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Add libdefs & tests for @sentry/browser@5.x.x (#3723)
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USSRLivesOn committed Feb 3, 2020
1 parent e68db35 commit 86cef51
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Showing 2 changed files with 500 additions and 0 deletions.
362 changes: 362 additions & 0 deletions definitions/npm/@sentry/browser_v5.x.x/flow_v0.84.x-/browser_v5.x.x.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
// @flow

declare module '@sentry/browser' {
declare export function addGlobalEventProcessor(callback: EventProcessor): void;
declare export function addBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Breadcrumb): void;
declare export function captureException(
message: mixed,
severity?: $Values<typeof Severity>,
): void;
declare export function captureMessage(
message: mixed,
severity?: $Values<typeof Severity>,
): void;
declare export function configureScope((Scope) => void): void;
declare export function getCurrentHub(): Hub;
declare export function getHubFromCarrier(carrier: Carrier): Hub;

declare export class Hub {
constructor(client: BrowserClient<Options>): Hub;
isOlderThan(version: number): boolean;
bindClient(client?: BrowserClient<Options>): void;
pushScope(): Scope;
popScope(): boolean;
withScope(callback: (scope: Scope) => void): void;
getClient(): BrowserClient<Options> | void;
captureException(exception: mixed, hint?: EventHint): string;
captureMessage(message: string, level?: $Values<typeof Severity>, hint?: EventHint): string;
captureEvent(event: Event, hint?: EventHint): string;
lastEventId(): string | void;
addBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Breadcrumb, hint?: BreadcrumbHint): void;
setUser(user: User | null): void;
setTags(tags: { [key: string]: string, ... }): void;
setTag(key: string, value: string): void;
setExtra(key: string, extra: mixed): void;
setExtras(extras: { [key: string]: mixed, ... }): void;
setContext(name: string, context: { [key: string]: mixed, ... } | null): void;
configureScope(callback: (scope: Scope) => void): void;
run(callback: (hub: Hub) => void): void;
getIntegration<T: Integration<>>(integration: IntegrationClass<T>): T | null;
traceHeaders(): { [key: string]: string, ... };
startSpan(span?: Span | SpanContext, forceNoChild?: boolean): Span;

declare export class Scope {
addEventProcessor(callback: EventProcessor): void;
setUser(user: User | null): void;
setTags(tags: {| [key: string]: string |}): void;
setTag(key: string, value: string): void;
setExtras(extras: {| [key: string]: string |}): void;
setExtra(key: string, extra: mixed): void;
setFingerprint(fingerprint: $ReadOnlyArray<string>): void;
setLevel(level: $Values<typeof Severity>): void;
setTransaction(transaction?: string): void;
setContext(name: string, context: {| [key: string]: mixed |}): void;
setSpan(span?: Span): void;
clear(): void;
addBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Breadcrumb, maxBreadcrumbs?: number): void;
clearBreadcrumbs(): void;

declare export function setContext(
name: string,
context: {| [key: string]: mixed |} | null,
): void;
declare export function setExtra(key: string, extra: mixed): void;
declare export function setExtras(extras: {| [key: string]: mixed |}): void;
declare export function setTag(key: string, value: string): void;
declare export function setTags(tags: {| [key: string]: string |}): void;
declare export function setUser(user: User): void;
declare export function withScope(callback: (scope: Scope) => void): void;

declare export class BrowserClient<O: Options = Options> {
constructor(options: O): BrowserClient<O>;
captureException(exception: mixed, hint?: EventHint, scope?: Scope): string | void;
message: string,
level?: $Values<typeof Severity>,
hint?: EventHint,
scope?: Scope,
): string | void;
captureEvent(event: SentryEvent, hint?: EventHint, scope?: Scope): string | void;
getDsn(): Dsn | void;
getOptions(): O;
close(timeout?: number): Promise<boolean>;
flush(timeout?: number): Promise<boolean>;
getIntegration<T: Integration<>>(integration: IntegrationClass<T>): T | null;

