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ImageGround 🔥 Powerful Image Transformation

ImageGround, an open-source project to transform image in realtime using Netlify Image CDN.

Deploy to Netlify

Table of Contents


In ImageGround, you have various options to transform image:

  1. Width - Change the width of the image.
  2. Height - Change the height of the image.
  3. Quality - Set the quality of image.
  4. Fit - Resize the image.
  5. Position - Position of a cropped image.
  6. Format - Format of a image (eg. PNG)

You will receive a link to your transformed image, which you can use anywhere or export the image in any format.


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Getting Started

A concise guide to launching the application on your local machine is available in this segment.

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Install Dependencies
npm install
  1. Create a .env.local, Retrieve your PUBLIC KEY, PRIVATE KEY & ENDPOINT URL from ImageKit
  1. Almost Done, To run the app you require Netlify CLI, check out the installation guide here, and after installing, run the following command.
netlify dev

Go to https://localhost:8888, and you will be ready to go!


It's all possible with Netlify Image CDN


The GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0) is a widely used open-source license that grants users the freedom to use, modify, and distribute software under the condition that any derivative works are also licensed under GPL-3.0 and the source code is made accessible to end-users. It ensures that software remains open and accessible, fostering collaboration and innovation within the open-source community.


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