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Releases: fluid-project/infusion

Infusion 4.6.0

08 Dec 16:38
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 4.6.0!

This is a minor release which resolves the following three issues:


  • FLUID-6758 Selection reading continues from where page reading
  • FLUID-6757 Rendering and other methods for the selection reader
    are not invokers
  • FLUID-6756 regenerateCursor function defined in the global scope
    in both Fluid.js and FluidIoC.js

Infusion 4.5.0

21 Oct 10:54
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 4.5.0!

This is a minor release which resolves the following two issues:


  • FLUID-6749 Stop using iframe to render preferences editor
  • FLUID-6753 Framework error messages which attempt to dump the
    entire component are unreadable

Infusion 4.4.0

27 Sep 12:01
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 4.4.0!

This is a minor release which resolves the following issue:


  • FLUID-6750 Model-driven relocalisation does not take account
    of initial model values

Infusion 4.3.0

08 Aug 16:16
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 4.3.0!

This is a minor release which resolves the following three issues:


  • FLUID-6745 Improve TextNodeParser so that it can be configured
    with a free hash of selectors to ignore


  • FLUID-6744 Failure distributing to gradeNames for component
    which has undefined options


  • FLUID-6748 Remove the auto save of panel index in separated
    panel UIO

Infusion 4.2.0

05 Jul 12:56
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 4.2.0!

This is a bugfix release which resolves the following two issues:


  • FLUID-6741 Workflow failure when constructed lensed component
    from asynchronous resource
  • FLUID-6742 Race condition in IoC Testing Framework tests
    exposed by upgrade to Chrome 103

Infusion 4.1.0

12 May 15:31
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 4.1.0!

This is a bugfix release which resolves the following four issues:


  • FLUID-6727 Improve documentation (retrospectively) about changes
    in DataSource API in the 3.0.0 release
  • FLUID-6728 A sourcePath into the first element of an array fails
    to resolve in contexts where expandImmediate is used
  • FLUID-6729 References into local record such as {source} and
    {sourcePath} can't be resolved in interpolated relay segments
  • FLUID-6730 Removed some obsoleted utilities - fluid.accumulate,
    fluid.contains, fluid.add, fluid.stableSort

Infusion 3.0.1

12 May 11:53
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 3.0.1!

This is a minor patch release which updates release notes with compatibility information on DataSources which were ported into Infusion from Kettle in the Infusion 3.0.0 release.

The release notes include the following additional note to the Infusion 3.0.0 release. Source code and all builds will have identical contents to Infusion 3.0.0.

  • NOTE: The scheme for configuring writable dataSources is not compatible with that seen in some development
    releases of Infusion, e.g. 3.0.0-dev and 4.0.0-dev - see API Changes documentation
    for more details

Infusion 4.0.0

18 Mar 16:20
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 4.0!

Infusion 4.0 includes many changes to the core and preferences framework and may not be backwards compatible with previous versions of Infusion.

Please see:


  • FLUID-6698 Allow model relay from constant values
  • FLUID-6605 Allow contrast themes to be applied using custom properties only
  • FLUID-6580 "Integration constant lenses"
  • FLUID-6413 Model-driven resource localisation
  • FLUID-6390 "lensed components"
  • FLUID-6260 Enactors that modify the styling and presentation of content provide a class and/or CSS custom properties to hook into for custom styling
  • FLUID-6148 "Potentia II" holds aligned, transactional units of intent
  • FLUID-6147 Transactional units for component creation
  • FLUID-5790 cancellable promises
  • FLUID-4925 "wave of explosions"
  • FLUID-4483 Latched events acting as promises
  • A basic quality implementation of FLUID-4982 "asynchronous ginger world", sufficient to allow progress on new renderer for FLUID-4260, FLUID-6580
  • Browser-side implementation of fluid.dataSource.URL


  • FLUID-6695 Rationalise exception stripping code
  • FLUID-6420 Split start schema aux schema into separate schema grades. Consolidate component grades.
  • FLUID-6145 Make all component options immutable

For more details see: API Changes from 3.0 to 4.0


  • Core Framework
    • fluid.contains
    • fluid.stableSort
    • fluid.add
    • fluid.accumulate
  • Preferences Framework / UI Options
    • In Infusion 5.0, it's planned for the Preferences Framework and UI Options to undergo a re-write and redesign. The
      API, including Auxiliary Schemas, are likely to change or be removed. This is also the case for any components that
      are used by/within the Preferences Framework.
  • Components
    • UI widgets and other components included with Infusion will be evaluated for future releases. A number of these
      widgets are no longer required as native HTML options and other tools have filled in the gaps that they were meant
      to address.