declare export var defaultIntegrations: $ReadOnlyArray<Integration<>>;
declare export function forceLoad(): void;
declare export function init(Options): void;
declare export function lastEventId(): string | void;
declare export function onLoad(callback: () => void): void;
declare export function showReportDialog(options: ReportDialogOptions): void;
declare export function flush(timeout?: TimeoutId): Promise<boolean>;
declare export function close(timeout?: TimeoutId): Promise<boolean>;
declare export function wrap(fn: mixed): mixed;

declare export var SDK_NAME: string;
declare export var SDK_VERSION: string;

declare export var Severity: {|
+Fatal: 'fatal',
+Error: 'error',
+Warning: 'warning',
+Log: 'log',
+Info: 'info',
+Debug: 'debug',
+Critical: 'critical',

declare class IntegrationClass<T> {
constructor(...args: $ReadOnlyArray<mixed>): T;
id: string;
declare class Integration<O = { ... }> {
constructor(options?: O): Integration<O>;
name: string;
addGlobalEventProcessor: (callback: EventProcessor) => void,
getCurrentHub: () => Hub,
): void;

declare type LogLevel = {|
+None: 0,
+Error: 1,
+Debug: 2,
+Verbose: 3,
declare type Breadcrumb = {|
+type?: 'default' | 'http' | 'error',
+level?: $Values<typeof Severity>,
+event_id?: string,
+category?: string,
+message?: string,
+data?: { [string]: mixed, ... },
+timestamp?: number,
declare type BreadcrumbHint = {| [key: string]: mixed |};
declare type User = {
[key: string]: mixed,
// At least one of these must be present, but there's no way to represent that in Flow without
// enumerating every possible combination.
+id?: string,
+username?: string,
+email?: string,
+ip_address?: string,
declare type SpanStatus = {|
+Ok: 'ok',
+DealineExceeded: 'deadline_exceeded',
+Unauthenticated: 'unauthenticated',
+PermissionDenied: 'permission_denied',
+NotFound: 'not_found',
+ResourceExhausted: 'resource_exhausted',
+InvalidArgument: 'invalid_argument',
+Unimplemented: 'unimplemented',
+Unavailable: 'unavailable',
+InternalError: 'internal_error',
+UnknownError: 'unknown_error',
+Cancelled: 'cancelled',
+AlreadyExists: 'already_exists',
+FailedPrecondition: 'failed_precondition',
+Aborted: 'aborted',
+OutOfRange: 'out_of_range',
+DataLoss: 'data_loss',
declare type Mechanism = {|
+type: string,
+handled: boolean,
+data?: { [key: string]: string | boolean, ... },
+synthetic?: boolean,
declare type StackFrame = {|
+filename?: string,
+function?: string,
+module?: string,
+platform?: string,
+lineno?: number,
+colno?: number,
+abs_path?: string,
+context_line?: string,
+pre_context?: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
+post_context?: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
+in_app?: boolean,
+vars?: { [key: string]: mixed, ... },
declare type Stacktrace = {|
+frames?: $ReadOnlyArray<StackFrame>,
+frames_omitted?: [number, number],
declare type Exception = {|
+type?: string,
+value?: string,
+mechanism?: Mechanism,
+module?: string,
+thread_id?: number,
+stacktrace?: Stacktrace,
declare type Span = {|
finish(useLastSpanTimestamp?: boolean): string | void,
toTraceparent(): string,
getTraceContext(): {| [key: string]: mixed |},
toJSON(): {| [key: string]: mixed |},
setTag(key: string, value: string): void,
setData(key: string, value: mixed): void,
setStatus(status: $Values<SpanStatus>): void,
setHttpStatus(httpStatus: number): void,
isSuccess(): boolean,

