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Python 3.6

pip install -r requrements.txt



sudo sh -c 'tar -x geckodriver -zf geckodriver-v0.26.0-linux64.tar.gz -O > /usr/bin/geckodriver'

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/geckodriver

rm geckodriver-v0.26.0-linux64.tar.gz

Run Command

  • For multiple thread: gunicorn -w 16 -b main:app

  • For single thread: python run

Script dependencies after initialization (Directory: ./scripts)

  • sh

  • sh

  • sh

Codeflares Guidelines

Codeflares is an automated offline training platform for competitive programmers. We generate a efficient training plan for the contestants using their problem solving history. We also provide them with some statistical data and other features to help them completely focus on competitive training. You'll find more details about our features in the following section.

Features & Models

  1. Algorithm Database
  2. Problem Database
  3. Problem Score
  4. Individual Skill Generator
  5. Individual Training Model
  6. Team Skill Generator
  7. Team Training Model
  8. Rating System
  9. Automated Training Contest Generator
  10. Classroom Based Training
  11. Learning Resources
  12. Blog

Algorithm Database

We have a collection of algorithms that most of the contestants use frequently in problem solving. All these algorithms are divided into two levels. The first level is called the root level which contains only the root level categories. And the second level is called the child level which consists of all the algorithms. The child level algorithms are then divided into the root level categories.

For example, some of the root level categories are: Base Algorithms, Number Theory, Graph, Data Structure, Dynamic Programming, Geometry etc.

  1. Some second level algorithms that fall under Number Theory: GCD, LCM, Prime Number, Sieve, Prime Factorization etc.
  2. Similarly, some second level algorithms that fall under Graph: BFS, DFS, Dijkstra, Bellmanford, SCC, DAG etc.

Most of the second level algorithms are somewhat dependent on some other second level algorithms. For example,

Dijkstra is dependent on Priority Queue, BFS & DFS.

Prime Factorization is dependent on Prime Number and Sieve.

Based on these dependencies we have created a category-dependency-matrix. Which is basically a collection of edges from an weighted DAG, where every edge a -> (b, f) in the DAG denotes that the algorithm a is dependent on the algorithm b with a factor f (in range 1 to 10).

You'll find the problem database section in Gateway -> Categories

Problem Database

We have a rich collection of problems from different online judges and contest platforms like Codeforces, Codechef, UVa, SPOJ and LightOJ. Each of these problems contains a connection list, which denotes how much a problem is connected to some categories. Considering this connection list for each of the problem, we have created a problem-category-connection-matrix.

For example, some problem X might be connected to some algorithms Y with a factor P. Which means, to solve the problem X you need to learn the algorithm Y upto a certain level (depends on the factor).

At the same time it also means that if you can solve the problem X then your skill in algorithm Y will get increased by a factor which depends on the problem-difficulty of the problem and the factor of the connection.

You'll find the problem database section in Gateway -> Problems

Problem Score

We have a problem score formula to calculate the score that a contestant receive after solving any problem. After solving any problem of difficulty d, a contestant receive sqrt(d) points. So for the difficulties 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, a contestant receive the following scores: 1, 2.82, 5.19, 8, 11.18, 14.69, 18.52, 22.62, 27, 31.62.

Why this score is important?
  1. This score helps us to calculate the minimum efforts you need to put to improve your skill rating. So it directly affects the rating progress of a contestant.
  2. It also helps us to determine your skill level. Your skill level in any algorithm depends partially on the total amount of score you received solving the problems from that particular algorithm. For example, the more difficult problem you solve from Segment Tree, the more it increases your skill in Segment Tree, Data Structure and eventually in your total algorithm skill level.

Individual Skill Generator

The individual skill generator model generates your overall problem solving skill as well as your skill per each algorithm considering your problem solving record.

How it works?

Considering your problem solving record, we generate your skill for each of the second level algorithms.

For any algorithm X, the skill of that algorithm depends on the problems that have some connections with the algorithm X. Every solved problem of an user contribute to the skill of the algorithms which are connected to that algorithm.

As explained in the Problem Database section, for any solved problem P, how much it'll contribute to the skill of a algorithm, that depends on the following two factors: problem-difficulty and problem-category-connection-matrix.

Using this factors for each solved problems, we generate a skill value for all the second level algorithms which are directly connected to those solved problems.

After processing the second level algorithms, then we generate the skill value for the root level categories using the skill value of the algorithms that fall under that particular root category. We have a algorithm-percentage-matrix which stores the information of how much an algorithm contribute to the overall skill value of a root category.

Finally we generate the overall current skill of an user using our root-algorithm-percentage-matrix. Each entry of this matrix denotes how much a root category contribute to the overall total skill of a contestant.

