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HabitatHome Demo and the tools and processes in it is a Sitecore® solution example built using Sitecore Experience Accelerator™ (SXA) on Sitecore Experience Platform™ (XP) following the Helix architecture principles.

Important Notice

## Is Habitat Home a starter kit or template solution?

No. You should not clone this repository for the purposes of starting a new Sitecore project. There are other community solutions which can be used as a starter for Helix-based Sitecore implementations. Habitat Home is intended as a demo site demonstrating the full Sitecore platform capabilities and development best practices.

Is Habitat Home supported by Sitecore?

Sitecore maintains the Habitat Home example, but Habitat Home code is not supported by Sitecore Product Support Services. Please do not submit support tickets regarding Habitat.

How can I get help with Habitat Home?

For usage questions regarding Habitat Home, installation or code, please use Sitecore Stackexchange or #habitathome on Sitecore Community Slack.

You can use GitHub to submit bug reports or feature requests for Habitat Home. Please do not submit usage questions via GitHub.


Please read the LICENSE carefully prior to using the code in this repository.


The code, samples and/or solutions provided in this repository are unsupported by Sitecore PSS. Support is provided on a best-effort basis via GitHub issues or Slack #habitathome (see end of README for additional information).

It is assumed that you already have a working instance of Sitecore XP and all prerequisites prior to installing the demo. Support for product installation issues should be directed to relevant Community channels or through regular Sitecore support channels.


The code, samples and/or solutions provided in this repository are for example purposes only and without warranty (expressed or implied). The code has not been extensively tested and is not guaranteed to be bug free.

Getting Started


The latest Habitat Home demo is built to support Sitecore Experience Platform 9.1 using Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) 1.8.

In order to follow the build instructions in the README, you need to have MSBuild Tools for Visual Studio 2017 installed.

Optional Modules

In addition to base XP 9.1 with SXA, the following optional modules are required to enable additional demo functionality:

We will be upgrading Data Exchange Framework to 2.1 and have not yet tested the 9.1 version of Habitat Home with DEF 2.0.1

SSL Only

The demo is configured for HTTPS/SSL. Please ensure that you create an HTTPS binding with appropriate self-signed certificates.

Clone this repository

Setting Git for Long Paths

  • Before cloning, you need to configure git to allow long paths, which is not the default.

git config --system core.longpaths true

Clone the Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform repository locally - defaults are configured for C:\Projects\Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform.

  • Clone -- https: git clone -- ssh: git clone

Parameters - explained

The following is a list of default values / assumptions for settings (`cake-config.json`)
Parameter Description Default Value
ProjectFolder Location of Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform project c:\projects\Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform
Website Root Location of IIS Website Root c:\inetpub\wwwroot\
XConnect Root Location of IIS xConnect Site Root C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\\
Instance Url Url of site
BuildConfiguration 'Debug/Release' point to NuGet, 'Local' copies DLLs from an existing installation Debug
DeploymentTarget Local/OnPrem/Azure - see below for details Local
DeployFolder Used for WDP generation and Azure deployments C:\deploy
Version Version of Sitecore being targeted. Must match official 3-digit version 9.1.0
Topology Target topology for WDP creation and Azure deployment. Values are single or scaled single
CDN Content Delivery Network enabled (true/false). Used only when deploying to Azure false


  • Local: Set to deploy the site to the local Sitecore instance
    • Ignored when calling Build-WDP target where OnPrem is assumed
  • OnPrem: Used when generating a WDP. Targets the WDP for OnPrem transforms (a.k.a. not Azure)
  • Azure: Used when deploying to Azure or generating WDPs which target Azure PaaS deployments

Deploying HabitatHome Locally

Prior to attempting the demo installation, ensure you have a working Sitecore XP 9.1 instance. Detailed installation instructions can be found at

Jump to local deployment instructions

Generating WebDeploy Package (WDP)

It is now possible to build a custom Web Deploy Package of the Habitat Home project (including xConnect components). The generated WDP can then be installed using SIF for OnPrem or ARM for Azure.

The Sitecore.HabitatHome.Utilities repo now includes an install-habitathome.ps1 script and relevant SIF tasks to download and install Habitat Home as a package (or of course use your own generated package).

