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Groupnest (Team SocialPig)

· Language(s): Front end is HTML Ajax + Backend is Python Flask

· Development web server: NGINX and Gunicorn

· Testing frameworks: unit test module built in to the Python standard library coverrage 85%+.

· Persistent Storage: mySQL (ClearDB deployed on Heroku)

· Caching: Redis (deployed on EC2)

· API technology: REST (For the external API we also used the Google auth and we successfully implement it in our loacl host. However, when we deploy it to EC2 instance there a lot of network and bugs we can't fix. So we make a trade off, we decide to deploy the app and give up Google auth, you can find the code related to Google auth in released tag with 1.0).

· Pipline: Jenkins

· Documentation: Generated by Swagger. File in git repo: group_nest_doc.html

Additional Url

· Host:

· Pipeline: built in Jenkins instance

Command Line for running:

Flask activate the vitual environment: python3 -m venv venv

. venv/bin/activate

pip install -e .

(outside of the project folder)

export FLASK_APP=groupnest

export FLASK_ENV=development

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

export DATABASE_URL=mysql://

export TEST_DATABASE_URL=mysql://

flask run