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F Lengyel edited this page Sep 6, 2022 · 103 revisions

Software components and configuration notes

The latest version of the backward-compatible Folgezettel IDs for Zettlr is here.

There are many ways to implement a digital Zettelkasten. An inventory of the software components and configuration files I use is available at Zettelkasten software components.

Terminological troubles beset the account of note categories in the English translation of How To Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens. This is a lightly modified copy of an article originally posted at The post is CC BY-SA 4.0 (I'm the author), as is this wiki.

Ten days after an attempt to explain how my IDs worked to a user who persisted in some mischaracterizations on r/Zettelkasten, a moderator chimed in with an unhelpful and peremptory comment. After that I decided to remove all of my posts from that subredit and not to participate there or do anything that might help them.

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