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dewald-laubscher edited this page Apr 14, 2014 · 17 revisions

ProcessWire MVC Boilerplate

A rails inspired processwire MVC boilerplate.


First and foremost a boilerplate is a template that is stripped bare of all style and customization decitions to enable maximized customization and equiped with most commonly used code that implements the CMS to enable rapid websites development. The boilerplate can be found in these locations. If you used the yoeman fixate generator. The boilerplate can be found at:

$ cd [project-directory]/src/site/templates/

otherwise the directory would be:

$ cd [your-processwire-install]/site/templates/


Read this area to learn how to use functions that are avalible in the boilerplate.

##Structure Read this area to learn how to where certain functions and calls are made and made avalible to you.

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