Jump to WDP build instructions

Azure (PaaS) Deployment

It is now possible to build, package and depoy to Azure (PaaS) with one command. The script will build Habitat Home, package it for Azure, download the required Sitecore assets and upload them to a (specified) Azure Storage Account. Jump to Azure deployment instructions

Local Build / Deployment

#### The hostname is used in the SXA Hostname (Site Grouping).

If you do not use you will need to modify the Host Name in /sitecore/content/Habitat Sites/Habitat Home/Settings/Site Grouping/Habitat Home after successfully deploying the site. The Habitat Home site will not respond / render correctly until this value is modified.

If you do not want to use the default settings, you need to adjust the appropriate values in cake-config.json file based on the values described earlier.

The cake script will automatically create a publishSettings.targets.user file with the value of the InstanceUrl specified in the cake-config.json file.


All installation instructions assume using PowerShell 5.1 in administrative mode.

1. Deploy Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform

IMPORTANT: Publish Sitecore Instance after installing all required and optional modules BEFORE trying to deploy Habitat Home

From the root of the solution

  • Run .\build.ps1
    • Notes:
      • If the deployment fails at Sync-Unicorn or Deploy-EXM-Campaigns step, evaluate and fix the error (if any) and then run .\build.ps1 -Target "Post-Deploy".

2. Validating deployment

  1. Browse to (or whatever hostname you selected)
    1. You should see the Habitat Home landing page with a full-width carousel
    2. If you do not see the full-width carousel and instead see the initial Sitecore default landing page, ensure that your Host Name was configured correctly in /sitecore/content/Habitat Sites/Habitat Home/Settings/Site Grouping/Habitat Home and that the site has published successfully

Additional Settings

1. Disable Unicorn Serialization

When Unicorn is active, the Content Editor will display warnings that certain items are controlled by Unicorn. If you wish to disable Unicorn serialization, open the Web.config file in your webroot and update the following appSetting

<add key="unicorn:define" value="Off"/>

This appSetting is On by default. Setting it to Off ensures that none of the Unicorn serialization configuration files are loaded.

Generating Web Deploy Package (WDP)

CakeBuild (```build.cake```) contains tasks to build and package Habitat Home for use either OnPrem or in Azure PaaS. The settings in the cake-config.json file drive the packaging behaviour.

The process of creating a WDP of Habitat Home and its xConnect project is quite simple. The build process requires credentials since it has a dependency on Sitecore Azure Toolkit and it will download and extract it automatically.

A few settings are important in the cake-config.json file:

  • DeploymentTarget: Set to OnPrem for deploying locally or in Azure IaaS. Set to Azure for PaaS deployments
  • DeployFolder: Temporary location where work will be performed. Defaults to c:\deploy
  • Version: Version of Sitecore being targeted. Must match official 3-digit version 9.1.0 and of course the Habitat Home target version you're working with.
  • Topology: Values are single (XP0/XPSingle) or scaled (XP1/XPScaled)
  • CDN: Configure the WDP to support Content Delivery Network (true/false). Used only when deploying to Azure.

Once you got the settings just right, you can call the cake build script and pass it in the correct target and your credentials (either at command line or as a user environment variable).

.\build.ps1 -Target Build-WDP -ScriptArgs --DEV_SITECORE_USERNAME=your_e-mail, --DEV_SITECORE_PASSWORD=YourPassword

if you've set DEV_SITECORE_USERNAME and DEV_SITECORE_PASSWORD as environment variables you can omit them from the command line.

Once the process completes, you should have WDPs for HabitatHome as well as xConnect in <DeployFolder>\9.1.0\XPSingle\assets\HabitatHome\WDPWorkFolder\WDP and <DeployFolder>\9.1.0\XPSingle\assets\xConnect\WDPWorkFolder\WDP

You can then install these WDPs using SIF. An example script already exists in the HabitatHome.Utilities repo

Azure (PaaS) Deployment

This is probably the most comprehensive script which makes getting your own version. Once your variables are set and your Azure Service Principal is created, you can deploy Habitat Home to Azure PaaS in a single command.

One-time step

1. Create an Azure Service Principal

Only needs to be created once

In order for the upload and deployment process to authenticate to your Azure tenant you will need to provide a Service principal using password-based authentication, and its related information.

This is best done from Azure's CLI: Azure CLI Documentation

Run the following, replacing ServicePrincipalName and PASSWORD with your own values:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name ServicePrincipalName --password PASSWORD

This will return the following:

  "appId": "APP_ID",
  "displayName": "ServicePrincipalName",
  "name": "http://ServicePrincipalName",
  "password": ...,

The appId, password, and tenant values will be required later so make sure to record them!

