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Bug fixes from Sebastien Recio.
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git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.1@1734 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
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michaelrsweet committed Nov 26, 2001
1 parent 8a18013 commit c93c134
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Showing 4 changed files with 199 additions and 143 deletions.
254 changes: 150 additions & 104 deletions src/Fl_Help_View.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// "$Id: Fl_Help_View.cxx,v 2001/11/25 16:38:11 easysw Exp $"
// "$Id: Fl_Help_View.cxx,v 2001/11/26 20:13:29 easysw Exp $"
// Fl_Help_View widget routines.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ extern "C"
// Local functions...

static int quote_char(const char *);
static void scrollbar_callback(Fl_Widget *s, void *);
static void hscrollbar_callback(Fl_Widget *s, void *);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -661,40 +662,13 @@ Fl_Help_View::draw()
ptr ++;

if (strncasecmp(ptr, "amp;", 4) == 0)
*s++ = '&';
ptr += 4;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "lt;", 3) == 0)
*s++ = '<';
ptr += 3;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "gt;", 3) == 0)
*s++ = '>';
ptr += 3;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "nbsp;", 5) == 0)
*s++ = ' ';
ptr += 5;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "copy;", 5) == 0)
*s++ = '\251';
ptr += 5;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "reg;", 4) == 0)
*s++ = '\256';
ptr += 4;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "quot;", 5) == 0)
*s++ = '\"';
ptr += 5;
int qch = quote_char(ptr);

if (qch < 0)
*s++ = '&';
else {
*s++ = qch;
ptr = strchr(ptr, ';') + 1;

if ((size + 2) > hh)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1318,40 +1292,13 @@ Fl_Help_View::format()
ptr ++;

if (strncasecmp(ptr, "amp;", 4) == 0)
*s++ = '&';
ptr += 4;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "lt;", 3) == 0)
*s++ = '<';
ptr += 3;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "gt;", 3) == 0)
*s++ = '>';
ptr += 3;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "nbsp;", 5) == 0)
*s++ = '\240';
ptr += 5;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "copy;", 5) == 0)
*s++ = '\251';
ptr += 5;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "reg;", 4) == 0)
*s++ = '\256';
ptr += 4;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "quot;", 5) == 0)
*s++ = '\"';
ptr += 5;
int qch = quote_char(ptr);

if (qch < 0)
*s++ = '&';
else {
*s++ = qch;
ptr = strchr(ptr, ';') + 1;

if ((size + 2) > hh)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1763,40 +1710,13 @@ Fl_Help_View::format_table(int *table_width, // O - Total table width
ptr ++;

if (strncasecmp(ptr, "amp;", 4) == 0)
*s++ = '&';
ptr += 4;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "lt;", 3) == 0)
*s++ = '<';
ptr += 3;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "gt;", 3) == 0)
*s++ = '>';
ptr += 3;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "nbsp;", 5) == 0)
*s++ = '\240';
ptr += 5;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "copy;", 5) == 0)
*s++ = '\251';
ptr += 5;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "reg;", 4) == 0)
*s++ = '\256';
ptr += 4;
else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "quot;", 5) == 0)
*s++ = '\"';
ptr += 5;
int qch = quote_char(ptr);

if (qch < 0)
*s++ = '&';
else {
*s++ = qch;
ptr = strchr(ptr, ';') + 1;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2474,6 +2394,132 @@ Fl_Help_View::compare_blocks(const void *a, // I - First block

// 'quote_char()' - Return the character code associated with a quoted char.

