will:
    • capture relevant data from both nodes (i.e. put in tar remotely)
    • and these tar files are collected in the current directory.

Warning data collection in the new mosaic version still needs more work

Typically if you enter redeux as the name for the experiment you will find 3 tar files as follows, which additionnally are all untared in redeux

~/git/r2lab/demos/oai-skype $ ls -l redeux*
to be rewritten

how to use it

git repos

You will need to clone 2 repos from the fit-r2lab github organization, that are named

  • r2lab-embedded
  • r2lab-demos

Because the demo script uses code in the embedded area, it is recommended to have these 2 clones being siblings on your filesystem.

python3 libraries

The following python3 libraries are required:

pip3 install apssh asynciojobs r2lab

Also note that depending on your system, you might need to invoke pip3 through sudo. Also remember to update them as needed without

pip3 install --upgrade apssh asynciojobs r2lab

run the script

Get a reservation at the R2lab website; then you can

  • go to your r2lab-demos repo
  • cd openair
  • git pull

From there:

  • to specify your slicename run the script with
    • ./ -s inria_myslice
  • run with image loading
    • ./ -s inria_myslice--load`
  • or just restart it all
    • ./ -s inria_myslice
  • get help to see list of available options (like: select other nodes)
    • ./ --help


Here's a list of commands that you can run from faraday to accomplish parts of the script manually:

Prepare the CN box

n 7
rload -i mosaic-cn

Prepare the RAN box

n 23
rload -i mosaic-ran
configure 7

this the place where you tell your RAN where to find the CN


Following commands are available on both boxes:

  • start

    • optionnally on the RAN box, you can do start -x to start with a UI (requires an X11-enabled ssh session)
  • stop

  • status

  • journal

    • NOTE that this is a wrapping call to journalctl, so you can for example use journal -f to observe logs as they show up.

Data collection

Once the script has been able to provision and start everything on both the core network (cn) and the radio acces network (ran), it will prompt you for a name where to store data from that experiment.

Experiment READY at 11:29:30
type capture name when ready :

If you type 'Control-C' or Enter, the script will terminate. Otherwise if you do provide a name, it will be used to store various pieces from the nodes involved, like .e.g:

type capture name when ready : tata
Creating directory tata
11-30-41:fit23:Gathering journal (current boot) about radio access network into tata-ran.log
11-30-41:fit07:Gathering journal (current boot) about core network into tata-cn.log
Collected data stored locally in:
tata/cn.log tata/ran.log tata/data-network.pcap


From this point on, the information below is obsolete and needs more work



mosaic vs oai

This demo is essentially a refactoring of the OAI demo, that takes advantage of the new software distribution paradigm known as mosaic5g.

As compared with the original demo:

  • the core is still not quite working yet (RAN won't start)
  • captures remain to be redeon entirely
  • scrambling should be the same, but needs tested
  • we use the r2lab python library - notably for preparing the testbed (load images, etc..)



n 11
rload -i oai-scrambler


scrambler [-blast]

Various notes

base image

Both mosaic images are built on top of a ubuntu-16.04.5 disto, i.e. with HWE enabled, because a kernel >= 4.8 is required (actually is comes with 4.15)

DB report

select imsi, imei, access_restriction,  mmeidentity_idmmeidentity from users where imsi = 208950000000002;

select * from mmeidentity where mmerealm='' ;