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FlorinF edited this page May 27, 2020 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the AeraTM (AeraTe Me) wiki!

This is the Home Page of AeraTM wiki. It has been created with the intention to document the whole process of building and testing the AeraTM PAPR device, provide explanations for every aspect of it, answer questions, discuss possible issues, lay down a roadmap for improvements and many more.

AeraTM Wiki will be officially provided in two languages, Romanian and English but, for the time being, we are still in the early phases of developing a prototype and will build it up for Romanian first. Feel free -though- to clone the repository and check yourself the design, it's being released as Open Source and will be offered this way when completed.

GitHub issues page is being used for AeraTM development, especially in regards to flaws and enhancements. We have a very strict policy regarding that, as GitHub is not a general support channel, it's dedicated exclusively to AeraTM development. All contributors should be familiar or should familiarize themselves with how GitHub works and they are welcomed to the AeraTm Team.

For a brief history class, here is the evolution from the initial mockup towards the v01plus milestone. Please use the navigation sidebar on the right to access information for every component and beware that this wiki will constantly be updated with relevant information regarding the current state of the design.

AeraTM Evolution