Individual Training Model

Our individual training model is based on the algorithm skill value we generated in the previous models. Using the algorithm skill, our training model generates a relevant-score for each problems and algorithms. This relevant-score denotes how much a problem or algorithm is relevant for you right now considering your current problem solving skill.

Let's see an example of why this training model for the problems is really important for the contestants.

Let's say your current skill level in Segment Tree is somewhere between 5.5 to 6.0. Considering your current skill, which problems from segment tree would be more relevant for you to solve right now? Problem having difficulty 1 - 2 will be too much easier for you, and at the same time, problem having difficulty 9 - 10 will be lot more harder for you. So none of these problems would be actually relevant for you to solve right now if you focus on improving your skill. Rather, problems having difficulty 5 - 7 might be more beneficial for your skill.

Similarly, let's say you want to learn Dijkstra algorithm right now but you don't have have much knowledge about DFS, BFS, Basic STL etc. So trying to learn Dijkstra right now would be a really bad idea. Instead, your focus should be more on solving problems from DFS, BFS and Basic STL first and after gaining a moderate skill in those algorithms, then you can focus on Dijkstra algorithm.

Our training model evaluates your relevant score considering your current skill level in each of the algorithms. It is built in a way so that, if you continue solving problems and focus on learning the algorithms following this models, your skill will gradually increase in those algorithms.

In the individual training model page, we suggest the top 10 problems and algorithms for you to approach in the upcoming week. If you don't like a problem or if you think you have already solve a similar problem before, then you have the option to move it to blacklist or you can flag it temporarily for 3 days. Of course, you have the option to undo this operations from the tasklist on the top bar if you feel like trying the problem again later on.

Individual Training Model can be found from Training -> Personal Training

Team Skill Generator

Our team skill generator model is similar to the Individual Skill Generator model. Here, we just consider all the solved problems combined by all the team members.

Team Training Model

Our team training model is similar to the Individual Training Model. Here, it just considers the algorithm skill value generated by the Team Skill Generator model.

To activate Team Training Model, you first need to set your current active team from your User Settings.

Then you'll be able to visit your team training page from Training -> Team Training

Rating System

We have a rating system to help the contestant to keep track of their progress which gets updated exactly once in a week (for now in every Friday). We recalculate the overall skill and total problem score of every contestants during this update. We also set a new problem score target for next week. If any contestants fail to reach their target in the next week, their rating gets decreased.

Let's say after week W, the skill of a contestant is X, total problem score is Y and next week problem score target is Z (Z > Y). Now, after week (W+1), let's consider that the contestant's achieved total problem score is P.

Now, if (P >= Z), then the rating of the contestant gets increased following our regular rating formula. But if (P < Z), then the rating of the contestant gets decreased by sqrt(Z - P).

More details about the rating system and the models we used will be published later on. We are also continuously working on improving the rating system gradually.

Automated Training Contest Generator

We also have a automated training contest generator for your practice. You can generate a contest for your individual practice, team practice or even for the classroom training purposes.

How it works?
  1. You can generate a completely automated training contest for your practice. Make a request from our Training Contest -> Create Training Contest page providing the required information. We create a automated contest for you using our randomized algorithm model following ACM ICPC problem structure.
  2. You can also request for a customized contest adding some custom filters. For example, let's say you want a problem set where at least M problems must be from Data Structure with difficulty range (u - v) and N problems from Graph with difficulty range (p - q). Add these options in the customized filter section in Create Training Contest page. After you send your request, we'll create a contest for you satisfying all the filters that you provided.

Note: We generate the contests considering only the unsolved problems. For example, if you create a contest for a team, then we only consider those problems which are not already solved by any of the team members.

Classroom Based Training

Classroom Based Training is mainly focused on a group of contestants who want to learn and practice together under a moderator. The person who creates the classroom becomes the moderator and has all the controls over the features like adding and removing members.

Classroom Features?
  1. Create tasks for classroom members
  2. Make class schedules
  3. Compares between the skill level of the classroom members
  4. Set training contests for practice
  5. Classroom discussion

You can create your classroom from Classroom -> Create Classroom

Learning Resources

Each problem and algorithm has a separate page where you can discuss about that particular problem or algorithm. There are also some statistics and resources list that will help the contestants to improve their knowledge. You can contribute there by sharing your knowledge and resources about that problem or algorithm.

For more details, please checkout the problem page for Anagram Division and the category page for BFS.


Blog is a feature where you can share your knowledge and thoughts about anything related to competitive programming. You can also publicly discuss with each other about different problems and algorithms. The feature is still in the initial stage. We'll improve it and add more features in the blog section later on.


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