For more details see: Deprecated in 4.0


  • FLUID-6710 Remove versioned globals and file guards from the


  • FLUID-6705 Increasing line spacing pushes the sliding panel tab
  • FLUID-6696 Table of Contents toggle initially has no effect if
    TOC container has display: none style
  • FLUID-6687 Adjusters/inputs are blue in iOS
  • FLUID-6482 fluid.getCallerInfo throws exception sometimes on
    Safari (atDepth exceeds stack.length)
  • FLUID-6438 Improved closure of ContextAwareness grades
  • FLUID-6418 Failure when referring to dynamic component location
    during afterDestroy
  • FLUID-6414 Allow dynamic grades to be contributed via expander
  • FLUID-6146 Mutual reference between createOnEvent components
  • FLUID-5912 {arguments} in members and models
  • FLUID-5614 "double deep trees"
  • FLUID-5519 Problematic timing of model init transaction

Infusion 3.0.0

25 Aug 18:51
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 3.0!

Infusion 3.0 includes many changes to the core and preferences framework and may not be backwards compatible with previous versions of Infusion. All bundled JS files are now minified, so you may need to update your imports if you were specifically requesting minified versions for previous releases.

Please see API Changes from 2.0 to 3.0 and Deprecations in 3.0 on the Infusion Documentation site.

Original Announcement
Release Notes

What's New in 3.0.0?

  • Build
    • Minified distributions:
      • infusion-all.js
      • infusion-all-no-jquery.js
      • infusion-framework.js
      • infusion-framework-no-jquery.js
      • infusion-uio.js
      • infusion-uio-no-jquery.js
  • Framework
    • Added model transformations for converting between:
      • Boolean values and Strings
        • fluid.transforms.booleanToString
        • fluid.transforms.stringToBoolean
      • Date/Time and Strings
        • fluid.transforms.dateToString
        • fluid.transforms.dateTimeToString
        • fluid.transforms.stringToDate
      • JSON Objects and Strings
        • fluid.transforms.objectToJSONString
        • fluid.transforms.JSONstringToObject
    • Updated model transformations:
      • Number to String transformation supports specifying decimal precision.
      • Round transformation can round to an integer or decimal value
    • fluid.stringTemplate updated to support nested objects for interpolating values
    • Added fluid.dataSource grade
    • Added fluid.remoteModelComponent for keeping remote and local models in sync.
  • Preference framework
    • Switched from Stylus to SASS for CSS pre-processing
    • Responsive design for small screens/mobile devices.
    • Updated look of on/off toggles and checkboxes
    • Added additional contrast themes based on Windows contrast themes.
    • Added the OpenDyslexic 3 font as an option to the Text Style panel
    • Added localized message bundles for Farsi, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.
    • New preferences:
      • Letter spacing
      • Syllabification preference
      • Text-to-speech preference using the Orator component
      • Word spacing preference
  • Orator
    • A self voicing widget with play/pause, text highlighting, selection reading.
      • NOTE: Currently there is a bug with Google supplied voice synthesizers that prevents text highlighting and
        long text being synthesized in Chrome. See FLUID-6635
  • Test Infrastructure
    • jqUnit.test supports async tests with promises


More information about deprecations can be found in the Deprecated in 3.0 docs.

  • Fast XML Pull
    • Will be removed in a future release.
  • Pager
    • fluid.pagedTable and fluid.table grades and related functionality will be removed in an upcoming release.
  • Renderer
    • The Renderer will be completely overhauled in an upcoming release. Expect API breakage, and that all of the existing
      Renderer implementation is deprecated. This includes potential API breakages for the Preferences Framework and
      Infusion components that use the Renderer.

Infusion 2.0.0

08 Dec 20:48
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The Fluid community is pleased to announce the release of Infusion 2.0!

Infusion 2.0 includes significant framework improvements and is not backwards compatible with previous versions of Infusion. Please see API Changes from 1.5 to 2.0 and Deprecations in 1.5 on the Infusion Documentation site.

Original Announcement
Release Notes

What's New in 2.0.0?

  • Constraint-based priorities, supported by listeners, modelListeners, modelRelay, distributeOptions, contextAwareness, and components. This allows the specific order of those items to be configured. (See: Priorities)
  • Context Awareness - and things it relies on:
    • Global Instantiator
      • Every Infusion component, regardless of how it is instantiated, ends up in a single-rooted tree of components
      • This enables use of modern IoC features such as model relay and declarative event binding
      • Enables use of the root distributeOptions context "/"
      • Enables the removal of "demands blocks"
      • Useful debugging tip: Watch fluid.globalInstantiator in your JS debugging tools to see the structure of your application and its tree.
  • fluid.notImplemented function for implementing abstract grades
  • Lazy loading for UI Options and instructions for how to use the Preferences Framework with a zero initial load time.
    • This should assist in improving performance when using the Preferences Framework, particularly for resource intensive sites and applications
  • Much faster invokers and boiled listeners (c. 60x faster)
  • Support for using Infusion with npm for both Node.js and web-based projects.
    • Provides a variety of prebuilt versions of Infusion in the module's dist directory.
  • Source Maps are generated for the concatenated JavaScript files
  • View oriented IoC debugging tools
    • Including FluidViewDebugging.js on the page of any Infusion application gives you access to the IoC View Inspector. Click on the small cogwheel icon at the bottom right of the page to open a panel which shows the details of the view components and their grades, that are attached to DOM nodes in the browser pane. This interface works similarly to the DOM Inspector familiar from modern web browsers, but is an experimental implementation with an engineer-level UI.

A lot of time and effort has gone into this release, and we'd like to thank everyone in the community for their contributions.