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1.3 Methods for Banner

floatinghotpot edited this page Sep 15, 2014 · 1 revision

AdMob.createBanner(adId/options, success, fail)

Purpose: create a banner Ad.


  • adId, string, the Ad unit Id for banner.
  • options, json object, see the keys in AdMob.setOptions
  • success, function, callback when success, can be null or missing.
  • fail, function, callback when fail, can be null or missing.

Extra key/value for param options

  • adId, string, Ad unit Id for this banner.
  • success, function, callback when success.
  • error, function, call back when fail.

Example Code:

AdMob.createBanner( admobid.banner );

	adId: admobid.banner,
	autoShow: true,
	success: function(){
	error: function(){
		alert('failed to create banner');


Purpose: show banner at given position. It can also be used to move banner to given position. It's not needed to removeBannr and create a new one.


  • position, integer, see description in AdMob.setOptions()

AdMob.showBannerAtXY(x, y)

Purpose: show banner at given position with (x,y).


  • x, integer, in pixels. Offset from screen left.
  • y, integer, in pixels. Offset from screen top.


Purpose: hide the banner, remove it from screen, but can show it later.


Purpose: destroy the banner, remove it from screen.

You can create another banner if different size, need remove the old one.