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Code was transferred to monorepo: flatfeestack/flatfeestack

flatfeestack: pay-out

Service for interacting with the different blockchains. Supported are: Ethereum (ETH), NEO3 (NEO) and Tezos (XTZ). Every blockchain has their own way so each implementation has some small pitfalls.

Every currency has implemented a deploy-method to deploy the smart contract on start up. If a smart contract will be deployed depends on the [CURRENCY]_DEPLOY-variable in the .env

Please fill out the [CURRENCY]_PRIVATE_KEY and the [CURRENCY]_CONTRACT for each currency before you start.


The Ethereum payout uses a Go-binding which gets generated based on the Flatfeestack.sol. Information about the tool can be found here:

It can be generated with:

abigen --pkg main --sol Flatfeestack.sol --out ./contract.go 

For the smart contract development have a look at:


The NEO payout is based on two files:

  • PayoutNEO.manifest.json
  • PayoutNeo.nef

These are generated from the smart contract development repository.

To fill up the smart contract you need a NEO3 address. If you want to convert the smart contract address to a NEO3-address you can use this code or use the converter linked below. (Important with as prefix when you convert 0x)

noX := strings.TrimPrefix(neo.Contract, "0x")
rawStr, err := hex.DecodeString(noX)
val, _ := util.Uint160DecodeBytesBE(rawStr)
addrRev := address.Uint160ToString(val.Reverse())

if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Unable to convert address", err)

log.Printf("NEO3 address of the smart contract: %v", addrRev)


0xbca8ee6c194c71ce9b3da6da239287abc755b901 should be NL55tFjExEKNJBkpkihaexabQUk2N9Seb7

Useful links:


The Tezos payout happens in the payout-nodejs-service, because of the missing possibility to interact with a Tezos smart-contract in go.