declare type DsnProtocol = 'http' | 'https';
declare type DsnComponents = {|
+protocol: DsnProtocol,
+user: string,
+pass?: string,
+host: string,
+port?: string,
+path?: string,
+projectId: string,
declare type DsnLike = string | DsnComponents;
declare type Dsn = { toString(withPassword: boolean): string, ...DsnComponents, ... };
declare type Transport = {|
sendEvent(event: Event): Promise<SentryResponse>,
close(timeout?: number): Promise<boolean>,
declare type TransportClass<T: Transport> = (options: TransportOptions) => T;
declare type TransportOptions = {|
+dsn: DsnLike,
+headers?: { [key: string]: string, ... },
+httpProxy?: string,
+httpsProxy?: string,
+caCerts?: string,

declare type SentryRequest = {|
+url?: string,
+method?: string,
+data?: mixed,
+query_string?: string,
+cookies?: { [key: string]: string, ... },
+env?: { [key: string]: string, ... },
+headers?: { [key: string]: string, ... },
declare type SentryResponse = {|
+status: Status,
+event?: SentryEvent,
+reason?: string,
declare type EventType = 'transaction';
declare type SentryEvent = {|
+event_id?: string,
+message?: string,
+timestamp?: number,
+start_timestamp?: number,
+level?: $Values<typeof Severity>,
+platform?: string,
+logger?: string,
+server_name?: string,
+release?: string,
+dist?: string,
+environment?: string,
+sdk?: SdkInfo,
+request?: SentryRequest,
+transaction?: string,
+modules?: { [key: string]: string, ... },
+fingerprint?: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
+exception?: { values?: $ReadOnlyArray<Exception>, ... },
+stacktrace?: Stacktrace,
+breadcrumbs?: $ReadOnlyArray<Breadcrumb>,
+contexts?: {| [key: string]: { ... } |},
+tags?: {| [key: string]: string |},
+extra?: {| [key: string]: mixed |},
+user?: User,
+type?: EventType,
+spans?: $ReadOnlyArray<Span>,
declare type EventHint = {|
+event_id?: string,
+syntheticException?: Error | null,
+originalException?: Error | string | null,
+data?: mixed,
declare type EventProcessor = (
event: SentryEvent,
hint?: EventHint,
) => Promise<SentryEvent | null> | SentryEvent | null;
declare type Package = {|
+name: string,
+version: string,
declare type SdkInfo = {|
+name: string,
+version: string,
+integrations?: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
+packages?: $ReadOnlyArray<Package>,
declare type Carrier = {|
+__SENTRY__?: {|
hub?: Hub,
extensions?: { [key: string]: mixed, ... },

declare type Options = {|
+debug?: boolean,
+enabled?: boolean,
+dsn?: string,
+defaultIntegrations?: false,
+ignoreErrors?: $ReadOnlyArray<string | RegExp>,
+transport?: TransportClass<Transport>,
+transportOptions?: TransportOptions,
+release?: string,
+environment?: string,
+dist?: string,
+maxBreadcrumbs?: number,
+logLevel?: $Values<LogLevel>,
+sampleRate?: number,
+tracesSampleRate?: number,
+attachStacktrace?: boolean,
+maxValueLength?: number,
+beforeSend?: (
event: SentryEvent,
hint?: EventHint,
) => Promise<SentryEvent | null> | SentryEvent | null,

+blacklistUrls?: $ReadOnlyArray<string | RegExp>,
+whitelistUrls?: $ReadOnlyArray<string | RegExp>,
| $ReadOnlyArray<Integration<>>
| (($ReadOnlyArray<Integration<>>) => $ReadOnlyArray<Integration<>>),
+beforeBreadcrumb?: (breadcrumb: Breadcrumb, hint?: BreadcrumbHint) => Breadcrumb | void,
+_experiments?: { [key: string]: mixed, ... },

declare type ReportDialogOptions = {|
[key: string]: mixed,
+eventId?: string,
+dsn?: DsnLike,
+user?: {|
email?: string,
name?: string,
+lang?: string,
+title?: string,
+subtitle?: string,
+subtitle2?: string,
+labelName?: string,
+labelEmail?: string,
+labelComments?: string,
+labelClose?: string,
+labelSubmit?: string,
+errorGeneric?: string,
+errorFormEntry?: string,
+successMessage?: string,
+onLoad?: () => void,

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