static int // O - Code or -1 on error
quote_char(const char *p) { // I - Quoted string
int i; // Looping var
static struct {
const char *name;
int namelen;
int code;
} *nameptr, // Pointer into name array
names[] = { // Quoting names
{ "Aacute;", 7, 193 },
{ "aacute;", 7, 225 },
{ "Acirc;", 6, 194 },
{ "acirc;", 6, 226 },
{ "acute;", 6, 180 },
{ "AElig;", 6, 198 },
{ "aelig;", 6, 230 },
{ "Agrave;", 7, 192 },
{ "agrave;", 7, 224 },
{ "amp;", 4, '&' },
{ "Aring;", 6, 197 },
{ "aring;", 6, 229 },
{ "Atilde;", 7, 195 },
{ "atilde;", 7, 227 },
{ "Auml;", 5, 196 },
{ "auml;", 5, 228 },
{ "brvbar;", 7, 166 },
{ "Ccedil;", 7, 199 },
{ "ccedil;", 7, 231 },
{ "cedil;", 6, 184 },
{ "cent;", 5, 162 },
{ "copy;", 5, 169 },
{ "curren;", 7, 164 },
{ "deg;", 4, 176 },
{ "divide;", 7, 247 },
{ "Eacute;", 7, 201 },
{ "eacute;", 7, 233 },
{ "Ecirc;", 6, 202 },
{ "ecirc;", 6, 234 },
{ "Egrave;", 7, 200 },
{ "egrave;", 7, 232 },
{ "ETH;", 4, 208 },
{ "eth;", 4, 240 },
{ "Euml;", 5, 203 },
{ "euml;", 5, 235 },
{ "frac12;", 7, 189 },
{ "frac14;", 7, 188 },
{ "frac34;", 7, 190 },
{ "gt;", 3, '>' },
{ "Iacute;", 7, 205 },
{ "iacute;", 7, 237 },
{ "Icirc;", 6, 206 },
{ "icirc;", 6, 238 },
{ "iexcl;", 6, 161 },
{ "Igrave;", 7, 204 },
{ "igrave;", 7, 236 },
{ "iquest;", 7, 191 },
{ "Iuml;", 5, 207 },
{ "iuml;", 5, 239 },
{ "laquo;", 6, 171 },
{ "lt;", 3, '<' },
{ "macr;", 5, 175 },
{ "micro;", 6, 181 },
{ "middot;", 7, 183 },
{ "nbsp;", 5, ' ' },
{ "not;", 4, 172 },
{ "Ntilde;", 7, 209 },
{ "ntilde;", 7, 241 },
{ "Oacute;", 7, 211 },
{ "oacute;", 7, 243 },
{ "Ocirc;", 6, 212 },
{ "ocirc;", 6, 244 },
{ "Ograve;", 7, 210 },
{ "ograve;", 7, 242 },
{ "ordf;", 5, 170 },
{ "ordm;", 5, 186 },
{ "Oslash;", 7, 216 },
{ "oslash;", 7, 248 },
{ "Otilde;", 7, 213 },
{ "otilde;", 7, 245 },
{ "Ouml;", 5, 214 },
{ "ouml;", 5, 246 },
{ "para;", 5, 182 },
{ "plusmn;", 7, 177 },
{ "pound;", 6, 163 },
{ "quot;", 5, '\"' },
{ "raquo;", 6, 187 },
{ "reg;", 4, 174 },
{ "sect;", 5, 167 },
{ "shy;", 4, 173 },
{ "sup1;", 5, 185 },
{ "sup2;", 5, 178 },
{ "sup3;", 5, 179 },
{ "szlig;", 6, 223 },
{ "THORN;", 6, 222 },
{ "thorn;", 6, 254 },
{ "times;", 6, 215 },
{ "Uacute;", 7, 218 },
{ "uacute;", 7, 250 },
{ "Ucirc;", 6, 219 },
{ "ucirc;", 6, 251 },
{ "Ugrave;", 7, 217 },
{ "ugrave;", 7, 249 },
{ "uml;", 4, 168 },
{ "Uuml;", 5, 220 },
{ "uuml;", 5, 252 },
{ "Yacute;", 7, 221 },
{ "yacute;", 7, 253 },
{ "yen;", 4, 165 },
{ "yuml;", 5, 255 }

if (isdigit(*p)) return atoi(p);

for (i = (int)(sizeof(names) / sizeof(names[0])), nameptr = names; i > 0; i --, nameptr ++)
if (strncmp(p, nameptr->name, nameptr->namelen) == 0)
return nameptr->code;

return -1;

// 'scrollbar_callback()' - A callback for the scrollbar.
Expand All @@ -2497,5 +2543,5 @@ hscrollbar_callback(Fl_Widget *s, void *)

// End of "$Id: Fl_Help_View.cxx,v 2001/11/25 16:38:11 easysw Exp $".
// End of "$Id: Fl_Help_View.cxx,v 2001/11/26 20:13:29 easysw Exp $".
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/fl_set_fonts.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// "$Id: fl_set_fonts.cxx,v 2001/01/22 15:13:41 easysw Exp $"
// "$Id: fl_set_fonts.cxx,v 2001/11/26 20:13:29 easysw Exp $"
// More font utilities for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,10 @@ static int use_registry(const char *p) {
// turn a stored (with *'s) X font name into a pretty name:
const char* Fl::get_font_name(Fl_Font fnum, int* ap) {
const char* p = fl_fonts[fnum].name;
if (!p) return "";
if (!p) {
if (ap) *ap = 0;
return "";
static char *buffer; if (!buffer) buffer = new char[128];
char *o = buffer;

Expand All @@ -118,7 +121,10 @@ const char* Fl::get_font_name(Fl_Font fnum, int* ap) {

// get the family:
const char *x = fl_font_word(p,2); if (*x) x++; if (*x=='*') x++;
if (!*x) return p;
if (!*x) {
if (ap) *ap = 0;
return p;
const char *e = fl_font_word(x,1);
strncpy(o,x,e-x); o += e-x;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,5 +335,5 @@ int Fl::get_font_sizes(Fl_Font fnum, int*& sizep) {

// End of "$Id: fl_set_fonts.cxx,v 2001/01/22 15:13:41 easysw Exp $".
// End of "$Id: fl_set_fonts.cxx,v 2001/11/26 20:13:29 easysw Exp $".
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/fl_set_fonts_win32.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// "$Id: fl_set_fonts_win32.cxx,v 2001/01/22 15:13:41 easysw Exp $"
// "$Id: fl_set_fonts_win32.cxx,v 2001/11/26 20:13:29 easysw Exp $"
// WIN32 font utilities for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// License along with this7 library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ const char* Fl::get_font_name(Fl_Font fnum, int* ap) {
case 'P': type = FL_BOLD | FL_ITALIC; break;
default: type = 0; break;
if (ap) *ap = type;
if (!type) return p+1;
static char *buffer; if (!buffer) buffer = new char[128];
strcpy(buffer, p+1);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,5 +91,5 @@ int Fl::get_font_sizes(Fl_Font fnum, int*& sizep) {

// End of "$Id: fl_set_fonts_win32.cxx,v 2001/01/22 15:13:41 easysw Exp $".
// End of "$Id: fl_set_fonts_win32.cxx,v 2001/11/26 20:13:29 easysw Exp $".

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