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A Draggable Widget Container


Each children is draggable, deletable, fixable.

截图 / Screenshots

模式 / Mode

  • 正常模式 / Normal Mode:

    • 不拦截子部件的手势事件
    • Do not intercept the GestureDetector events of the child widget
    • 不能拖动和删除子部件
    • Can't drag and delete the children widget
  • 编辑模式 / Edit mode:

    • 长按子部件进入编辑模式
    • Long press the children widget to enter the edit mode
    • 进入编辑模式后,不再需要长按来拖动子部件,直接拖动就可以了
    • In the edit mode, you can just drag the tile directly.
    • 在可删除子部件上显示删除按钮
    • Show the delete button on the deletable child widget
    • 拦截所有子部件的手势事件
    • Intercept the child widget gesture event.
    • 可以拖动和删除子部件
    • the children widget can drag and delete.
  • DraggableContainer的构造函数参数 / The DraggableContainer Constructor parameters

    • required List<T extends DraggableItem> items
    • required Widget? NullableItemBuilder<T extends DraggableItem>(BuildContext context, T? item) itemBuilder
      • 子项widget的构建器。
      • Item widget builder.
    • required SliverGirdDelegate gridDelegate
      • 布局依赖于gridDelegate。
      • The layout depends on the gridDelegate.
    • bool? shrinkWrap
      • 紧缩水平宽度大小,方便水平居中,默认为false。
      • Shrink the horizontal size, default is false.
    • Widget? NullableItemBuilder<T extends DraggableItem>(BuildContext context, T? item) deleteButtonBuilder
      • 子项删除按钮的构建器。
      • The delete button builder for the item.
    • Widget? NullableItemBuilder<T extends DraggableItem>(BuildContext context, T? item) slotBuilder
      • 槽位组件的构建器。
      • The slot widget builder.
    • BoxDecoration? draggingDecoration, default is a shadow style.
      • 当拖动子项时,包裹在子项外部的样式,默认为阴影效果。
      • When dragging the item widget, the style wrapped the item widget.
    • Duration? animationDuration, default 200ms.
      • 子项widget位移的动画时间。
      • The animation time of the child widget displacement.
    • bool? tapOutSideExitEditMode, default true.
      • 当点击了DraggableContainer外部后,退出编辑模式。
      • When tap outside of the draggable container, exit the edit mode.
    • onChanged(List<T extends DraggableItem> items)
      • 当子项目改变时触发(拖动过后,删除后)
      • Trigger when the items changed(dragged, deleted)
    • onEditModeChanged(bool mode)
      • mode为true则进入了编辑模式,为false则退出了编辑模式.
      • When mode is true then in the draggable mode. If false it mean exited the draggable mode.
    • Future<bool> beforeRemove(T? item, int slotIndex)
      • 删除item的确认事件,返回true删除,返回false不删除
      • The event for confirm to delete a item, if return true then delete, if false then no action.
    • Future<bool> beforeDrop({T? fromItem, int fromSlotIndex, T? toItem, int toSlotIndex})
      • 将一个item从A点移到B点后的确认事件,返回true为允许放下,返回false不允许放下,


      • The confirmation event after moving an item from point A to point B. Returns true to allow dropping, returns false to not allow dropping.

        will override the toItem.fixed property.

  • DraggableContainerState的方法 / The DraggableContainerState methods:

    • getter / setter bool editMode

      • 读取或设置编辑模式。
      • get or set the edit mode.
    • List<T extends DraggableItem> items

      • 项目列表。
      • Item list.
    • Future<void> addSlot(<T extends DraggableItem>? item)

      • 添加一个新的槽。
      • Add a new slot.
    • Future<T extends DraggableItem> removeSlot(int index)

      • 删除一个槽位,返回item。
      • Remove the slot of index and return the item.
    • removeItem(<T extends DraggableItem> item)

    • removeItemAt(int index)

      • 删除item。
      • Delete item.
    • replaceItem(int index, <T extends DraggableItem>? item)

      • 替换item。
      • Replace item.


A Draggable Widget Container







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