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Citizen Desk Web Front End

This is the web front end for Citizen Desk. It provides a web user interface communicating with a Citizendesk Application Programming Interface component.

You can try a demo here, picking an username like User1, User2, User3 with its password, listed here. Keep in mind that Citizen Desk is meant to be mobile first, so you are encouraged to use chrome emulation tools to emulate a mobile device if you are trying it from a desktop.


In the simplest case, the app can be deployed just statically serving the files under app/. Remember to install the Bower dependencies running bower install:

$ bower install

In order to work, the front end has to be connected to a Citizendesk interface component, and you have to write its address in the config.server.url configuration variable, which you can find in app/scripts/app.js. This is the standard way to connect an Eve API client service to its server-side API provider. The currently provided address will try to connect to a demo instance.

For more advanced deployments, for example concatenating and minifying the files, check the details about Grunt tasks below.

Development notes

This is an Angular application produced with Yeoman, and as such all its files are arranged according to the result of Yeoman generators. Development dependencies are handled through the package.json file, and installed running npm install in the repo root. Some Node modules may require you to install some libraries on your system, so don't be scared if the installation of some modules fails, but gather more info about installing the requirements in your machine.

Also the Grunt tasks here available mainly correspond with the tasks automatically generated by Yeoman. For example the following tasks are available:

$ grunt test
$ grunt serve
$ grunt build

Please refer to the Grunt file for a better understanding of the available tasks and the involved Grunt plugins.

Error handling strategy

Through the application there are a lot of API calls, and the error case is not handled for every single call. In order to simplify the code, there is a global error handler, responsible for actions like showing a global error message, reloading the page, and sending us a message through Sentry. Reloading the page is often the easiest way to get back to a constistent and updated data structure, and to make the user understand in case she is experiencing connectivity problems

Deploy to the gh-pages branch

In the repo root there is a bash script which, in a correctly configured system, will publish the current master to gh-pages. It will run the tests, checkout the branch, rebase and push. It is not error proof, it is just a shortcut. You are expected to understand what it does. Once in a while, it will probably make sense to squash all the fix commits there.

Just run source or . in your shell in order to try the script


For basic informations about running the tests, refer to the Travis file here in the root folder. Remember that Travis automatically executes npm install as a preliminary step and npm test in order to run the tests, since these are the standard commands for working with Node modules.

Tests use a mocks object built with a tool called mockatenate. In order to update the file, run the ./mockatenate command from the root repository folder

Test troubleshooting

There are some details in maintaining the tests that, if you do not pay attention, makes you waste a lot of time. If your tests are failing and you really do not know what is going on, check this list:

  • make sure that your mocks are updated using the ./mockatenate script
  • if your are directly mocking HTTP, make sure that the API endpoint you are using (throug eve-api) is in the root mock
  • there is a build process concatenating all the templates. it is triggered automatically when a template is modified and grunt serve is running


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  • JavaScript 72.3%
  • HTML 21.0%
  • ApacheConf 5.8%
  • Other 0.9%