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The scope of this repository is to provide the steps for deploying Vault with Auto-unseal using KMS in GCP

These assets are provided to perform the tasks described in the Auto-unseal with Google Cloud KMS guide and adapted for a workout example.

Which are the main tools used to accomplish this task?


Vault Logo

Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, certificates, and more. Vault provides a unified interface to any secret, while providing tight access control and recording a detailed audit log.

Please note: We take Vault's security and our users' trust very seriously. If you believe you have found a security issue in Vault, please responsibly disclose by contacting us at



Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions.

What is needed to follow this guide?

  • Install Terraform.
  • Install Vault client - enables the option to test access of vault server from local system.
  • Install the gcloud CLI, configure and enable Cloud Key Management Service KMS API.
  • Install gh.
  • At least 2 variables must be present into environment in order to make the procedure valid: PROJID and SACC. Those 2 variables must be loaded into environment prior to continue this workout example. In this case, a sourced file, variables-kms-unseal.source, with the correct values mut be provided in the upper directory hierarchy.
  • Enable KMS API for project number.
  • For example, PROJNAME=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJID --format json|jq -c '.projectNumber') && eval PROJNAME=$PROJNAME gcloud services enable

Which are the steps?

For all commands in one go, execute the shell snip having as default the creation of the KMS keyring and unseal key.

  1. Set this location as your working directory
gh repo clone florintp-onboarding/gcp-kms-unseal
  1. Use the GCP account information in the 'terraform-without-keyring.tfvars' and save it as 'terraform.tfvars'. This will change on creation of a new project! Complete the variables in ../variables-kms-unseal.source. PROJID - for project id SACC - for service account like in
export PROJID=<your_projectid>
export SACC=<projectname-test>

  1. Load the default variables
source ../variables-kms-unseal.source
  1. Create a serviceAccount and generate the JSON key using the IAM-Admin and Enable IAM API
gcloud -q iam service-accounts create $SACC \
--description="Vault Service Account" \
  1. List all the service accounts
 gcloud -q iam service-accounts list
  1. Generate the JSON key
gcloud -q iam service-accounts keys create service_account-$SACC-key.json \
  1. Check the key list
gcloud -q iam service-accounts keys list \
  1. Add rol-bindings to the service account
[[ "X$PROJID" == "X" ]] ||gcloud -q projects add-iam-policy-binding  $PROJID \
--member='serviceAccount:'$SACC'@'${PROJID}'' \

[[ "X$PROJID" == "X" ]] || gcloud -q projects add-iam-policy-binding  $PROJID \
--member='serviceAccount:'$SACC'@'${PROJID}'' \

[[ "X$PROJID" == "X" ]] || gcloud -q projects add-iam-policy-binding  $PROJID \
--member='serviceAccount:'$SACC'@'${PROJID}'' \

# At first RUN, the keyring and key must be created
cp main.tf_with_key_creation

# After keyring already present
# cp main.tf_without_key_creation

ln -s service_account-$SACC-key.json gcloud-vault-test1.json
cat terraform.tfvars.example|egrep -v 'key_ring|crypto_key|keyring_location' | sed  "s/<PROJECT_ID>/$PROJID/g ; s/<ACCOUNT_FILE_PATH>/\.\/gcloud-vault-test1.json/g" > terraform.tfvars
echo 'key_ring = "test"' >> terraform.tfvars
echo  'crypto_key = "vault-test1"' >> terraform.tfvars
echo  'keyring_location = "global"' >> terraform.tfvars
  1. Create infrastructure using Terraform
  • initialize working directory
terraform init
  • plan, to see what resources will be created
terraform plan
  • create resources
terraform apply -auto-approve
  • observe the information output after execution of the terraform plan
terraform output
  1. Connecting to the compute instance
eval  $(terraform output|egrep '^nodename|^zone'|sed "s/ //g")
gcloud -q compute ssh  --zone=${zone} ${nodename} --project ${PROJID}
  1. Check the Vault server status
sudo VAULT_ADDR= vault status
sudo VAULT_ADDR= vault operator init
sudo VAULT_ADDR= vault status
sudo systemctl stop vault
sudo systemctl start vault
sudo systemctl status vault
sudo VAULT_ADDR= vault status
  1. Explore the Vault configuration file on the compute node
cat /test/vault/config.hcla
  1. (On a different terminal window) Rotate key and see that the vault is still able to unseal. A manual rotation of the key may be executed from GGP Console:
gcloud kms keys update vault-test1 \
--location global \
--keyring test \
--rotation-period 2d \
--next-rotation-time 1d
  1. Cleanup may be performed step by step or in one go by simply executing the shell snip
terraform destroy -auto-approve

for i in $(gcloud iam service-accounts keys list --iam-account=$SACC'@'${PROJID}''|grep -v 'KEY_ID'|awk '{print $1}') ; do 
    gcloud -q iam service-accounts keys delete $i --iam-account=$SACC'@'${PROJID}''

rm -f terraform.tfstate terraform.tfstate.backup gcloud-vault-test1.json
  1. Delete the serviceAccount
[[ "X$PROJID" == "X" ]] || gcloud -q iam service-accounts delete \


Steps for deploying a Vault with Auto-unseal using KMS in GCP







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