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Git Note

Lecture -01 (Initialize)


$ git init
$ vim
$ git add
$ git commit
$ git config --global ""
$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git commit

Change Configuration

$ git config --global core.editor vim
$ git config --global merge.tool vimdiff
$ git config --global color.ui true 
$ git config --global status
$ git config --global checkout
$ git config --global alias.rst reset HEAD

We store the configuration in

$ vim ~/.gitconfig

Lecture -02 (Easy step to commit)

$ git st
# change some files
# change is discarded

# add Not checkout files
$ git add UNADD_FILES
# change files already exist
$ git add -p load.cpp

# git commit (50/72 rule)
$ git commit


DO NOT add and commit these files

  1. Large files

  2. Generated files

  3. Files with secret data

$ vim .gitignore
# We can choose some files we don't want to see
$ git add .gitignore

$ git reset HEAD .gitignore
# uncheck .gitignore (turn back to the status before we add)


  1. reset modification made by add/commit
  2. All change become 'unstaged'
  3. Use reset --hard carefully

alt text

Lecture -03 (Log information)

Hash Value

Every commit has a unique hash value

# See the log start at SOME_HASH_VALUE and the number before will display 1
# --Oneline mean display only one line
$ git log SOME_HASH_VALUE -n1 --oneline

git manage references to commit : HEAD, Branch, Tag, Remote

We can indicate commit by ^, ~

$ git log -n1 <ONE_HASH_VALUE_BEFORE_HEAD> --online
$ git log -n1 HEAD^ --online
$ git log -n1 HEAD~1 --oneline
# The above command is same

$ git log <SOME_FILE> --oneline
# display the commit relate to SOME_FILE

$ git log --stat <SOME_FILE>
$ git log --patch <SOME_FILE>
# --stat display the CHANGE_FILE and change line
# --patch display the code which is changed

$ git diff
# Display what is changedon current commit (not add to stage)
$ git diff --staged
# Display what is changedon current commit (already stage)
$ git diff master
# Display what is changed compared to master

Lecture -04 (Add file)

# Always use it
$ git add -p
# Will display Stage this hunk[y,n,q,a,d,/,K,j,J,g,e,?]?

s : slice the section thinner e : edit , go inside the editor K : go previous J : go next q : quit a : add all the hunk after it

$ git commit 
# change subtle
$ git commit --amend
# replace the current HEAD with new HEAD (Not delete, just move to parent and create new commit)

Lecture -05 (Branch and Merge)

checkout: move HEAD

$ git checkout <commit>
# Move to HEAD
$ git checkout <path or file>
# discard change of this path or file


$ git branch
# list the branch now
$ git branch <some_branch>
# create <some_branch>
$ git checkout <some_branch>
# switch to <some_branch>

$ git checkout -b <another_branch>
# (same as the above commands)
# create <another_branch> and switch to <another_branch>

$ git log --graph
# show the current commmit in easy graph

$ git branch -d <some_branch>
# deleted branch <some_branch>


$ git ck master
$ git merge <some_branch> --no-ff
# if just use git merge <some_branch>, git may just use <some_branch> as reference
# may appear conflict


  1. Prevent very long development

  2. Split source code clearly

Lecture -06 (Rebase)

Rebase: Move your branch to another place



$ git rebase <new_base>
# Rebase current branch to <new_branch>

$ git rebase --onto <new base-commit> <current base-commit>
# Rebase from common ancestor of <ref_commit> and <branch> 


If conflict happen, you have to fix it and use

$ git st
# check which files need to be fixed,=
$ git add <both modified file>
$ git rebase --continue

$ git rebase --abort
# if out of control

Rebase -i

$ git rebase -i <some_branch>^^^^ <some_branch>
# As the previous four commit as base and put on <some_branch>

More explanation and reference:

Lecture -07 (Remote and Github)

Clone and Remote

$ git clone <repo_url>

$ git branch -a
# show all the branch form the remote

$ git remote show origin
# show the information of the orgin

$ git ck origin/<some_branch_from_remote>
# will error since it is the detached HEAD state
# use below
$ git ck -b <some_branch_from_remote>

Update Status

Fetch or Pull

$ git fetch <remote_name>
$ git ck master
# Use fast-forwarded
$ git rebase <remote_name>/master


$ git push <remote> <local_branch>:<remote_branch>
# Push local branch to remote branch
# --set-upstream
$ git push <remote> :<branch>
# Delete remote branch

Basic Workflow

  1. First fork to your repository
  2. Clone
$ git clone <url>
  1. Add
$ git remote add upstream <url>
$ git fetch upstream
$ git ck develop
$ git rebase upstream/develop
# Doing backup
$ git reset HEAD^
$ git ck -b <some_fixing_branch>
  1. Start to fix or development

  2. Local add and commit

$ git add <file>
$ git commit
  1. Push
$ git push origin <some_fixing_branch>
  1. Go to project and Pull Request

  2. If you success, update the project

$ git ck develop
$ git rebase upstream/develop
  1. Update your fork github
$ git push origin develop
  1. Delete the branch in your repo
$ git push origin :<some_fixing_branch>

Lecture -08 (SSH on PC and Github)

Read following document

Generate a new ssh key and add it to ssh agent: Add ssh key to your own github account:


My git command note







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