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Comma, task and test runner of nu script

Working dir task runner, similar to pwd-module, but supports completion and description through custom data formats

Quick Start

, or * need to be exported in order to use , Directly

use comma/ *
use comma/ *

When you enter a directory, if a ,.nu file exists, it will be loaded. (Currently you need to press the Enter key again to take effect)

Or source any file that defines $env.comma_scope and $env.comma variables

If there is no ,.nu file in the current directory, executing , without arguments will create a new one from the template. If the file exists, list commands.

Task Definition

Tasks are written in $env.comma and can be nested, and no spaces allowed in name (except testing).

The nodes of the tree can be ordinary records, and the tasks are defined in the closure of the leaf nodes.

This tree will be traversed during completion. For tasks, you can customize the completion behavior.

Customize completion behavior, as well as descriptions, filters, watches, tests, etc. Need to add some special attributes to the record, such as $_.children, $_.action, $_.completion (so $env.comma and $env.comma_scope accepts a closure to avoid potential naming conflicts).

'dev run'
| comma fun {|a,s,_|
    nu $a.0
} {
    watch: { glob: '*.nu', clear: true }
    completion: { ls *.nu | get name }
    desc: "develop a nu script"

Which is equivalent to

$env.comma = {|_|{
    dev: {
        run: {
            $_.action: {|a,s| nu $a.0 }
            $ { glob: '*.nu', clear: true }
            $_.completion: { ls *.nu | get name }
            $_.desc: "develop a nu script"

These attributes support aliases like:

attribute alias
children sub, s
description desc, dsc, d
action act, a
completion cmp, c
filter flt, f
computed cpu, u
watch wth, w
expect exp, e, x
mock test_args, m
report rpt, r

The closure of the task's action, completion accepts two parameters, the rest arguments after the breadcrumbs and $env.comma_scope.

computed and filter are defined in $env.comma_scope which is used to share data, in addition to accepting those two parameters, it also accepts a mode indicating mode (main|completion|test).

if your closure accepts more than two parameters, it can be executed in completion and test modes, otherwise it can only be executed in main mode.

computed is calculated in the defined order and replaced with the result.

$env.comma_scope = {|_|{
    hello: 'hello'
    greet: {$_.computed:{|a, s| $'($s.hello): ($a)' }}

filter is called when it is declared. If a record is returned, it will be merged back to the $env.comma_scope.

| comma val filter {|a,s,m,_|
    do $ 'run filter' `foo`

| comma dir {
    filter: ['log']

'foo bar'
| comma fun {|a,s,_|
    echo 'hello'
} {
    filter: ['log']

Which is equivalent to

$env.comma_scope = {|_|{
    log: {$_.filter:{|a, s| do $ 'run filter' `foo` }}

$env.comma = {|_|{
    foo: {
        $_.sub: {
            bar: {
                $_.action: { echo 'hello' }
                $_.filter: ['log']
        $_.filter: ['log']

Dry run

If execute the command in $_.action with pp, and pass --print flag with ,, only prints the arguments received by pp without actually executing it.

pp can be run alone with flag --print.

pp --print aaa bbbb ccccc dddddd eeeeee  [
    ffffff gggggggggg [
        hhhhhhhhh iiiiiiiiii lllllllll
    ] mmmmmmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnnnnn
] oooooooo ppppppppp [qqqqqq [rrrrrr ssssss tttttt] uuuuuu]

Watch and polling

If $ is defined and run with --watch flag, it will be run in watch mode.

$env.comma = {|_|{
    foo: {
        $ {
            glob: '*'
            op: ['Write', 'Create']
            postpone: true
  • glob defaults to *, op defaults to ['Write'], postpone defaults to false
  • In watch mode (not Polling) inject $, path, new_path) into parameter $s
  • when the interval field is included, it is polling mode(clear defaults to 'false')


If run with the --test flag, it will detect that all nodes with $_.expect under the current and run their actions.

If there is also the --watch flag, it will run in watch mode without defining $

If $_.mock is closure, call it with $_.comma_scope to get the result, otherwise it will be used as the result directly.

The result will be passed as arguments to the $_.action and $_.expect. If the result is a nested list, call iteratively multiple times

If $_.expect is closure, pass it the result of $_.action, rest arguments and $_.comma_scope, if return True and the test passes.

If $_.expect is list, will use the closures in it as a set of tests.

If $_.expect is a scalar, it is compared directly with the result of actions.

If $ exists and the test fails, execute $ (has a predefined report $_.diff)


The default template contains vscode-tasks and outputs a .vscode/tasks.json.

| comma fun {
    mkdir .vscode
    ', --vscode -j' | batch ',.nu' | save -f .vscode/tasks.json
} {
    d: "generate .vscode/tasks.json"
    w: { glob: ',.nu' }
  • requires augustocdias.tasks-shell-input to run $_.completion closure.
  • add !vscode into $_.desc to exclude






ll & spy

T, F, I & diff

docker image template

[build image]
| comma fun {|a,s|
    ^$env.docker-cli pull $a.0
    let tmp = mktemp
    FROM ($a.0)

    RUN apt update \\
     && apt-get upgrade -y \\
     && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \\
        apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \\
            curl ca-certificates \\
     && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \\
     && curl -sSL ($a.2) | tar zxf - -C /opt/vendor \\
     && chown -R 33:33 /opt/vendor"
    | do $_.outdent
    | save -f $tmp

    ^$env.docker-cli build -f $tmp -t $a.1 .
    rm -f $tmp
    ^$env.docker-cli push $a.1
} {
    cmp: {|a,s|
        match ($a | length) {
            1 => ['ubuntu', 'alpine', 'nginx']
            2 => ['target']
            _ => ['vendor']
    desc: 'build docker image'
    flt: ['log_args']


  • computed in description parameter s
  • run
    • optimize comma action
    • optimize resolve scope
      • [-] cpu and flt without parameters would resolve once during initialization
    • dry
      • dry wrap lines
      • accept list
    • formatter: outdent
    • reload mode (tmpl)
  • complete
    • with args
  • scoped test
    • pass scoped
    • tree map
    • test
    • tag
    • watch mode
      • override sub node watch
    • args
    • allow running on leaf node
    • test action
      • scope
      • filter
    • support many expect (list) for one spec
    • curl integration
    • report
      • $ in test_message should be list<string>
      • diff
    • run with nu -c (dynamic source nu file)
  • template
    • vscode-tasks
    • should panic when identity not exists
  • integration
    • gen vscode task json file
      • tree map
      • batch mode
        • run complete in batch mode
      • Input variables
        • pickString
        • augustocdias.tasks-shell-input
        • allow rest args as promptString
      • clean filter output
      • add gen vscode-tasks to template
      • test and watch
  • modulize
    • refactor with resolve node
      • run
      • complete
        • fix redundant filter in description
  • theme
    • poll sep bar
    • tips


No description, website, or topics provided.






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