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Running the app

Running from build

Download the latest release on github and then simply run:

ENV_ID={your_environment_id} API_KEY={your_api_key} ./app

The server will run on the port 8080

Running with Docker

Run the following command to start the server with Docker

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e ENV_ID={your_env_id} -e API_KEY={your_api_key} flagshipio/self-hosted-api


You can configure the self-hosted Decision API using 2 ways:

  • YAML configuration file
  • Environment Variables

Using a configuration file

Create a config.yaml along your app file, or mount it in docker in location /config.yaml:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -v ./config.yaml:/config.yaml flagshipio/self-hosted-api

The configuration file should look like this:

env_id: "env_id" # Your Flagship Environment ID
api_key: "api_key" # Your Flagship API Key

# Cache
  type: local # or 'redis' or 'none' (if you do not want to using visitor cache)
    dbPath: ./data
    #redisHost: 'localhost:6379' # for redis storage
    #redisUsername: username     # (Optional) for redis storage
    #redisPassword: password     # (Optional) for redis storage

Using environment variables

You can override each configuration variables from the configuration file using environment variables. Just name your env variables the same as the config file, but with the following rules:

  • Env variable name should be UPPERCASE Example: ENV_ID
  • Sub configuration level are defined using a _ sign Example: CACHE_TYPE Example: CACHE_OPTIONS_DBPATH

Here is a Docker example using environment variables to setup local caching:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e ENV_ID={your_env_id} -e API_KEY={your_api_key} -e CACHE_TYPE=local -e CACHE_OPTIONS_DBPATH=./data -v ./config.yaml:/config.yaml flagshipio/self-hosted-api

Here is a Docker Compose example of using Redis as a visitor cache engine:

version: "3"
    build: .
      - 8080:8080
      ENV_ID: "env_id"
      API_KEY: "api_key"
      CACHE_TYPE: redis
      CACHE_OPTIONS_REDISHOST: "redis:6379"
      - redis

    image: redis

Configuration parameters

You can use the following parameters to customize the Self Hosted API. Each parameter is named as in the config.yaml file, and the matching environment variable is parenthesis.

Parameter Type Required Description
env_id (ENV_ID) string yes The Flagship environment ID. You can get it from the Flagship platform. Default to empty string
api_key (API_KEY) string yes The Flagship API Key for this environment ID. You can get it from the Flagship platform. Default to empty string
polling_interval (POLLING_INTERVAL) int no The polling frequency (in seconds) to synchronize with your Flagship configuration. Default to 60
cache.type (CACHE_TYPE) string no If you want to enable caching for the visitor assignment. Can be "redis" or "local". Default to empty string.
cache.options.dbPath (CACHE_OPTIONS_DBPATH) string no If you chose local cache type, this is the path of the file where the cache will be stored. Default to empty string
cache.options.redisHost (CACHE_OPTIONS_REDISHOST) string no If you chose redis cache type, this is the host for your redis server
cache.options.redisUsername (CACHE_OPTIONS_REDISUSERNAME) string no If you chose redis cache type, this is the username for your redis server
cache.options.redisPassword (CACHE_OPTIONS_REDISPASSWORD) string no If you chose redis cache type, this is the password for your redis server
cache.options.redisTls (CACHE_OPTIONS_REDISTLS) bool no If you chose redis cache type, this sets the TLS mode to call redis server
cache.options.redisDb (CACHE_OPTIONS_REDISDB) int no If you chose redis cache type, this is the db number for your redis server. Default to 0 (default DB)


You can find the Swagger API doc at the /swagger/index.html URL when running the application.



You need Go 1.12+ to build the app


Run the following command to build CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o app

Generate swagger files

Install swaggo/swag to build swagger files: go get -u

Then run the init command with parseDependency option: swag init --parseDependency