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1. Install

Ryan Winchester edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 6 revisions

Install using composer

A) Install Standalone


composer create-project "flashtag/cms:dev-master@dev" flashtag --prefer-dist

Dev environment - Homestead

If you have Vagrant installed

  1. run vendor/bin/homestead make and modify Homestead.yaml to suit your needs
  2. run vagrant up
  3. run vagrant ssh and cd to your project directory and run php artisan flashtag:install.

Everything should be good.


  • Clone your project repository and run composer install
  • Copy .env.example to .env and set it up as required. Don't forget to change APP_ENV to production and APP_DEBUG to false.
  • Generate your key php artisan key:generate
  • Set JWT_SECRET to a random string.
  • Run the install script. php artisan flashtag:install

Everything should be good.

B) Install on an existing Laravel App

pick and choose which packages you actually want

composer require flashtag/data flashtag/admin flashtag/front flashtag/api

Add the service providers to config/app.php

  • Flashtag\Core\Providers\CoreServiceProvider::class
  • Flashtag\Data\Providers\DataServiceProvider::class
  • Flashtag\Admin\Providers\AdminServiceProvider::class
  • Flashtag\Front\Providers\FrontServiceProvider::class
  • Flashtag\Api\Providers\ApiServiceProvider::class

Publish files

php artisan flashtag:publish --packages=all