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Refactor the declaration and usage of Cython
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- Use setuptools.setup by default if available for import.
- The objective for that complicated import/cython is commented.
- Also have more specific variable names, and have their usage be

- Remove Cython from install_requires as it already is declared under
  setup_requires, and that it conflicts with install_requires due to
  issues in setuptools.

  - pypa/setuptools#209
  - pypa/setuptools#391

- This commit goes back to breaking installation in environments without
  Cython, but should be rectified in the next commit.
  • Loading branch information
metatoaster authored and flaviusb committed Oct 23, 2018
1 parent e898c05 commit 44bdfc9
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 23 deletions.
77 changes: 54 additions & 23 deletions
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
from datetime import datetime

if environ.get('KIVY_USE_SETUPTOOLS'):
from setuptools import setup, Extension
print('Using setuptools')
except ImportError:
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
print('Using distutils')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,17 +223,38 @@ def pkgconfig(*packages, **kw):

have_cython = False
skip_cython = False
getting_cython = False
# The goal is to not have cython ever be present as _any_ dependency if
# possible, as we want to make cython a completely optional dependency.
# However, for packages compiling from source, it needs to be available
# somehow to ensure the .c files be generated from .pyx files.
# The following are things to be done:
# 1) DO NOT add cython to setup_requires for ios/android (author of this
# comment has been informed that there are issues with the usage of
# Cython to generate sources for kivy on those platforms).
# 2) DO NOT add cython to setup_requires if Cython can be imported (i.e.
# already present in the environment. The reason for this is that
# the .whl files produced for kivy must NOT specify Cython its
# dependancy as it is a build time dependency (and can cause conflict
# for certain platforms).
# 3) Only have cython listed in setup_requires if neither of the above
# conditions apply, so that dependent packages being installed on
# systems that the kivy wheel is not available and cython may be
# installed, that cython also be installed before pip runs ``
# bdist_wheel`` on the kivy source package when end-users execute
# ``pip install kivy`` or any other packages that depend on kivy.

# This determines whether Cython specific functionality may be used.
can_use_cython = True
# This sets whether or not Cython gets added to setup_requires.
declare_cython = False

if platform in ('ios', 'android'):
print('\nCython check avoided.')
skip_cython = True
# NEVER use or declare cython on these platforms
print('Not using cython on %s' % platform)
can_use_cython = False
# check for cython
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
have_cython = True
# see if Cython needs to be declared by its absence.
import Cython
cy_version_str = Cython.__version__
cy_ver = LooseVersion(cy_version_str)
Expand All @@ -248,10 +269,11 @@ def pkgconfig(*packages, **kw):
except ImportError:
getting_cython = True

if not have_cython:
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
"Cython can be used but is not available in the environment; "
"declare it as a setup_requires"
declare_cython = True

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup classes
Expand All @@ -260,6 +282,15 @@ def pkgconfig(*packages, **kw):
src_path = build_path = dirname(__file__)

from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
if can_use_cython:
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
print('using cython build_ext')
except ImportError:
print('not using cython build_ext')

class KivyBuildExt(build_ext):

def finalize_options(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -935,7 +966,8 @@ def get_extensions_from_sources(sources):
pyx = expand(src_path, pyx)
depends = [expand(src_path, x) for x in flags.pop('depends', [])]
c_depends = [expand(src_path, x) for x in flags.pop('c_depends', [])]
if not (have_cython or getting_cython):
if not can_use_cython:
# can't use cython, so use the .c files instead.
pyx = '%s.c' % pyx[:-4]
if is_graphics:
depends = resolve_dependencies(pyx, depends)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -985,11 +1017,12 @@ def get_extensions_from_sources(sources):
# setup !
if not build_examples:
install_requires = [
'Kivy-Garden>=0.1.4', 'docutils', 'pygments'
'Kivy-Garden>=0.1.4', 'docutils', 'pygments'
if getting_cython:
'cython >=' + MIN_CYTHON_STRING + ', <= ' + MAX_CYTHON_STRING)
setup_requires = []
if declare_cython:
'cython >=' + MIN_CYTHON_STRING + ', <= ' + MAX_CYTHON_STRING)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1120,12 +1153,10 @@ def get_extensions_from_sources(sources):
'tuio': ['oscpy']
'cython >=' + MIN_CYTHON_STRING + ', <= ' + MAX_CYTHON_STRING
] if not skip_cython else [])
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