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Incremental Monkey 🐒

A random testing tool for IPASIR SAT solvers


Incremental Monkey can be used as a standalone tool or as a an oracle-equipped fuzzing target for other fuzzers, e.g. afl-fuzz or honggfuzz.

Standalone mode

Compile your solver as a shared library exposing the IPASIR interface (for instance and run

# monkey fuzz

For each solver crash or failure to produce a correct result, monkey creates a file monkey-<id>-<runNumber> rsp. monkey-<id>-<runNumber>-<failureType>.mtr in the current working directory. These files contain traces of IPASIR calls inducing the undesired behavior. Currently, monkey does not distinguish failures in from test oracle failures. If you suspect a test oracle failure, you can run the trace on a different IPASIR implementation using the replay command (see below).

The testing process can be customized in a number of ways (test instance generation parameters, timeout, execution limits, ...). Run monkey fuzz --help for more details.

To apply a single trace file to your solver, run

# monkey replay

This command does not execute the solver in subprocesses and can easily be debugged.

Making regression test cases out of monkey traces is easy:

# monkey print --function-name foonction

prints as a C++11 function foonction. If the trace was dumped in a run where the test oracle rejected the tested solver's result, the ipasir_solve calls are equipped with assertions checking the result. In crash traces, oracle data is lost and no assertions are inserted. In traces with failure type invalidmodel and invalidfailed, assertions checking the ipasir_solve call results are inserted, but the invalid model rsp. invalid failed assumption settings are not checked in the C++ program.

Fuzzing target mode

You can hook up Incremental Monkey to other fuzzers by using the replay command, e.g.

# afl-fuzz -i corpus -o fuzz-out -- bin/monkey replay --parse-permissive --crash-on-failure path/to/your/ -

If you are using code instrumentation (eg. via afl-clang), make sure to preload the IPASIR library by adding its full path to the environment variable LD_PRELOAD rsp. DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES. You should also compile Incremental Monkey with your fuzzer's instrumentation.

Broken example solvers

  • lib/ randomly crashes
  • lib/ randomly produces wrong results

Advanced testing

To perform option fuzzing and to obtain shorter error traces, you can trigger e.g. extra simplifications between ipasir_solve calls by implementing the following two functions:

  • incmonk_havoc(void* ipasirSolver, uint64_t randomVal) - this function is called at random as part of the trace execution, with changing values of randomVal.
  • incmonk_havoc_init(uint64_t randomVal) - this function is called before the solver under test is created.

Implementing these two functions is optional. monkey determines their presence on startup and disables incmonk_havoc and incmonk_havoc_init calls when they are not both supported by the IPASIR library.

Supported platforms

Incremental monkey is regularly built and tested on MacOS 10.15 and Ubuntu 20.04-LTS. If you wish to build Incremental Monkey with Clang on Ubuntu, make sure to upgrade to Clang 9. On either system, you'll need at least CMake 3.12.

Other platforms


  • GCC 8 or Clang 9
  • libstdc++ 8 or libc++ 7
  • CMake 3.12

Incremental Monkey might also be usable on Cygwin, but as it relies on rapidly fork()ing subprocesses, it might only work well when generating harder problem instances.

Building Incremental Monkey

The simplest way of building Incremental Monkey is to use the CMake "superbuild", which will also build CryptoMiniSat. To build and install Incremental Monkey to a directory <INSTALLDIR>, run the following steps:

git clone
cd IncrementalMonkey
git submodule init && git submodule update
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .

Run monkey:

# bin/monkey --help