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Logger Client

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Just add the following requirement to your composer.json file:

    "fei/logger-client": "^1.2.0"


The logger client needs some options to work properly. The available options that can be passed to the __construct() or setOptions() methods are :

Option Description Type Possible Values Default
OPTION_BASEURL This is the server to which send the requests. string Any URL, including protocol but excluding path --
OPTION_FILTER Minimum notification level required for notifications to be actually sent. int Any Notification::LVL_* constant Notification::LVL_ERROR
OPTION_BACKTRACE Should backtrace be added to notifications before they are sent. bool true / false true
OPTION_LOGFILE File path and name where the Logger will store its own exceptions. string Any writeable file path /tmp/logger.log
OPTION_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION Api Key for authentification string Any string value ''

Notes: Logger is an alias of Fei\Service\Logger\Client\Logger Notification is an alias of Fei\Service\Logger\Entity\Notification



A Logger client should always be initialized by a dependency injection component, since it requires at least one dependency, which is the transport. Moreover, the BASEURL parameter should also depends on environment.

// sample configuration for production environment
$logger = new Logger(array(
                            Logger::OPTION_BASEURL  => '',
                            Logger::OPTION_FILTER   => Notification::LVL_DEBUG,
// inject transport classes
$logger->setTransport(new BasicTransport());

// optionnal asynchronous transport, that will be automatically used to push notifications
// NOTE this transport requires a beanstalk queue able to listen to its requests
$pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk('localhost');
$asyncTransport = new BeanstalkProxyTransport;

Pushing a simple notification

Once you have set up the Logger, you can start pushing notifications by calling the notify() method on the Logger:

$logger = $container->get('logger');

$logger->notify('Notification message'); // default level is Notification::LVL_INFO
$logger->notify('Debug message', array('level' => Notification::LVL_DEBUG));

While its possible to pass more than just the level using the second (array) parameter, it is recommended not to do so. If you want to pass more informations, like a context, please take a look at the following section.

Pushing a Notification instance

The more reliable way to push a notification is to instantiate it by yourself, and then send it through notify(), that will also accept Notification instances:

$logger = $container->get('logger');

$notification = new Notification(array('message' => 'Notification message'));
        ->setContext(array('key' => 'value')

PSR-3 Adapter

PSR-3 describe an interface for logging purpose to ensure interoperability between systems.

For this end we provide the adapter Fei\Service\Logger\Client\Psr\PsrLoggerAdapter.


use Fei\Service\Logger\Client\Logger;
use Fei\Service\Logger\Client\Psr\PsrLoggerAdapter;

$logger = new Logger();

$psr = new PsrLoggerAdapter($logger);

$psr->error('This is a error message');

It's always possible to set category, namespace and other notification properties with log context:


use Fei\Service\Logger\Client\Logger;
use Fei\Service\Logger\Client\Psr\PsrLoggerAdapter;
use Fei\Service\Logger\Entity\Notification;

$logger = new Logger();

$psr = new PsrLoggerAdapter($logger);

    'This is a error message',
        'namespace' => '/my/app',
        'category' => Notification::TRACKING,
        'key1' => 'value1',
        'key2' => 'value2'

Manageable Notification properties are flag, namespace, user, server, command, origin, category and env. Another key of context will be set in Notification context.