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David Dight edited this page Sep 20, 2023 · 17 revisions


This implementation is header only. Apart from standard C++20 includes there are no external dependencies needed in your application. Catch2 is used for the built-in unit tests. termbox2 is used for the optional fiber monitor. The fiber monitor test applications also use gmp.

1. Obtaining the source, building the examples

To clone and default build all the examples, including the test monitor applications run the following. The cmake script will download, build and test gmp and termbox2 needed for the test monitor applications:

git clone
cd fiber
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
make test

To build the examples without the test monitor, run cmake as follows:

cmake -DBUILD_MONITOR=false ..

The example applications are built in the build directory.

2. Choosing a different compiler

Currently only gcc and clang are supported. The following table summarises how to select each when building.

Compiler CMake invocation
gcc CXX="g++ -ggdb" CC="gcc -ggdb" cmake ..
clang CXX="clang++ -ggdb" CC="clang -ggdb" cmake ..

3. Using in your application

In CMakeLists.txt set your include path to:

include_directories([f8fiber directory]/include)
# e.g.
set(f8fiberdir /home/dd/prog/fiber)

and just include:

#include <fix8/fiber.hpp>

in your application. Everything in this class is within the namespace FIX8, so you can add:

using namespace FIX8;

4. Build options

Certain aspects of the build may be controlled with the following defines:

#define Description Default
FIX8_FIBER_DEFSTKSZ Default stack size for a fiber; you can override in individual fibers with fiber_params 131072 (128kb)
FIX8_FIBER_FIBERNAMELEN Default length of a fiber name string, including terminating null 16
FIBER_NO_INSTRUMENTATION When defined, fiber will not contain any instrumentation variables or support any printing not defined
FIBER_NO_MULTITHREADING When defined, fiber will not support transferring fibers between threads not defined

5. Lean build

For performance critical applications, it is recommended to define FIBER_NO_INSTRUMENTATION and FIBER_NO_MULTITHREADING in your source. FIBER_NO_INSTRUMENTATION will remove additional variables and code used to track fibers in each thread as well as printing and so forth. FIBER_NO_MULTITHREADING will remove the ability to transfer fibers between threads which incurs some small performance penalty.