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jQuery Image Gallery Plugin


Full instructions are contained in the html files.

Plugin options

When you apply the plugin to your images, you can provide settings to your liking.
Example of applying Etalage with custom settings:

<script type="text/javascript">

// If your <ul> has the id "etalage":
// These are the most common settings (because they are case specific)
thumb_image_width: 300,
thumb_image_height: 400,
source_image_width: 1200,
source_image_height: 1600,
zoom_area_width: 800
// Note: the last option does not end with a comma


Options List

Name Description Default
align Align of the Etalage container. The zoom area will appear on the opposite side ('left'/'right') 'left'
thumb_image_width The large thumbnail width (excluding borders / padding) (value in pixels) 300
thumb_image_height The large thumbnail height (excluding borders / padding) (value in pixels) 400
source_image_width The source/zoomed image width (not the frame around it) (value in pixels) 900
source_image_height The source/zoomed image height (not the frame around it) (value in pixels) 1200
zoom_area_width Width of the zoomed image frame (including borders, padding) (value in pixels) 600
zoom_area_height Height of the zoomed image frame (including borders, padding) (value in pixels / 'justify' = automatic (height of large thumb + small thumbs)) 'justify'
zoom_area_distance Distance between the zoom area and thumbnail (value in pixels) 10
zoom_easing Ease the animation while moving the zoomed image (true/false) true
click_to_zoom Will start zooming when image is clicked instead of when hovering (when true, click-callback functions are disabled) (true/false) false
zoom_element Supply your custom zoom area element as a CSS type selector ('auto'/'#selector'/'.selector'). This allows for more freedom in positioning the zoom area outside of the Etalage container. To change the dimensions, set the "zoom_area_width" and "zoom_area_height" options to their pixel values. 'auto'
show_descriptions Shows the description area if a title attribute is given to the source image (true/false) true
description_location Location of the description area ('top'/'bottom') 'bottom'
description_opacity Opacity of the description area (except for IE) (number between or equal to 0-1) 0.7
small_thumbs How many small thumbnails will be visible underneath the large thumbnail (minimum of 3) (number) 3
smallthumb_inactive_opacity Opacity of the inactive small thumbnails (number between or equal to 0-1) 0.4
smallthumb_hide_single Don't show the small thumb when there is only 1 image (true/false) true
smallthumb_select_on_hover This will scroll through the small thumbnails when hovering them, instead of clicking them (true/false) false
smallthumbs_position Where to position the row of small thumbnails ('top'/'bottom'/'left'/'right') 'bottom'
show_begin_end_smallthumb Whether to show extra thumbnails at the beginning and the end that navigate back to the end or beginning (true/false) true
magnifier_opacity Opacity of the magnifier area (does not apply if magnifier_invert is true) (number between or equal to 0-1) 0.5
magnifier_invert Make the large thumbnail clear through the magnifier, opaque around it (opacity is the value of magnifier_opacity) (true/false) true
show_icon Shows the icon image in the middle of the magnifier (only if magnifier_invert is false) and left-bottom of large thumb (true/false) true
icon_offset The icon's offset to the left-bottom corner (value in pixels) 20
hide_cursor Hides the cursor when hovering the large thumbnail (only works in some browsers) (true/false) false
show_hint Show "hint" until image is zoomed for the first time (true/false) false
hint_offset The hint's offset to the right-top corner (value in pixels) 15
speed All animation speeds are based on this setting (value in ms) 600
autoplay Makes the thumbs switch automatically when not interacting (at each autoplay_interval below) (true/false) true
autoplay_interval Time showing each image if autoplay is on (value in ms) 6000 (6 seconds)
keyboard Left/right arrow keys to navigate (true/false) true
right_to_left Makes the thumbnails slide from right to left and the caption texts RTL (true/false) false
click_callback Provide your own callback for the click event (function). Takes 2 arguments: image_anchor, instance_id. The old callback function method (up to v.1.3.1) is still supported in case you are already using those. Example:
    click_callback: function(image_anchor, instance_id){
    alert('Callback example:\nYou clicked on an image with the anchor: "'+image_anchor+'"\n(in Etalage instance: "'+instance_id+'")');
function(){ return true; }
change_callback Provide your own callback for the change event (thumb switching) (function). Takes 2 arguments: image_number, instance_id. The old callback function method (up to v.1.3.1) is still supported in case you are already using those. Example:
    change_callback: function(image_number, instance_id){
    alert('Callback example: New active image: '+image_number+' (in Etalage instance: '+instance_id+')');
function(){ return true; }

HTML setup

Create a list of images in an Unordered List. One image as the source image, another as the thumbnail. The thumbnail will be a resized source image if not provided (not recommended for beauty and performance).

<!-- Give it any id or class to identify it with: -->
<ul id="etalage">
<!-- This is the large (zoomed) image source: -->
<img class="etalage_source_image" src="/images/large_image_1.jpg" title="Optionally, your description goes here." /> 

<!-- This is the thumb image source (if not provided, it will use the large image source and resize it): -->
<img class="etalage_thumb_image" src="/images/thumb_image_1.png" />


jquery gallery plugin source called etalage.






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