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This is a "plugin" for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR).

Written by:                  Lars Hanisch <>

Project's homepage:

Latest version available at:

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for more information.

Control some settings of the pulseaudio server via SVDRP and OSD.

You can place different text files with the extension ".script" in the plugin's
config directory. The script with the name "startup.script" will be executed
on startup of the plugin. The other scripts can be selected via the plugin's OSD.
Possible commands are:
set-card-profile, set-sink-formats, move-sink-input
(See script.c for an uptodate list of available commands.)

SVDRP commands:
Look for "svdrpsend plug pulsecontrol help" for an uptodate list.

EXEC / execute filename
Execute a script. "filename" must be absolute.

Prints some info about the pulseaudio server.

LCRD / list-cards
Lists the available cards.

LDEV / list-devices [type]
Lists the available devices. "type" can be "sink" or "source".

LFOR / list-formats
Lists the available formats you can use with "set-sink-formats".

LSNK / list-sinks
Lists the available sinks and their ports.

LSKI / list-sink-inputs
Lists the available sink inputs.

MSKI / move-sink-input inputname_or_index sinkname_or_index
Moves the given input to the chosen sink.
If the input is not given and there is only one active
sink input, this input will be moved.
The special sink name "next" selects the next sink
from the list returned by list-sinks.

SCPR / set-card-profile cardname_or_index profilename
Set the active profile of the given card.

SDSK / set-default-sink sinkname_or_index
Set the given sink as default.

SSKF / set-sink-formats sinkname_or_index format1;format2;...
Set the passthrough formats of the given sink.

# show move-sink-input menu
User1  @pulsecontrol 1
# show set-card-profile menu
User2  @pulsecontrol 2
# move-sink-input next, shows menu if something went wrong
User3  @pulsecontrol 3