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Manual testing : login password account request

Julien Louis edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 1 revision

Account request

Create an account request / challenge request

* [not logged in]
* access to
    - land on the login page
* click "Create an account"
    - land on
* click "Cancel"
    - land on the login page
* click "Create an account"
    - land on
    - text fields are empty
    - "Request Account" button is disabled
* fill every text field & set a valid email
    - "Request Account" button is not disabled anymore
* replace the email by an unvalid one (remove the @)
    - an error is displayed beneath the email field
    - "Request Account" button is disabled
* empty entirely the email text field
    - an error is displayed beneath the email field
    - "Request Account" button is disabled
* set the email back to normal
* click "Request Account"
    - a confirmation message is displayed instead of the form
    - a "OK" or "Back" button is displayed
    - a mail is received at the given address :
        - says to wait for a manual validation from an administrator
        - gives a login and a temporary password
    - a mail is received by every admin :
* click button
    - land on the login page

Validate an account request

* log in as an admin
* on the left side bar menu, deploy "Administration"
    - a "Manage users" line, among others, is shown
* click "Manage users"
    - land on
    - a list of users is displayed
    - "On Demand" (O.D.) users are on top of the list
    - the account request created in the [Create an account request] section is present
* click on our new account request
    - land on<id of the user entity> 
    - the account request data is displayed
    - "Role of the user" is set to "User"
    - "Expiration Date" is today + 1 year
    - "Can import from Neurinfo-PACS" is false
* click "Edit"
    - land on<id of the user entity> 
    - the page is the same but the fields are editable
* edit some fields
* click "Cancel"
    - land on<id of the user entity> 
    - the display is back to the "view" mode
    - all edit has been canceled
* click "Accept"
    - msg of success
    - the view switches to a standard user view (not an account request anymore)
        - BUG [minor] : the view stays to account request mode
    - a mail is received by the user :
        - "Your account request has been granted."
        - link to shanoir login
    - a mail is recieved by every admin :
        - "The account X has been granted by an administrator."
    - if challenge, the user is a member of the requested study and has CAN_SEE and CAN_DOWNLOAD
* OR click "Refuse"
    - msg of confirmation
    - land on the user list
    - a mail is received by the user :
        - "Your account extension on Shanoir has been denied."
    - a mail is recieved by every admin :
        - "The account request for X has been denied by an administrator."
    - the user entity is erased from the database

First login

* access to
* log in with the login/password received by mail
    - lands on page "Update password"
    - msg : "You need to change your password to activate your account."
    - two text fields : "New password" and "Confirm password"
* type two different passwords
    - stays on the page
    - msg : "Passwords don't match."
        - BUG [minor] : css, msg misplaced
* type in both : "a"
    - msg : "Invalid password: must contain at least 1 special characters."
* type in both : "a&"
    - msg : "Invalid password: must contain at least 1 upper case characters."
* type in both : "A&"
    - msg : "Invalid password: must contain at least 1 lower case characters."
* type in both : "Aa&"
    - msg : "Invalid password: minimum length 8."
* type in both : "Aa&Aa&Aa&"
    - msg : "Invalid password: must contain at least 1 numerical digits."
* type in both : "Aa&Aa&12"
    - log in Shanoir sucessfully

Forgot password

* access to
* click "Forgot Password?"
    - lands on "Forgot Your Password?" page
    - msg : "Enter your username or email address and we will send you instructions on how to create a new password."
    - text field named : "Username or email"
* click "Back to login"
    - lands on the login page
* click "Forgot Password?"
* type username 
* click "Submit"
    - lands on the login page
    - msg : "You should receive an email shortly with further instructions."
    - email is sent : 
        - "Link to reset credentials"
* click this link
    - lands on page "Update password" (see [First login] section)

Account expired

* [my account is expired]
* access to
* try to log in
    - stays on login page
    - msg : "Account is disabled, contact your administrator."
        - QUESTION : shouldn't it be "account disabled" ?
* click "Account expired?"
    - lands on "Extension request" page
* fill the 3 fields and use a valid email address that is not registered in Shanoir
    - msg : "No account associated to this email, please enter a valid email address."
        - BUG [minor] : css, color
* click "Cancel"
    - lands back on the login page
* click "Account expired?" again
    - lands on "Extension request" page
    - 3 fields : email / date / comment
    - button "Request an extension" is disabled
* fill the 3 fields with valid values
    - button "Request an extension" is enabled
* type a wrong formatted email address
    - button "Request an extension" is disabled
    - email fields turns red
        - BUG [medium] : no format validation
    - msg : "Incorrect email format" 
        - BUG [medium] : no format validation
* fill the 3 fields with valid values
    - button "Request an extension" is enabled
* type a wrong formatted date
    - button "Request an extension" is disabled
    - field turn red
    - msg : "Wrong date format"
* fill the 3 fields with valid values
    - button "Request an extension" is enabled
* empty the comment field
    - button "Request an extension" is disabled
    - field turn red
    - msg : "Please type a comment"
* type "a"
    - msg : "Your comment should be at least X characters"
* fill the 3 fields with valid values
    - button "Request an extension" is enabled
* click "Request an extension"
    - a msg replace the form : "An email has been sent to the administrator who will validate your request."
    - OK button
    - email is recieved by the user
        - new password
    - BUG [major]
        - no msg
        - no ok button
        - no email sent
        - error msg (500)
        - user is not set to "On Demand"
* click "OK"
    - land back on the login page
* log in as an admin
    - the previous user status is "On Demand"
* log out
* click "Account expired?" again
* make an extension request for the same email as previoulsy
    - msg : "An extension request is already awaitinfg for an administrator to grant it."
* then it's the same as in section [First login]
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