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Backtester is a financial research system which can help you do the backtest of your strategy for stock, option and future. Main UI


  • Contains the whole history data of the market
  • Has abundant financial index
  • Generate market order by manual or by signal
  • Create strategy with or without code
  • Strategy, code and data can be saved


  1. Python3.7
  2. Pyside2
  3. Pandas
  4. Numpy
  5. Matplotlib
  6. TA-lib
  7. pysqlcipher3
  8. Pyinstaller
  9. Visual Studio Build Tools 2013
  10. Visual Studio Build Tools 2019
  11. wmi
  12. pywin32


> setup.bat
  • ta-lib install package
  • sqlcipher - 32 Bit Windows Setup Instructions (using Visual Studio)
    • Install Visual Studio 2015/2019
    • Install OpenSSL: you can either download the source and build locally or install a prebuilt OpenSSL binary from (use the latest version)
    • Confirm that the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable is set properly: this should not be root OpenSSL path (ex: C:\openssl-Win32), but instead should be the path to the config file (ex: C:\openssl-Win32\bin\openssl.cfg)
    • Copy the OpenSSL folder (C:\openssl-Win32\include\openssl) to the VC include directory (ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include): confirm the following path exists (\VC\include\openssl\aes.h)
    • Install the latest version of Python 3 (32-bit): if you have Python 64-bit installed, you may have to uninstall it before installing Python 32-bit.
    • Use the SQL Cipher 3 amalgamation: if needed, directions for building SQL Cipher can be found on the following tutorial:
    • Follow the general instructions for building the amalgamation
  • pysqlciphr3
    > python build_amalgamation
    > python install

Tested Platforms

  • Windows(32bit/64bit)
  • Windows XP or newer

Data provider


Double click makefile.bat or execute makefile.bat in command line mode to run the building process

> makefile.bat


Double click test.bat or execute test.bat in command line mode to run the automation test process

> test.bat


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