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Citizen Desk Interface

This is one of the components in the Citizen Desk project

The role of this component within Citizen Desk

Interface stands for Application Programming Interface, that is API. The role of this component is to expose the entities in the database, and the [core][core] functionalities, through an authenticated API. Once exposed, they can be used by a web or mobile frontend, see for example the web [Citizen Desk frontend][frontend].

Technical notes


This project depends on [Superdesk Server][superdesk_server] which does not specifies all its dependencies, so dependency handling has to be handled with special care, through the superdesk-dependencies.txt file. Currently not all the Superdesk dependencies are added there, but just those that show to be necessary for the used modules.

Notes on dependencies

Eve 0.5-dev is used by Superdesk. Citizen Desk also depends directly on Eve 0.5, because it included a fix to a problem with documents embedding in lists


Like [Eve][eve], this component is a [Flask][flask] application, and therefore a WSGI application. You can refer to the deploying section in the Flask doc in order to have more info about running and deploying the app. Specifically i used Gunicorn in order to serve the app, and you may find a few simple scripts i used in this repository root. The scripts have the dot extension because they can be run using `source

<script>.dot` or `. <script>.dot`. The app will look for a Mongo database on the same machine it is working on, on the standard port, and it will look for an instance of [Citizen Desk Core][core] at a location which is currently hardcoded. Some initialisation scripts are contained in the `initialise` folder. ##### Running locally The current setup is tailored to our development server. In order to run the application locally, please set the `SERVER_NAME` to a value like `localhost:5000` in `citizendesk_interface/`. Generally, the server name there should match the value sent by your browser in the `Host` header. In order to do troubleshooting, i can advice using `wget` targeted at the API root. For example: wget --header 'Host:' http://localhost:5000/ Should work if you are running the app with the `` script, but it will not work with your browser because the host will be different. #### Running the tests Running the tests requires an Elastic search and a Mongo instance listening on the standard ports. Refer to the Travis file in case of doubts. [superdesk_server]: [core]: [frontend]: [eve]: [flask]: