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CANNIER-Framework is command-line tool that automates the empirical evaluation for the ESE paper "Empirically Evaluating Flaky Test Detection Techniques Combining Test Case Rerunning and Machine Learning Models". Part of its function is to automatically use pytest-CANNIER.


The dependencies of CANNIER-Framework can be found in requirements.txt. It also requires git, docker, and virtualenv to be installed on the system. We have only tested CANNIER-Framework on Ubuntu 20.04 and Python 3.8. We cannot guarantee correct results with other environments.


You can install CANNIER-Framework with pip install PATH where PATH is the directory containing This will also install the dependencies.


You can use CANNIER-Framework with cannier COMMAND *ARGS. COMMAND can be one of:

  • setup Setup the subject projects as part of the build stage for the canner-experiment Docker image (see the CANNIER-Experiment repository for more details). This command is not for manual use.
  • manage Execute a project's test suite with pytest-CANNIER inside a canner-experiment Docker container. ARGS must provide the name of the project, the mode for pytest-CANNIER, a unique number to differentiate this container from other containers for the same project and mode, the name of the victim test case when the mode is victim (empty string otherwise), and the commands required to execute the test suite (typically python -m pytest). This command is not for manual use.
  • run Start containers to run CANNIER-Framework with the manage command for every project and the modes specified by ARGS. The containers running churn must finish before those running features. The containers running baseline and shuffle must finish before those running victim.
  • collate Collate the outcome and feature data recorded by pytest-CANNIER.
  • shap Train a machine learning model and apply the SHAP technique for each of the four flaky test classification problems described in the paper. Can only be used after collate.
  • preds Execute machine learning pipelines to produce predicted probabilities for every test case. Can only be used after collate. Offers the following subcommands:

    • config Execute the 96 pipelines with a feature sample size of one to address the first part of RQ1.
    • best Execute the best pipelines from config with feature sample size values from two to 15 to address RQ2/4.
    • features Execute the best pipelines from config with just the top 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3 most impactful features to address RQ3.
  • points Find the Pareto front of detection performance and time cost for the three rerunning-based flaky test detection techniques described in the paper. Can only be used after preds.
  • figures Generate the data for the tables and figures in the paper. Can only be used after points.

CANNIER-Framework also offers the following options:

  • --processes={PROCESSES} Maximum number of parallel processes to use (default is the result of calling os.cpu_count).
  • --timeout={TIMEOUT} Maximum run time for containers in seconds (default 28800).
  • --n-repeats={N_REPEATS} Number of test suite runs with pytest-CANNIER for each project when the mode is features and the number of times to repeat model training and evaluation (default 30).
  • --n-reruns={N_REPEATS} Number of test suite runs with pytest-CANNIER for each project when the mode is either baseline or shuffle (default 2,500).


The output of CANNIER-Framework depends on COMMAND:

  • run A directory named volume with subdirectories for each subject project. These will contain an SQLite database with the results of pytest-CANNIER.
  • collate This will produce three files:

    • items.npy A NumPy array with shape (N_TESTS, 7), where N_TESTS is the total number of test cases across all projects. From left-to-right, the columns indicate: which project the test case is from (an integer id), the number of times the test case failed in the baseline mode of pytest-CANNIER, the number of times the test case failed in the shuffle mode, if the test case is NOD flaky (0 = false, 1 = true), if the test case is a victim, and if the test case is relevant to the NOD-vs-Victim flaky test classification problem.
    • features.npy A NumPy array with shape (N_TESTS, N_REPEATS, 18) containing the N_REPEATS sets of the 18 test case features measured by pytest-CANNIER in the features mode.
    • dependencies.pkl A pickle file containing a list of boolean NumPy arrays for each project. The arrays are packed with numpy.packbits and can be unpacked with numpy.unpackbits. Once an array is unpacked, its shape is (N_TESTS_PROJ, N_TESTS_PROJ), where N_TESTS_PROJ is the number of test cases in the project. The value at [i, j] indicates if test case j is a polluter of test case i.
  • shap A directory named shap containing the SHAP value matrix for each classification problem as a NumPy array with shape (N_TESTS, 18).
  • preds A directory named preds containing the predicted probabilities for each test case from the machine learning pipelines as a NumPy array. The arrays are named {PROBLEM}_{N_FEATURES}_{MODEL_TYPE}_{N_TREES}_{BALANCING}_{N_SAMPLES}.npy, where PROBLEM is the classification problem, N_FEATURES is the number of features used to encode a test case, MODEL_TYPE is the type of machine learning model (RandomForest/ExtraTrees), N_TREES is the number of decision trees used by the model, BALANCING is the data balancing technique (SMOTE/SMOTE+ENN/SMOTE+Tomek), and N_SAMPLES is the feature sample size. Each array has the shape (N_TESTS, N_REPEATS). A given row contains the N_REPEATS predicted probabilities of the test case being in the positive class of PROBLEM.
  • points A directory named points containing the detection performance, time cost, and parameters of the points on the Pareto fronts for the three rerunning-based flaky test detection techniques as a NumPy array.
  • figures Directories named tables and plots containing LaTeX code.


CANNIER-Framework has its own pytest test suite. To execute it, you must pass the --schema-file={SCHEMA_FILE} where SCHEMA_FILE is the path to the schema file for the database. This can be found in the CANNIER-Experiment repository.


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