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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 11, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Deprecation notice

As of OBS version 28.0.0 (released in 2022-09-01), this plugin no longer works. You can find more details as to why here.

If you really want to use this plugin, you will have to downgrade OBS back to version 27.2.4, using this command:

# Remove 'sudo' if you installed OBS only for the current user.
sudo flatpak update --commit=0069ec300ce09337a585acfcefe0f2ecdfa0efcd08d920b2751c844fd026296a com.obsproject.Studio

And then you'll have to disable Flatpak from auto-updating OBS with:

flatpak mask com.obsproject.Studio

NVFBC plugin for OBS Studio (Flatpak)

This plugin will be useless for you, unless you have a Tesla/Quadro GPU from NVIDIA, or patched NVIDIA drivers.


DISCLAIMER: The following steps modify the behavior of your NVIDIA drivers. Although myself and many other people have been using patched drivers without issues, I will not be responsible for any damages that might happen. So, proceed at your own risk!

1 - Patching the drivers

Note: Skip this step if you have a professional-grade GPU model, such as Quadro or Tesla.

  1. Clone the nvidia-patch project:

    git clone
  2. Patch the NVIDIA drivers (host drivers first):

    cd nvidia-patch/
    sudo ./
    sudo ./
  3. Now patch the drivers for Flatpak:

    sudo ./ -f
    sudo ./ -f
  4. Reboot your computer.

2 - Adding the NvFBC Source plugin on OBS

  1. Open OBS Studio.

  2. Right-click the Sources panel, go to Add and then select NvFBC Source.

  3. (Optional) rename your source, hit OK.

  4. (Optional) tweak the settings (source screen, FPS, etc.), hit OK.

    The whole process looks like this: GIF


If, for whatever reason, you want to revert this whole process, you can restore the original driver files by running:

# Restores the original driver files for the host
sudo ./ -r
sudo ./ -r
# Restores the original driver files for Flatpak
sudo ./ -f -r
sudo ./ -f -r

Uninstall this plugin:

flatpak uninstall com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.NVFBC

Then reboot your computer.