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🕧 PHP Scheduler

PHP Schedule is a simple library for scheduling tasks in PHP.
It is inspired by the Laravel Scheduler and Symfony Messenger.



composer require flexic/scheduler

to install flexic/scheduler.

Setup Events to schedule

class MyScheduleEvent implements \Flexic\Scheduler\Interfaces\AbstractScheduleEventInterface
    public function __invoke(): void
        // ... do something
    public function configure(Flexic\Scheduler\Interfaces\ScheduleInterface $schedule): void
        $schedule->cron('* * * * *');

Schedule events are classes that implement the ScheduleEventInterface. Inside the configure method, you can use the Schedule object to define when the event should be scheduled to run.

Setup Schedule Worker (Console Command)


php bin/schedule ./path/to/event_config.php ./path/to/event_config_1.php

to start the schedule worker. Worker will automatically load all events from the given config files and run them.


Option Description Format Default
limit Limits the worker to the give number. Worker stops automatically if number if max Event runs exceeded. int -
timeLimit Worker stops automatically after given time. int (seconds) -
intervalLimit Worker stops automatically after give amount of intervals. int -
memoryLimit Worker stops automatically if usage of memory exceeds the given limit. int (bytes) -
parallel Worker runs events in parallel if set to true. boolean false
parallelLimit Let worker run only defined amount of parallel runs at same time. int -

Setup Schedule Worker (own script)

# Options for worker
$options = [];
$events = [
    new MyScheduleEvent(),

$worker = new \Flexic\Scheduler\Worker(
    new Flexic\Scheduler\Configuration\WorkerConfiguration($options),
    new \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher(),


ScheduleEvent Factory

The ScheduleEventInterface is implemented to allow the usage of a factory to create the event. This is useful if you want to use a dependency injection container to create the event.

class MyScheduleEventFactory implements \Flexic\Scheduler\Interfaces\ScheduleEventFactoryInterface
    public function create(): array {
        return [
            new MyScheduleEvent('foo'),
            new MyScheduleEvent('bar'),

Schedule API

Method Description
cron($expression) Schedule the event on a Cron expression.
timezone($timezone) Set the timezone the expression should run in.
minute($minute) Set minutes to cron expression
hour($hour) Set hours to cron expression
day($day) Set days to cron expression
month($month) Set months to cron expression
dayOfWeek($day) Set days of week to cron expression
builder() Return an instance of flexic/cron-builder.

cron() method accepts string, or objects of type CronBuilder & Cron of flexic/cron-builder.

Methods for tokens allows usage of Expressions from flexic/cron-builder.

Worker API

Method Description
start() Starts the worker.
stop() Stops the worker.
restart() Reinitialize and restarts the worker.
update($configuration, $scheduleEvents) Update the worker and starts with new configuration.

Worker Lifecycle Events

Event Name Description
Worker Lifecycle Flexic\Scheduler\Event\Event\Lifecycle\<EventName>
WorkerInitializedEvent Executed when worker is initialized.
WorkerStartEvent Executed when worker is started.
WorkerStopEvent Executed when worker is stopped.
WorkerRestartEvent Executed when worker is restarted.
WorkerUpdateEvent Executed everytime the worker is updated.
Run Lifecycle Flexic\Scheduler\Event\Event\Run\<EventName>
WorkerRunStartEvent Executed everytime an event is started to process.
WorkerRunEnvEvent Executed everytime an event is finished to process.
Interval Lifecycle Flexic\Scheduler\Event\Event\Interval\<EventName>
WorkerIntervalStartEvent Executed everytime a interval is started.
WorkerIntervalEndEvent Executed everytime a interval is finished.
Execution Lifecycle Flexic\Scheduler\Event\Event\Execute\<EventName>
WorkerExecuteEvent Executed everytime an event is executed.
WorkerExecuteSequentialEvent Executed everytime an event is executed sequentially.
WorkerExecuteParallelStartEvent Executed everytime an event is executed parallel.
WorkerExecuteParallelResumeEvent Executed everytime an parallel executed event is resumed.


This package is licensed using the GNU License.

Please have a look at