Create a Service Principal Documentation

2. Setting up the parameters

In the Azure/XP or XPSingle folders there is an azureuser-config.json.example file. Make a copy of that file and remove the .example extension.

Set the following values in the XP\azureuser-config.json (scaled topology) or XPSingle\azureuser-config.json (single topology) in based on your needs:

Parameter Description
azureSubscriptionName The name or id of the Azure subscription. Can be found under the "Subscriptions" Dashboard
tenantId Also called a DirectoryId. Can be found in the "Azure Active Directoy" Dashboard under Manage -> Properties
applicationId appId of the Service Principal (Created in previous step)
applicationPassword the Service Principal password (Created in previous step)
AzureDeploymentID The Resource Group name in azure that Habitat will be deployed to. If the group does not exist it will be created.
AzureRegion The Geographic Azure Location of the Deployment Azure Locations
XConnectCertfilePath xConnect Certificate Path. This will be auto generated if left blank.
XConnectCertificatePassword xConnect Certificate Password. Defaults to 'secret' if this and XConnectCertfilePath is left blank.
SitecoreLoginAdminPassword Sitecore Administrator Password (8 Character Minimum)
SitecoreLicenseXMLPath Sitecore license.xml Path
SqlServerLoginAdminAccount SQL Server Administrator Username (SA is not a valid admin name for Azure SQL)
SqlServerLoginAdminPassword SQL Server Administrator Password
containerName name of the Azure container. This will be auto generated if left blank. Defaults to 'hh-toolkit'
storageAccountName name of the Azure Storage Account. This will be auto generated if left blank. By default AzureDeploymentID + Random Number
ArmTemplateUrl Azure SAS URL of the azuredeploy.json. This will be auto generated if left blank.
templatelinkAccessToken Azure SAS token for the container. This will be auto generated if left blank.

3. Deploy

Once you got the settings just right, you can call the cake build script and pass it in the correct target and your credentials (either at command line or as a user environment variable).

.\build.ps1 -Target Default-Azure -ScriptArgs --DEV_SITECORE_USERNAME=your_e-mail, --DEV_SITECORE_PASSWORD=YourPassword

if you've set DEV_SITECORE_USERNAME and DEV_SITECORE_PASSWORD as environment variables you can omit them from the command line.

Once the process completes, you should have a single or scaled deployment to Azure (AzureDeploymentID is the resource group name).

Azure Deployment - Process Explained

The Azure deployment scripts will perform the following tasks, in one single command:

  1. Compile Habitat Home solution
  2. Generate a WDP based on the topology and DeploymentTarget
  3. Download all Sitecore assets and optional modules required for a depoyment based on topology (stores them in DeployFolder)
  4. Downloads relevant ARM templates from GitHub, applies necessary transformations and uploads them to your specified storage account.
  5. Uploads all assets (Sitecore, modules and Habitat Home) to storage account (only if missing or newer)
  6. Creates the Deployment
  7. Executes postSteps

Scaling down - IMPORTANT

During the deployment process, certain infrastructure pieces are scaled up to ensure an efficient deployment. These are generally more costly and can be scaled down since they don't need to be so large.

A scale-down script is available. It currently only supports the App Service plans but there is a commented out section for scaling down the databases.

Alternatively this can be done directly from the Azure Portal.


Only alter these attributes as instructed, the build/deploy process relies on several of these parameters and are maintained by the repository maintainers.

Parameter Description
id short-name
name long-name
isGroup denotes if the asset is a collection of modules.
fileName Exact default filename
url download link
extract instructs the script that a zip file should be extracted. It will extract it to deploy/assets/name of asset
isWdp asset is already a scwdp (this is false for "Sitecore Experience Platform" as the file decalred in the asset.json is a .zip)
convertToWdp asset needs to be converted to an scwdp
uploadToAzure asset should be uploaded to Azure. if isGroup is true, will upload the assetes in the modules parameter.
install asset should be downloaded and installed (the only asset this currently functions with is DEF)
source download source, sitecore or github have specific requirements for downloading (e.g. credentials )
modules list modules for groups

Contribute or Issues

Please post any issues on Slack Community #habitathome channel or create an issue on GitHub. Contributions are always welcome!


This repository is used to share Sitecore demo assets with external contributors and partners



Code of conduct





No packages published


  • C# 59.3%
  • PowerShell 22.5%
  • HTML 16.3%
  • Other 1.9%